Dangerous Worry Dolls

4| 1h15m| en

While serving time in a brutal women's detention center. Eva wishes away her troubles to a set of tiny Worry Dolls. The dolls crawl in her ear at night and soon Eva becomes possessed.


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Full Moon Features


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Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
jacobjohntaylor1 This is a pretty scary movie. It has great story line. It also has great acting. It also has great special effects. I do not know why it got a 4.3 that is just underrating it. I give this movie a 6 out of 10. This is scarier then The silence of the lambs could ever be. This is scarier then the 2010 remake of A nightmare on elm street could ever be. This is scarier then the 2009 reboot of Friday the 13th could ever be. This is scarier the Halloween resurrection could ever be. This a very good revenge story. If you like horror stories you should see this movie. This is one of the scariest movie I have seen. If it does not scary you no movie will.
gavin6942 After a troubled youth, a woman enters a woman's prison and is soon to be paroled and reunited with her daughter. But a gift from her daughter, some worry dolls, have decided to solve her problems for her with extreme violence. Early parole? Probably not.As far as films from Charles Band go, this one is actually good. Like, really, truly good. Except for one thing... the dangerous worry dolls. That's right, we have a really tight script thanks to Full Moon regular August White, solid directing and respectable acting... with a dark and interesting plot about prison and the evils therein. The dolls weren't even necessary. The cheesy graphics take away from it.There's a subplot involving rape and a camera... which is quite a sinister idea. I have to give the writer credit, as this was a plausible idea and one I do not think I've encountered before. It was just, well, evil. Something you don't often encounter in horror anymore, and certainly not from Full Moon, who have devoted their time to more humor than anything. So, while this one falls short, it doesn't fall as hard as some have.
Paul Andrews Dangerous Worry Dolls is set in Meredith State Detention Center for women, a minimum security prison basically. While visitng her mother Eva (Jessica Morris) a young girl named Meg (Rebekah Crane) gives her four small worry dolls that, according to legend, if placed under your pillow at night they will make all your worries disappear by the morning & boy does Eva need them since she gets beaten up & intimidated by fellow inmate Kim (Meredith McClain) & her gang, the sadistic guard Carl (Anthony Dilio) who likes the rape the women & make porn videos of it for the internet & the warden Ms. Ivar (Deb Snyder) who takes a real dislike to Eva & is determined to make life as hard for her inside as possible. All Eva wants to do is serve her time & leave but she isn't allowed to & with the help of the living worry dolls decides to fight back & sort out her problems once & for all...Directed by Charles Band for his Full Moon Entertainment production company this is yet another cheap killer toy film that if I was being cynical would say was designed & made to kick-start a franchise & sell some merchandise as much as entertain. So joining the likes of the Puppet Master series, Dollman (1991), Demonic Toys (1992) & Doll Graveyard (2005) are the Dangerous Worry Dolls & what a limp bunch they are too, they aren't any bigger than your finger & to save on special effects they burrow inside Eva through her ear & then control her. To be honest the film plays more like a Women In Prison flick as much as a killer toy horror with all the clichés here of sadistic guards who rape the inmates, an uncaring warden, an obligatory shower scene, cat-fights between rivals & one 'straight' woman who just wants to be left alone but keeps getting picked on by the other inmates & has to toughen up to survive only here in Dangerous Worry Dolls it's all very lethargic, poorly written, paced & made so cheaply it has no real impact on a pure exploitative level. I have probably made Dangerous Worry Dolls sound better than it is, I mean there's no explanation about the dolls themselves or what they are or what is happening to Eva & the plot is pretty predictable.There is one funny moment when the prison guard puts on a strap-on cock in order to rape Eva (this isn't shown) & later on it's revealed that the guard is half man half woman in one of the most unexpected & frankly bizarre twists ever & Eva then puts the strap-on on herself & returns the favor. There's not much gore here, there are some bruises, a bit of blood & one scene in which someone has her fingers cut off in a waste disposal chute. There isn't much nudity for a Women In Prison flick either with just one solitary shower scene & even then only one naked woman is seen. This was retitled to Dangerous Chucky Dolls here in the UK obviously to cash-in on the Child's Play series.Filmed on what was obviously a very low budget in Linda Vista Hospital in Los Angeles the production values are rock bottom & the hospital location does not make a convincing prison at all, it looks & feels more like a school dormitory. The acting by no-one I have ever heard of isn't very good.Dangerous Worry Dolls is half killer toy flick & half Women In Prison exploitation & quite frankly all crap. Quite how this turned out so bad is anyone's guess but it did.
Jangobadass Every since Full Moon Pictures left Paramount Studios in the late nineties, they haven't been near as good as they used to be. I don't know what will become of the studio in years to come, but this movie is the last straw for me and I'm going to give up on them.Hell, even the title is inaccurate: only one Worry Doll does anything, and even then we barely see it. A more appropriate title would've been "Woman possessed by Dangerous Worry Doll".There's nothing special here: a not-too-bad girl in a women's correctional facility? Check. A group of bitches who control everything and are despicable? Check. A warden who lets her personal dislike of our heroine cloud her judgment and lets the really bad girls get away with doing bad things? Check. A guard who's mean and sadistic and one who's nice, a little girl who's more plot device than a character and inmates who there just to make it looks like a real prison? Check, check, check! If it weren't for the doll and its effect on Eva, this would be your standard woman in prison movie that was played out years ago.The one bright spot is that after she'd possessed, Eva becomes more upbeat and fun to watch. And her tormentors are so unlikable that you'll want to help her kill them. The problem is, we don't get to see the actual deaths, which are simply implied. And I never I'd thought see the day Full Moon wouldn't show a violent death.Still, this a step backwards for Full Moon for reclaiming their former glory. And it's far, far too late to go back.

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