
2000 "They just have to finish the movie… before it finishes them!"
4.4| 1h22m| R| en

A group of film students set out to finish filming a movie that was never completed after its director was murdered. After they begin filming, they realize they're in for a bit of trouble, not unlike the late director...


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SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Twilightfa Watch something else. There are very few redeeming qualities to this film.
videorama-759-859391 I had the opportunity to see this horror weeks before it's video release. Boy, I was in for a let down. It fails on everything. First, it feels so much like Scream, which stands a superior to this c..p. One good thing was seeing Kylie Minogue, as one of a make up crew of a film set, whatever, getting knocked off in the first ten minutes. She says to the killer, veiled behind another scary mask, very Jason Vorhees, and Michael Myers, "That's the best acting I've even seen you do", before she bloodily disposed of. The run down of story, involves a cursed slasher film, that was dropped, on account of some of the crew getting knocked off. Now in the present, some young budding film makers, want to resurrect it, so we know what's to ensue. The films waste some bloody good performances, disregarding the latter. The film has a lot of dark scenes, has sloppy story telling, and is not the clearest film to follow and American import, Molly Ringwald, playing a bitchy American actress, just overacts. Even how it ends is crap. The whole thing is messy. It's cinema poster, sporting some scissors and nice dashes of blood whatever really sells you down the wrong river. Terrible.
LoneWolfAndCub Cut tries to be like most post-Scream slashers tried to be, a spoof of the horror genre that tried to be clever by referencing other famous horror movies. Now, I am not bagging 'Scream,' as I think 'Scream' is a very good horror movie that does a great job of blending horror and comedy. Cut fails on most levels. It has its moments but overall it just does not work out, not even as a "so bad it's good" movie, just a below average one.The first five minutes or so are OK and set the story fairly well, apart from the fact that Kylie Minogue can't really act, and ironically she gets her tongue out, go figure. Go forward some time and a group of film students want to finish her film off, which is apparently cursed. And, as you have probably predicted, one by one the cast and crew are slowly picked off by a masked madman.Unoriginal plot, poor acting and a predictable ending are a few of the elements that follow. There is plenty of referencing in the film, everything from 'Scream' to 'The Texas Chain Saw Massacre.' This isn't smart either, it feels as though the director wanted to feel smart and cool by mentioning other famous horror flicks ala Scream. For a slasher there is minimal gore and no nudity, which is a huge negative when it comes to a slasher that has not got a whole lot going for it. Really, I should be supporting this movie because I'm Australian and we're not as good when it comes to horror (we do have our gems, though) but Cut is definitely not one of them.However, it did keep me watching for the 90 minutes or so, so that is something good at least. I would not recommend this to anyone apart from hardcore slasher fans, who may be able to appreciate what this film is trying to aim for, but if you are looking for a good movie, stay away.2/5
magicinthenight Title: CutStarring: Molly Ringwald, Jessica Napier, and Sarah Kants.Rating **1/2 out of *****Review: Definitely not a jumper. There was one scene with Ruffy where I jumped but besides that nothing. I must say that the plot is quite interesting and cool. The idea of returning to make a faded horror movie is a good one. The deaths were okay but you can tell it was just ketchup and water being splattered on windows!! Molly Ringwald gave a great performance too. Good story, okay deaths, and Molly Ringwald. A good premise slasher flick that had potential, but was ruined by HORRIBLE acting. Sarah Kants, Jessica Napier, Kylie Monlouge, all of them sucked!!!!!!!!!!1 I've personally seen much better--not the worst nor ever gonna be the best!!!!!!!!! On 1-10, it gets about a 5 or 6.
