Kattiera Nana
I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
In other words,this film is a surreal ride.
Adeel Hail
Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
The most surprising thing about this amateur effort re-telling the true story of the Washington, D.C. shootings that were perpetrated by a guy shooting out of the tail light of his adapted car is that it was directed by Polish director Ulli Lommel, the guy who brought us THE TENDERNESS OF THE WOLVES and THE BOGEY MAN all those years ago. I had no idea that he was still working (or even still alive) and reduced to making straight-to-DVD junk these days.The ONLY - and I mean ONLY - good thing about this film is Ken Foree, one-time star of DAWN OF THE DEAD. Foree plays the main villain of the piece and around half the running time is made up of him ranting to the camera about various facets and flaws of modern society. Sadly, the script is atrocious so a lot of what he's coming out with is absolute nonsense, but Foree is still good value and the only reason I bothered watching this rubbish to the end.Sadly, everything around him is terrible: the supporting cast of non-actors are wooden beyond belief (including the director himself in an unwise acting role) and the direction is amateur. The various kill scenes, although gory, are robbed of any suspense or shock value thanks to the poor way in which they're conceived and shot. D.C. SNIPER isn't the worst film I've ever seen, but it's certainly very close to the bottom of the scale.
Seeing that three consecutive reviewers gave this atrocity of a movie ten stars simply adds to the insult. I really don't know who is worse.....Uli Lommel for making it or whoever bought it for distribution. The true story of the snipers was compelling enough for the movie to have stayed true to the facts. If Lommel had wanted to make things up, he could have had a screenwriter build it from scratch. Instead he went on the cheap and exploited what was a horrible tragedy and sold it as a true account. Virginia plates on the car. No. New Jersey. A removable tail light through which Malvo shot the victims. Hardly. The snipers drove around with a visible hole cut from the trunk. Lommel never even shot any scenes outside California. And then there were the keystone cop detectives walking around the monuments (where none of the shootings occurred) watching tourists with binoculars as if that ever happened... All the while spouting patriotic drivel. This story and its victims deserved an honest movie. Lommel and the three reviewers who raved about this mess of a movie should be ashamed of themselves.
This movie was pig feces sitting in a boiling hot room. I never knew you could create an account on IMDb to review movies but I'm so glad that I opened an account just to write about THIS movie, if I was the director of this "film" I'd be wishing I was a statistic of the actual events. Michael J Fox would have had steadier camera work and at least boosted the poor acting qualities of a Samuel L. Jackson wannabe. The worst part is the lowest I can rate this movie is with a 1 out of 10. I will be forwarding my billing details to Ken Foree for a refund, sadly I may never get back those 20 minutes (the most I could watch) of my life. Thank you for your time.
D.C. Sniper (2010) ** (out of 4) If the title of the movie you're watching in some way, shape or form mentions a recent serial killer then more than likely you're viewing an Ulli Lommel flick. This time out he takes on the sniper shootings that terrorized the D.C. area and we have horror legend Ken Foree (DAWN OF THE DEAD) playing the man guy behind the killings. If you're looking for a history lesson of the actual events then it's best to look somewhere else because this film is just like all the others in this non-stop cycle of "real event" films coming from Lommel. Apparently they're doing well on DVD so I guess we shouldn't expect any of them to stop anytime soon. This film, co-written by Lommel and Foree, is actually a step up from many of the previous films for a couple reasons. The first is that it appears Lommel was actually trying to make a movie instead of just swinging the camera around for no apparent reason. The film is still shot on a digital camera but it looks a lot more professional than earlier films. Another major plus is that the editing is also pretty good and the sniper killings contain some mild tension. Another reason this film works is because of the performance by Foree. It's not Oscar-worthy material but he fits the role nicely and you can certainly tell he's giving it his all. The rest of the supporting players (including Lommel) aren't that strong but none of them are too horrible. It should also be noted that this isn't a horror movie as it actually tries to come off as a political thriller. The sniper shootings contain quite a bit of blood so that might please those coming to this for violence. We get a couple supporting characters, undercover FBI guys, and their side stories really aren't that interesting. Another negative thing is that we get a lot of dialogue, which I'm sure those familiar with the recent work of Lommel will expect. This film certainly isn't going to make Lommel any new fans but those, like myself, who continue to watch everything he releases will probably agree that this here is a step up. It's certainly not perfect and not even close to being good but we at least get to see Foree in a big role.