Daniel, the Wizard

2004 "Loved by millions, hated by many"
1.2| 1h21m| en

Evil teenager assassins Rike & Tom want to kill and film the execution of the rock star Daniel Küblböck [or Lana Kaiser to be correct], who is spiritually supported by his dead grandfather Johnny, with the support of the mysterious Baltazar! Will our well-intentioned wizard succeed to survive this Christmas related mess and learn to forgive the others while beign kidnapped and almost executed, even if that means stickin' his finger in cakes, rollin' in tha snow like a cat or having psychedelic music dreams? (and singin' some bangers in the meanwhile!)


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Also starring Daniel Küblböck


Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
mraculeated The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Yash Wade Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
ghartwick-15358 I have to write this to balance out the 10s. I just saw the movie in the original German. That eliminates the possibility of bad dubbing or a poor English edit. As a "movie" it definitely ranks as one of the worst ever made. It has the pretension of trying to be an art house film but fails miserably. I think to people giving it a 10 (meaning one of the greatest movies ever made!) are voting for the singer not the movie. His preen German fans are voting not as serious movie goers. I can't evaluate his singing talents (not my area of expertise ) but this voting should be confined to only the movie. This is definitely not worth seeing unless you are like me and trying to see all of the worst movies available (a touch of masochism ).
xanderlavelle Well, what can I say? A friend of mine an me we are a huge fan of trash movies and we have really fun of watching these kind of movies. So of course we also came across this item. We were really looking forward to this because we assumed a lot of funny passages but even with our expectations set as low as they could get while watching this movie it got down under... This 80 minutes movie is pure terror. You cannot even have a laugh about it and you first realize how terrible this movie really is after you have finished it. It is leaves you with the feeling after watching a deep blue drama just without the empathy and tears. Well, I really warn you about watching this piece of junk. The camera is the worst kind of recording I ever came across, Daniel Küblböck sings the worst songs I have ever heard (and it is not hard to guess, that he wrote the songs himself)- low light "Teenage tears" - and the script is so lacking of any talent that you really hate everybody who has something to do with this movie.I may say that I give everybody a chance, but after this movie Daniel deserves the hatred he gets. He is causing it himself. None of the characters is a tiny bit sympathetic and every minute passing by seems like forever. And nobody has any talent to act. It is also the longest movie I have ever seen.Another thing is that this movie is called Daniel - Der Zauberer (German for magician). Well, there is just now and then a reference to a magician but he never is one. Would it be an intelligent movie, i would guess Daniel would be an imaginary magician and his music is sort of the magic, but due to the fact that this movie is not a slightly bit of intelligent it just cannot be.This movie is a slap into the face of the movie industry. How could anybody allow this to happen in the first place?! DON'T WATCH THIS MOVIE! I would categorize it as horror or psycho terror. There is no Comedy, Fantasy or Crime in it - well crime is only the fact it has been produced.... I'm done...
svkleber I can't understand why this movie has such a bad rating. I have just watched it and I liked it very much. Acting, camera and sound is just beautiful. The use of horrible camera positions and incredible, awesome and wonderful performances of Küblböck itself are godlike. The acting of the wonderful Daniel Küblböck reminds me sometimes to the, maybe not that good, acting of Robert de Niro as Travis Bickel in Taxi Driver (In my opinion 8/10, Daniel 10/10). All I can say is that from this day, until the ending of the world, Daniel is my personal wizard, in fact he's my role model! To sum up the movie I can only say: No words can describe this wonderful piece of art. Watch it, enjoy it, watch it again.
ChristophAndre In few words: This movie simply sucks. To be frank it's probably the worst movie I've ever seen.There are huge problems with the concept of the story. Some might argue about the (non existing) abilities of Daniel Kübelbock as an actor. However you could imagine a story with Daniel Kübelbock playing himself in a self ironic way and some kind of trash factor supporting the rest of the story. Now Daniel Kübelblock is actually playing himself and the whole story is trash (if you would look at it from that point of view, actually more points could be given), however the film -I actually searched on several pages on the Internet to confirm this, cause I didn't believe it after I first watched the movie- wants to give its viewers a serious message and is determined to be considered as art. I would call this movie "Entartete Kunst" if the Nazis hadn't already used this term for their evil purposes. Still doing it in spite of this is quite tempting.Most of the other actors are better than Kübelbock, still they are far below average to say it in a friendly way. Quite amusing are the sociolects (in particular indicating uneducated and unemployed people) and jargons (representing a high consume of the German mass media culture) several actors are using. There are several slips of the tongue as well in some quite simple sentences. It really adds a lot to the already great trash feeling this movie provides.