Cuban Rafters

7.1| 2h0m| en

The story of Cuban refugees who risked their lives in homemade rafts to reach the United States, and what life is like for those who succeed.


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LastingAware The greatest movie ever!
Titreenp SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
StunnaKrypto Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
lastliberal After the withdrawal of Russian support in 1994, things got harder in Cuba. Fidel allowed anyone who wanted to leave to go. Thousands built crude rafts and left. This Oscar nominated documentary tells the story of a few.The U.S. Coast Guard was ordered to take rescued Cubans to Guantanamo until a decision could be made regarding their disposition.The story of those who made a new life, with it's ups and downs, in the U.S., and the difficulties families faced due to the split, was fascinating.Some make it, some don't. Marriages are broken up and children are born. The reality of life here is brought home forcefully.Pro or anti doesn't matter. What matter is the tough times these people had trying to make it in a foreign country without education or language skills. Was their life really better?
bandw In 1994, the collapse of the Soviet Union had caused the withdrawal of Soviet financial aid and personnel support for Cuba. This precipitated a severe downturn in the Cuban economy resulting in even more sub-standard living conditions for many. In response to the general unease Castro announced that any Cuban who wanted to emigrate to the U.S. could feel free to do so. Tens of thousands took him up on this and left on rafts, boats, lashed-up inner tubes, and about anything that would float. Immigration being no less an issue in 1994 than it is now, the Clinton Administration responded by saying that the U.S Coast Guard would intercept the immigrants. Those who were intercepted were diverted to Guantánamo Bay where they were held for up to a year until the American government could figure out what to do with them. The mass exodus lasted some two weeks until the U.S. and Cuba reached an agreement that would allow 20,000 Cuban immigrants a year into the U.S.; many held at Guantánamo were ultimately given legal passage. Some in the initial frenzy made it to Florida on their own; many died at sea. In the comfort of their homes Americans followed the events in the news media and, for most people, it remained a remote story. However, "Balseros" brings the events home in a dramatic way by following seven Cubans over a period of seven years - from their preparations in Cuba to their journey and experiences in their new homeland. Anyone who watches this documentary will not soon forget this chapter in U.S.-Cuban history.In the first part we get to know our travelers while they are still in Cuba. I was astonished to see the crude crafts that were being constructed for the 90 mile trip across the Florida Straits - some no more than inner tubes roped together. The motivations prompting people to risk their lives on such an endeavor obviously had to be extreme; I wish we had been given a little more insight into what prompted these people to make such a life-threatening trip, to totally disrupt their lives by leaving friends, lovers, and country. And what did they think they would find if they were successful in reaching the U.S.?There is some incredible footage of people on rafts making the crossing - I have to assume this was actual footage. One of the most poignant parts of the film was the encounter on the way of empty rafts and isolated inner tubes floating on the rough waters - solemn testaments to the many who did not make it.The most engaging part of the documentary is in following the people after their arrival in the U.S. On their immediate arrival in Miami they were dispersed to cities all across the U.S., primarily under the auspices of Catholic charities. Some were more successful than others, but being strangers in a strange land made adapting to the new capitalist society surely fall short of whatever dreams they must have had. One quote that stuck with me was, "Freedom has a price." More than one person had qualms about having left. In missing his more gregarious society one immigrant complains about having to make an appointment two weeks in advance just to see his neighbors. Some of the aspects of the U.S. we see here will make many Americans uncomfortable. As this film proves, Americans can learn a lot about their country by contrasting their views and experiences with those of these newcomers from a different culture.In revisiting the immigrants after their having been in the U.S. for five years we see that some have stayed in contact with those they left behind and others have formed new relationships and left the past behind. The same goes for those who stayed on the island.As appropriate, the score serves up some great Latin music. The woman's performance played during the closing credits is a knockout."Balseros" reflects the complexity and unpredictability of human behavior, the motivating power of hopes and dreams, and the intricate relationships between politics and the individual.I think the film could have been improved with some initial voice-overs setting up the history and giving a brief introduction to each of the main characters as they appear. It was a little confusing at the beginning.What was in it for the people profiled in this film in exchange for their sharing, in a very public way, many intimate details of their lives?For a story treating many of the same themes, see "Before Night Falls," a film biography of Cuban writer Reinaldo Arenas who ultimately came to the U.S. in the Mariel Boatlift of 1980.
gruntlespam This is a great documentary.If it raises a question in your minds about Cuba vs the USA, just remember that in Cuba they have guards on the beach to stop people LEAVING, whilst in the USA the guards are there to stop people ARRIVING.Cuban 'Balseros' can return to Cuba anytime - and under the agreement with the USA they will not be prosecuted nor imprisoned.Life is hard in all countries - including the USA. I have traveled extensively in Cuba, and few Cubans have any illusions about life in America. 'Freedom' is not their main aim - rather it is an improvement to their economic lives. They want the OPPORTUNITY to better themselves and their children.
kentgetbent This documentary is a gripping look at seven Cuban's daring escapes from their home country, and depressing US destinations. The movie beautifully portrays Cuba in a negative but wistful light, a light that seems all the better when the battered Cubans begin their bland new lives as Americans. Family drama overshadows the greater drama of the desperate exits from Cuba, but in the end nothing has changed. The little these people had in Cuba is eventually pined over when they are left with nothing in the US. An amazing but depressing film, Balseros shows us that the grass is always greener on the other side; except in America, where there is no grass left.