How wonderful it is to see this fine actress carry a film and carry it so beautifully.
Go in cold, and you're likely to emerge with your blood boiling. This has to be seen to be believed.
Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
I love these Indonesian beauts. During a time when film-making was somewhat at it's peak. These Indo's found it in their little itty bitty hearts to make films for the masses. What they had to do to sell their product was to give the North American viewing audience all the trash and sleaze they could. A perfect example would be this movie in my hands.A fatal car accident happens when some jewel thieves run into the law. Their car flips and smashes down hard. Body parts literally fly all over and here, a little decapitated finger crawls on the ground at mach 1 speed and finds the burial ground of which a Dangerous seductress was once dug in. Close by, blond bombshell Suzy (Tonya Offer) flies in from L.A. to South Asia for a little vacation but little does she know that a present her sister received at her birthday contains demonic passages and resurrection spells. She frivolously opens the book and begins a few chants. Little does her sister know what is going on since she is at a photo shoot for bikini clad hotties. As soon as she is finished up with her voodoo talk, the dangerous one rises and finds Suzy as her body to desecrate and fornicate for blood. Suzy walks the streets for blood from oblivious men around the city clubs. I would be putty in her hands also if she picked me up but the men, being idiots that we are fall into her trap and get their life's blood sucked out in the bucketfuls. The sister returns and soon she is brought into this tangled web Suzy wove. A climax of epic proportions ensues and what happens? I guess you'll have to find out yourself. This movie is for the serious good times of sexy babes, gore and cheese CGI effects. I would totally recommend these types of films for those who need a illogical boot to the head. Made in 92 (seems like they were a little behind in times for 92), this exploitation fest leans sorely towards those who need to get away from those serious scare fests and get back into what makes cinema fun in the first place. Prime example folks.
A carload of criminals are having a violent car chase when they get into an accident causing one of them to lose his arm, the finger from said arm, now by it's lonesome crawls over to a compact mirror to resurrect some demon in the form of a naked hot girl with glowing nipples who decapitates a dog who wants he bony legs. Then at another place John meets his wife Susan, gives her a shiny diamond and then rapes her punching her in the face repeatedly. Susan gets to her sister across the world. Her sister, Linda, gets an occult book as a gift, wish Susan reads from obviously and then the naked evil glowing nippled queen possesses her, as naked evil glowing nippled queens are prone to doing. This causes her to become a man-killing slut, which she would probably end up doing regardless. With a fun beginning, you'd think you would be in for something special, but the middle with it's long drawn out dance numbers and stretches where nothing happens at all it WILL stretches you patience. Also, for a movie with a naked hot evil queen AND a 'dangerous seductress', this film is one big cock tease with no real nudity at all.My Grade: D Mondo Macabro DVD Extras: 14 and a half minute dubbed interview with Director H. Tjut Djalil; 12 minute interview with special effects guru Steve Prouty; commentary by Steve on one scene; written article; Director filmography;and a VERY gory nudity filled combination trailer including "Alucarda", "the diabolical Dr. Z", "Aswang", "the Living Corpse", "Blood of the Virgins", "Seven women for Satan", "Lady Terminator", "Crazy love", "Mill of the stone women", "Dangerous Seductress", "Girl Slaves of Morgana Le Fay"
I haven't seen many Indonesian horror movies, but I'd like to. Mondo Macabro has put out three on DVD: Mystics in Bali, Lady Terminator, and this one. With the real-life tsunami in the news, I couldn't help but wonder if the locations in this movie and the actors in it are OK.Dangerous Seductress starts right off with action: thieves are racing away from cops. The driver keeps punching his passengers. They fire automatic weapons at the cops. They wind up in an accident near a cemetery, and one of them gets a finger cut off. The finger gets itself towards what looks like a compact mirror, which conjures up a dead witch or something like that. The finger's movement is pretty funny. It looks sort of like it is hopping forward on the fingertip, except the fingertip is never in touch with the ground - the finger is sort of floating. The special effects guy, in two separate extras on the DVD, stated that the way the finger moves is not what he had in mind, but that the Indonesians were in charge of it. I'm not sure if he had in mind for the finger to hop on the tip actually touching the ground, or to perhaps crawl like an inchworm. But the way it moves is pretty weird and memorable.Meanwhile, a model is given an ancient book of Indonesian magic. I thought that was a strange gift to give a model! Her sister is getting raped and punched in the head by an abusive husband or boyfriend. She flees to join her model sister in Indonesia. Her sister must go to Bali for a photo shoot, and she is left at home with the book. Foolishly, she reads from it, which conjures the witch. She then starts seducing and killing men, occasionally consulting with the witch through a mirror.I did enjoy this movie, but one aspect in particular was very hard to take. Pretty frequently, a song would come on and some sort of repetitious activity would sustain itself for the duration, like a music video. A photo shoot, or a 1980s-style montage of trying on one set of clothing after another, etc. There was a lot of this, and I wouldn't be surprised if it actually accounted for half the running time. I might have been able to handle this better if the characters actually started singing, but since this wasn't a musical, I wish they'd simply cut the scenes. Who were they meant to appeal to?I liked Mystics in Bali a lot more, and Lady Terminator was better too, but this was still entertaining.