Dark Vision

3.3| 1h26m| en

TV host Spencer Knights puts his crew in peril by invoking an ancient evil whilst attempting to win the paranormal competition, 'Dark Vision' in the sprawling catacombs beneath a remote gothic tower...


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Also starring Oliver Park


TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Sabah Hensley This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Mehdi Hoffman There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
charliecomeshere OK so I found this film a little clunky at times, but I started watching it with low expectations and got pleasantly surprised. On the whole it's a very mild watch if you're expecting blood gore and torture then don't even go there with this film. Also it's kinda "found footage" but not "found footage" and that's maybe it's downfall. The makers should have made up their minds about where this films style and genre lay. However I found the cinematography, locations and richness of color not too shabby. The acting levels go from good, competent to ropey, but that said I did like most of the characters on the whole and I've seen worse. On to the film. As I said I had low expectations when I started watching this but got oddly drawn in. We follow this team on there punt for on line streaming paranormal competition called "Dark Vision". As you go down into the tunnels underneath a remote folly in the English countryside. The competition itself is spelled out via online screen messages, which I didn't really like and think could have been done in a better way, it felt clunky and more TV than film, but kinda does the job. What I did like was the occult paranormal aspects of the film and that it made me chuckle and even jump at points. There are some nice moments in the chase through the caves and the sound effects and music really add to its spookiness. The visual effects are OK but not great but I've seen worse. Which is kinda what I feel about the film as a whole. It was interesting and fun but definitely had faults and for a low budget spooky film it looked a lot slicker than most. I did write this review in response to some of the scathing one's here which in my view are slightly unwarranted. It isn't art-house or going to go down in the annuls of horror - but it's not that bad and I have definitely seen a lot worse. Mild horror, mild scares, amusing at times and on the whole I was intrigued to find out where the story led.
arfdawg-1 There is more in the darkness than you know... Mind-full host Spencer Knights puts his crew in peril whilst trying to win his own series as part of the paranormal competition Dark Vision. Find out what manifestations lay in wait for his team inside Baylock's Folly - a place with a dark history and possibly a darker present. Who is it's mysterious caretaker Clem and what are the twisted motivations of the producers at the "Dark Vision Hub"? Step into the darkness and find the answers in this new wave Gothic horror from Stray Spark productions.It's too bad there is no way to check the reviews here on IMDb. The one good review is from a guy who talks about seeing lots of movies and this is great, except he's only reviewed THIS movie!!!In other words, he worked on the film.It's an atrocity. Boring, stiffly acted, poorly written and amateurishly directed.Too bad because the sets are cool enough to have worked well with a crew who had talent.It feels more like a really bad TV show than a movie.The blonde with the big ones should have done a full frontal and I'd have given it 2 stars instead of one.
hindhaughlee I watched this movie without any expectations, there were no reviews to base it off or at least not to go into the film with any preconceptions. From the very first scene to the last, the acting is awful, cheesy, unconvincing and dull.A horror movie for me, needs to be scary and tense, this film was neither. I never jumped or found myself dreading the next scene, instead I was wishing the torment would end. At this point, I was ready to scoop out my eyes and tear out my cochlear, so the torment would end.I would not recommend this film to anyone. It was terrible.. Truly terrible.
Henry Osbourne I found it really enjoyable and fun to watch. It really does make you jump, laugh and scream. OK its low budget, which means the production isn't so slick in places which makes some aspects a stretch to believe in. But this is a horror which seems to have its leanings to more classic films than modern - and I loved that. It's a bit of a roller coaster ride of spookiness and laughs. It starts of slow and intriguing but stick with it as it starts to chug along nicely from about a third of the way in with horror & jumps galore and doesn't take itself too seriously. I say give it a shot - its strangely compelled me to watch it again - which is more than can be said about a lot of movies I've seen lately.

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