Da zero a dieci

6| 1h39m| en

Twenty years after tragedy cut their graduation trip short, four friends return to that destination to finish what they started in 1980. However, as they find out, you can't repeat the past.


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Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
piramo_tisbe A really great movie from the great director and musician Luciano Ligabue!!! The story of the four guys could really happen, I think it can happen in a few years to anyone of us. Great performance of Stefano Pesce, who plays "Giovane": he really made us believe that music can be the guide of your life. Incredible BSO, including from "the Who" to "Ligabue" himself. Specially great is the main song "Questa è la mia vita", and the actor's performance of "Libera uscita". The dance scene is really good: it resumes all the plot of the film, with some key words that might help you to understand the film itself. Every time I see this film I get shivers!!! Really great!!!
fucini A delicate snapshot about the 'fourties' edge horror. The plot is simple , tender and rather poor, although based on a nice idea: let's evaluate our life... before it's too late. With a bunch of sensitive actors, among which shines the lovely Fabrizia Sacchi.
LennyLendon Ligabue's new movie is very disappointing. furthermore, it undirectly reveals the weak points of the previous one, "Radio Freccia". There, he was supported by his sincere love for music, that here is on the background. The script is non-existent, and dialogues are silly to say the least. the whole movie is pervaded by an atmosphere of rethorics and insincerity. Ligabue is a good musician, that is undisputable. I hope that he will make music and cease up with movie definitely. it is a pity, indeed, for Italian movie producers to give a chance to a director only because he or she is well known to the audience, whereas some very skilled directors always remain in the background. That way, Italian movie scene will never advance.
sassi2 I went to see this film about a week ago and I must say that although I appreciate Ligabue as a musician, this film has become even more shallow and, I hate to say, insignificant than his last, radio freccia. In fact, it's the music that makes the film worthwhile to watch, beginning with the who's baba o'riley, the initial sequence grips you with the idea of giving votes from 0 to 10 to every event in your life, but unfortunately it drifts off in to the dreary problems of thirty-somethings shortly after that. the low point is the musical scene in the middle, that is supposed to mark the climax of the film but is just plain superfluous and an ache to watch.