Dark Legacy

2009 "George Bush and the Murder of John F. Kennedy"
6.4| 1h43m| en

The death of John Kennedy is viewed through another angle in this conspiracy-themed film defending the theory that George Herbert Walker Bush was a key player in all aspects of the assassination of American president John F. Kennedy.


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FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
ejones-77840 To Tcart...Watch the Video of Pres. Kennedy's car coming onto Elm St..just as it passes in front of the book depository , slow it down and you will see Oswald standing in the doorway next to a Black woman...while the rifle is seen sticking out the window.n Impossible to be in 2 places at once...THERE GOES YOUR OSWALD THEORY ! HE WAS A PATSY ! The KILL shot came from the front as the reaction of Kennedy's body shows.A body goes back when shot from the front !
Russ Hog This movie deserves zero stars.It's poorly made - makes no sense - and almost none of the plot points connect at all. Basically some people knew some people and therefore Bush killed JKF!?!? ???Ever since JFK was killed - a great deal of Americans have wondered whether it was a lone gunman or a vast conspiracy. There is an entire industry based on this question.Perhaps it was the CIA and the military industrial complex - or hit men from the Italian mafia who felt betrayed by the Irish Kennedy's - or maybe LBJ - or maybe it was just one lone guy with a gun!I call tell you this - anyone who thinks this movie is true - that Bush has so much power he pulled all of these strings - is an idiot. It's trendy to link old man Bush was a master manipulator behind so much stuff - because Bush was powerful and his name shows up in a lot of places. I am sure Bush did some bad stuff - but be the man who killed JFK? Stupid.
Tcarts76 This is a film that will have all the tin foil hat crowd all up in arms. It's proof that stupid has no bounds. I always have to laugh at conspiracy theories that idiots come up with to hate Bush. People that were born before the end of the cold war have been buying this stupidity for years. Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, plain and simple. He was a mentally unstable. He was the kind of communist that communists would run from. If you ever see some of the forensic evidence and recreations.The "magic bullet" reacted just like most bullets do with that rifle. One shot took out an electrical cable. The car was a parade car so Kennedy was elevate. All reputable forensic investigations say the Warren Commission got it right. Please stop believing in magical unicorns. This film is best watched by people that need a good laugh. As far as Bush goes, idiots come up with theories of some evil plot because they are to stupid to think for themselves and look at reality. The real problem with Bush the elder was that he didn't get a second term. The whole "New World Order" and "Shining light on the hill" wasn't some corporate conspiracy. The fact is that the guy ran the CIA before being Vice President. His term came when the Cold War ended. This "new world order" conspiracy is bunk and what he was really saying is that we did business with and backed some really bad people to keep us safe. Now that the Soviet Union was out of the game, we could start to make things right, and better for everyone. That is why he went after Noriega and Saddam. CNN and Ted Turner, big anti-war nut jobs cause Saddam to be left in place. Had that not been the case, the world would be a much better place.
#1 Movie Lover 'Dark Legacy' is a film that everyone interested in the Kennedy assassination and its circumstances should watch. It's on Netflix instant streaming, which greatly increases its accessibility.First of all, the film presented tons of pieces of evidence that prove JFK was probably murdered as the result of a conspiracy. It proves why the single-bullet theory is absolutely ridiculous. It uses government memos to prove the points it makes. Basically, it has more detail and convincing arguments than other works that try to do the same thing. The person who made the film claims that it proves the conspiracy's existence beyond a reasonable doubt. Maybe so.Unfortunately though, even the most casual of viewers could tell that this is a low-budget film. There's nothing wrong with low-budget films, but this one had a couple of spelling mistakes (i.e. "Napoleon" being spelled "Napolean," and lack of punctuation in a crucial sentence (i.e. at one point it says, "Hoover knew that the Bushs were Nazis"). This is not good for a documentary, because it lowers the credibility.Also, I couldn't help but notice that some of the facts presented were biased after doing some research. #1: Allen Dulles actually was not a Nazi sympathizer. #2: Saying that Bay of Pigs was done without any of JFK's approval or foreknowledge is kind of misleading. #3: JFK's head moves forward a little before going back and to the left.Parts of this film are eye-opening, and much of it is good film-making. However, it's obviously low-budget and some of it is kind of biased. I guess I'd say the good kind of outweighs the bad.