Darkness Falls

2003 "An eye for an eye. Your life for a tooth."
5| 1h26m| PG-13| en

A vengeful spirit has taken the form of the Tooth Fairy to exact vengeance on the town that lynched her 150 years earlier. Her only opposition is the only child, now grown up, who has survived her before.


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GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
linda I LOVE horror movies, and by horror movies i mean with some kind of ghost/spirit etc. And this movie is a good one. The idea and the story is fresh and great. The appearance of the ghost itself is not really scary for me, but i do love it. Although you can predict the story easily, and who's gonna die in this movie, but i don't have complaint about that. I enjoyed this movie so much, and i could watch it over and over again. This is a movie that you can enjoy without being stress while you're watching it. It's quite entertaining. And i usually recommend this movie to my friend if they want to see a horror movie without having nightmare afterwards.
SnoopyStyle Some 150 years ago in the town of Darkness Falls, kindly widow Matilda Dixon would give coins to the children who lost their teeth earning the nickname the Tooth Fairy. She got burned in a fire, forced to wear a mask and became sensitive to light. When two kids went missing, the town blamed her and killed her. It was a mistake. The kids came home and the town covered up the incident. In modern times, Kyle Walsh loses his last tooth. The Tooth Fairy comes and kills his mother. He escapes and forced into foster care. Twelve years later, childhood friend Caitlin Greene (Emma Caulfield)'s brother Michael has night terrors. She contacts Kyle (Chaney Kley) who also has the same fears except he has gathered a range of tactics to protect himself.I really like the idea of making the Tooth Fairy as a monster. It has a Brothers Grimm feel to it. What I really like is that it touches some really deep DARK primordial fears. Darkness is all encompassing and can be used very effective for fear. This is a movie about fear of the dark corners of the screen. It's not the most original idea and Chaney Kley is not an expressive actor. There are no hot young chicks. One can also nitpick this movie to death about the monster and the lights. The problem is that she has to have some light for her to be seen by the audience. In the end, this will F up the kids especially if they watch it in the dark.
Cosette R. Even though this movie was pretty stupid along with bad acting, it scarred me for life. My brother and I like to watch scary movies so one night he showed me this one. For some reason it stuck with me, night after night I couldn't sleep. I am already afraid of the dark so the thought of the tooth fairy lurking around in the dark did not sit well with me. I always thought she was floating over my head waiting for me to look at her face so that she could kill me. I know it is 2014 and nobody is probably going to see this but I felt the need to write this because I couldn't sleep. It has been a few months now and I still occasionally think of the "tooth fairy". Tonight I thought I saw a dark figure above me and I nearly had a panic attack. I am only 13 and I have been watching scary movies since I was five but for some reason this one in particular really has made me mental. I know it is fictional but the thought of it makes me sick. I'm not saying that this movie is bad and that you shouldn't watch it but if you are sensitive and rather young like myself then I would most likely reconsider watching this film. I just wanted to write this to calm my nerves and talk about my experience with this movie.
deatman9 I don't know why they have to keep pumping these kind of horror films out. The kind that use nothing but jump scares to try to scare the viewer. I never get scared by jump scenes so I was very unimpressed. The acting was bad, the story line silly and ridiculous. And like I said of course it was not scary in the slightest.This movie is about a town that is apparently haunted by a ghost known as the tooth fairy. When you lose a tooth the tooth fairy comes into your room for it. Unlike the childs tale though this ghost takes your tooth but if you wake up during the process and look at her she kills you. This movie follows a young man who was a victim of the tooth fairy when he was young but survived by turning on the lights.As you can see by my description I don't really like this movie. I only recommend this movie to little kids because if your an adult this movie will just annoy you most likely