At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Mischa Redfern
I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Frances Chung
Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Curse II: The Bite (1989) * 1/2 (out of 4) Clark (J. Eddie Peck) and his girlfriend Lisa (Jill Schoelen) are driving through the desert when he's bitten by what he thinks is just a normal snake. Unfortuantly for him, this was actually a radioactive snake and soon Clark's hand begins to form into a mutant snake.THE CURSE ended up being a surprise hit, or at least a decent money-maker so this sequel was produced. In reality, I'm going to guess that the original title of this was simply THE BITE but the "CURSE" part of the title was added on by producer Ovidio G. Assonitis to try and milk money off the first ones success. For the most part this is a pretty bland movie that is just way too boring to hold your attention, although there were a couple decent ideas scattered throughout.If you thought that the characters in THE CURSE were stupid then you haven't seen anything yet. The couple in this movie are beyond dumb in so many ways yet I've been told that without dumb characters you wouldn't be able to have a horror movie. It's okay when people do dumb things but these two here are something else. I mean, you're bitten by a snake and your condition continues to get worse yet you don't do anything about it? Did it ever dawn on either one to seek some additional help after the first medical treatment didn't work? Perhaps if the movie hadn't been boring me so much I wouldn't have bothered this but it came across quite annoying.The performances aren't the greatest by anyone Jamie Farr was entertaining as a sly con man who is chasing the couple around over fears that he's going to get sued. Fans of ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST will also enjoy seeing Sydney Lassick turn up in a couple scenes. The special effects show their lack of money and especially since you rarely get to see the snake forming out of the hand. There are a couple memorable death scenes but for the most part CURSE II: THE BITE is a complete misfire.
As I watched this one I came beware of some mistakes within the first moments. Driving a 100 mile highway were no-one drives is okay but by giving a shot of the highway you see a car driving behind them!! And at a gas station the man says, you have to fill it up here 'cause there's nothing in again 100 miles but at the background you can see cars passing by. So low budget indeed. The idea could be good but your hand changing into a puppet snake makes it already a trash movie. Only the end has his moments with some nice gore moments. But the first hour it's all bla bla. Cutting away when the snake get's in people mouths isn't what we call a nice horrorflick. be honest, the gore is low budget and only a few seconds so I can't understand why they are calling this really full of gore. Anyway, the actors are believable, see it once and forget it, watch the fly instead, that contains real gorescenes
After a young man is bitten on the hand by a radioactive snake, his hand changes into a lethal snake head, which attacks everyone he comes into contact with. Also, his body becomes filled with snakes. Now, he must prevent himself from hurting others. "Curse II" is not only poorly made, but is also boring as watching paint dry. There are some gruesome parts, and screaming mad George's special effects range from really bad to acceptable, but the script is awful, the acting is so-so, and the music is extremely annoying. Don't watch 'Curse 2: the bite". it's a typical excuse for a sequel. (By the way, what does this have to do with the original?) 2-2.5/10.
The movie is lousy, I won't pretend it isn't. But it will always rank in my Top 10 list of Most Erotic Movies Of All Time, because of one scene near the end of the film. Of course eroticism is subjective, but in my own humble opinion this film contains some of the most erotic footage ever committed to film. Fans of Showgirls (which I found about as erotic as corned beef) will probably not agree, but fans of Dario Argento's brand of erotic horror, or of JoBeth Williams towards the end of Poltergeist, should really check out The Bite (as it is known in England). Skip through the first hour or so if you wish - go on, I won't tell anyone - but that one scene will amply reward you.