cadeland2002 Hmmm, what can one say about the Aussie slasher flick "Cut" ?Being a total horror nut since I was a teenager, I remember being so excited in the months leading up to the release of this film late in the year 2000, I could hardly stand the wait! I had a four page article about the film from Empire magazine, and a visual teaser, a photo of ex Echo Point (defunct Aussie Soapie) star Jessica Napier bruised and bloodied, locked in battle with Scarman (Frank Roberts) surrounded by flames. It looked absolutely magical! Australia were making their very own "Scream". I was SO excited!I saw it the very day it came out, and left in such a weird state of mind. I WANTED so much to like it, really I did, but the truth is, the film is SO BAD! So badly written, so badly acted and just an absolute MESS in parts. (I'm going to overlook some of the corny dialogue, I'm not sure if it was the dialogue, or the bad actors delivering it!!)The acting by pretty much 75% of the cast is laughable, however the two leads, Molly Ringwald and Jessica Napier are convincing, Jessica Napier in particular showing considerable talent in her acting ability. Warning though, the two police officers at the end could well be the WORST actors EVER to get a gig in a film. Then there is Sarah Kants who plays Hester. Terrible actress, TERRIBLE TERRIBLE actress! And when her character suddenly out of the blue decides she's a lesbian and wants to snog Raffy (what the hell was that about??) you just want her to get splattered. But then the most bizaar thing happens in her death scene. She suddenly turns in an Oscar winning performance! She runs, she hides, she cries, she whimpers, she falls, she gets up, she runs again, she even attacks the villain with a pair of hedge shears shreiking a venemous "Get away from me!!!". Sadly just as Sarah Kants is stealing the whole movie and you are too enthralled in her performance to remember how terrible she'd been for the 45 minutes prior, she gets her head squashed in some kind of lathe type machine and carks it (not before letting out one final breath taking shriek which any slasher flick actress would be proud to call her own!). I say put this girl in more horror films!! But keep her silent until her death scene and then just sit back and watch the magic! Truly one of the best performances I've seen from a slasher victim in the last 10 years or so!There are two other highlights, the cameo by singer Kylie Minogue at the start is interesting, she looks so tiny, which she attempts to counteract by pouting and doing the 'Bossy domineering director' role before ticking off the murderer with her attitude and having her tongue cut out. The finale' is quite decent one part, the shot where Scarface melts and turns into this horrid moaning creature laying on top of Jessica Napier trying to drive a knife into her chest before dissolving into a stream of what can only be described as 'goo' is quite cool and freaky. However Scarface is really not that scary once you hear him talk, he's kind of a Freddy Kruger wanna be, without the wit.The film is good for a laugh at times, but that's a laugh at how terrible some of it is, like when Scarman decides to try and hack off Molly Ringwald during a scene they're filming in the 'film within a film' ("Hot Blooded") and they realise it's not an actor, it's the killer! (Eeeeek!) They all kind of jog outside in this bored way which is quite amusing, it looks like a practise run which got filmed and somehow ended up in the film. And of course Molly Ringwald holding a serving tray (for use as a shield) and a knife saying "Let's kill the bastard" is just laughable in it's delivery. Not to mention Raffy's professor who gets speared through the neck and 15 minutes later reappears to do the "I'm not really dead!" entrance, THEN decides he might pull the spear out of his neck, why didn't he do that 15 minutes prior???Anyways, in truth the dialogue is terrible, even thinking about it now I'm cringing, but if you're the kind who has the patience to sit through even the worst of horror films and you've run out of slasher flicks to see, give "Cut" a go just to see Kylie Minogue, Sarah Kants death scene, and of course Scarman melting all over the blonde heroine at the end. Aside from that do not expect anything even remotely original, scary or worth remembering about this tragic failure of a film (what went wrong? We did "Razorback" in the 80's and ended up with "Cut" in the year 2000!!) But then again, it WAS directed by an ex member of Aussie garage band the Hoodoo Gurus!!As you can see I still can't make my mind up about this film, I so want to like it, and some parts I do, but also part of me wants it banished from video stores across the world for the shame of seeing what happens when you let ex one hit wonder band members behind a movie camera! It's sad to see from the special effects at the end that they did indeed have a bit of a budget (by Australian standards) and how the film could have been quite ok with a few changes, ok wait ALOT of changes! If only we could turn back time, fire most of the cast, rewrite most of it, and re-film it. So yes, we tried to make an Aussie Slasher Flick and we failed. But we'll be back! We will match the brilliance of "Picnic At Hanging Rock" you'll see!