Dancin' It's On!

2015 "Dancin' like you've never seen before!"
2.4| 1h29m| PG| en

Two dancers fall in love at a Florida hotel before competing in a dance competition.


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Also starring Chehon Wespi-Tschopp


Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Wyatt There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Delight Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.
Java_Joe There is something to be said about non-actors acting. And that's they should never under any circumstances be actors. The acting in this movie as atrocious. And when it's not atrocious, the AVR is. Seriously it's like half the lines in this movie are recorded after the fact and just spliced into the movie like that. This is not acceptable. This is why boom mikes were invented. The story itself is pretty unoriginal. Pretty & rich girl who dances has to go live with her father in Panama City for the summer. There, people break into dance all the time and the hotel seems to be a portal into a world where people act out scenes from movies, quote Shakespeare, walk around on stilts and dance. All the time.There she meets the handsome dishwasher who also dances. At least that's where he normally works because we see him having to clean up rooms as well. Don't ask, it makes no sense but it allows them to introduce this old man who plays a part in the movie later.There's trouble brewing because one of the managers at the hotel also has his eye on the girl and it turns into a thing between him and the dishwasher guy. This manager also dances I might add. I think everybody in Panama City does or is implied to in this movie.We're introduced to a fourth member who is also a dancer and the dance partner of dishwasher boy. There's supposed to be some kind of chemistry there but I can't see any.Typical plot is as follows. Daddy wants his daughter to date the manager guy but she's rather date the dishwasher guy. His dance partner also wants to date the dishwasher guy so we have both guys wanting the rich girl. And both girls wanting the dishwasher guy. Lots of dancing follows, third act breakup, they get back together and practice for the big dance contest. The old man turns out to be an old dance instructor and helps with their choreography. Of course, what else is there? Rich girl and dishwasher guy wind up together. And the manager and the other girl do as well, or maybe they're just dance partners. I'll admit by this point I wasn't paying much attention.But as I said. At least the dancing is good. The rest of the movie is just wretched. So unless you just want to see some dancing, don't bother with this one.
Lainee Joy This is a very...interesting movie, to say the least. The only reason I made it to the end was because I liked the storyline and the dancing. Other than that this wasn't a very good movie.The acting seemed very forced and robotic. It was like the actors were afraid to act. A lot of them seemed really stiff, as if they weren't aloud to move anything but their mouth. The way they said their lines was so unrealistic. They were just reciting the words from their script. They weren't engaging with their characters.The camera work in this movie was extremely amateurish and choppy. This contributed to a movie that didn't flow well. There was also issues with shallow depths of field (only a small area in focus) and shots that were too sharp. The whole thing reminded me of a soap opera, with everything being very sharp and clean.I think the music in this movie was exceptional. Every time there was music it fit the mood very well. A lot of upbeat music that had a real coastal vibe.One scene that comes off as very stupid is when Ken is dancing around because he's mad at Jennifer. I think this scene displayed his inner feelings. I see it as more of a metaphor than a literal anger driven dance through a hotel's property. That's my opinion. Actually, I think the whole movie portrays the idea of "dancing what you feel"
tiffleah I was so excited to watch this movie because Witney Carson is one of my favorite dance pros. I was curious to see how this movie would be because I wasn't sure that she had any acting chops. Well, I can't blame this movie on her. She has some serious dance talent, but the script was so poorly written in my opinion, that no one even had a chance. The dance scenes were your typical run of the mill dance movie scenes, and the dialogue was almost uncomfortable to watch. The story didn't flow very well either. It was so choppy. Hard to follow. At one time the father is trying to keep his daughter away from the dishwasher by getting her to date the head bell boy, and they within a few minutes he accepts it like nothing was ever said between them. Very strange story and hard to follow. The two positive things I can say though were that the dance scenes were colorful and cheerful, and even though Witney didn't need any exposure because she is so popular already due to DWTS, it gets the casts names out there for other potential roles.
RogerFischer A must see movie. The storyline is perfect with a beautiful love story. A movie for everyone.Great production,great dancers,great director and producer. The sound in the theater was great. David Winters is an Icon in the entertainment industry. I have seen the movie more than five times and see more messages in the story every time I watch it. There is many messages in the movie to a meaning of life for family and friends. I give this movie two thumbs up!!!! The music was great. The choreography was perfect. Location was beautiful. To see David dance after so many years was just awesome. A sequel? Lets cross our fingers! Can't wait to see what David Winters has up for next production.