
4.9| 1h30m| en

Clinton is convinced that Casey is a figment of his imagination. But seriously, what would a girl like her see in a guy like him? It seems that lately people are seeing all sorts of things in him, but the problem is that he can't see them himself.


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UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
kflow This is an innovative independent film that's mesmerizing to watch if you let go of plot expectations. It's a psychological exploration of a troubled young man's life, told with elements of surrealism and film noir. A cross between a crime drama, a drug trip, and a psychic meltdown, the film is visually striking with cutting edge cinematography and editing. The lead is played by Breaking Bad's Aaron Paul who is earnest and beautiful in the role. If you don't get hung up on realism, the film takes you on a mysterious and exciting ride. An avant-garde effort, artfully done, with youthful creative energy. It has the feeling of a David Lynch film, but leaner and meaner.
jmcbride-5 i saw this film at Vail and liked it very much. i was impressed with the heart and soul of it as it was obvious these people were committed to it's living in the screen. the script was compelling and well written. Aaron Paul did a fine job maintaining his through line. kebbel was lovely and entrancing. i thought James wellington in particular was riveting when on the screen. the director captured very well a seedy, dangerous lifestyle that does exist. the obvious low budget is a little distracting at times, but almost seems to enhance at others. the photography seems to be completely hand-held and is excellent. i hope to see more from these first time film makers.
ssigal-1 Great storyline and it got more interesting and intriguing as the movie went along. It's an indie low budget movie and the production values reflect it but the acting and writing kept me more and more on edge. These are some very talented people. Arielle is getting very popular and I really like her other films as well. There were some bit part characters that were fascinating. The main "criminal" was done really cool and an accurate reflection of a New Jersey hood. I also thought the flashbacks were pretty easy to follow and there was one point in the movie where I finally realized what was happening and it made me think. One other things. After you see this movie you will always remember a phone ringing.
jack russo I saw a screening of this film at the Vail Film Festival and I was pleasantly surprised. I hadn't really heard anything about it and was walking through Vail Village when two guys (who I later realized were the director and writer) handed me a flyer. They were pretty funny (and standing in the freezing cold while it was snowing) which actually got me to come see the movie... plus the flyer looked pretty mysterious. The movie started out kinda slow but at the ten minute mark I was hooked. A huge mystery was introduced and there were so many twists and turns from that point on that I forgot I was at a film festival screening. Every once in a while I was reminded that the film was a low-budget feature, but I didn't even care at that point because I was so involved in the story. Without ruining anything...I thought it was wrapped up pretty well and I definitely thought that the director did a great job keeping it interesting since the story takes place mostly in one location. It was the best film I saw at the festival (definitely better than "murder party"). I stayed for the Q&A after which is when I realized that the two guys who handed me the flyers were the director and writer. I was pretty impressed with how quickly they shot the film and also at how it was both of their first projects. It was also cool to see Arielle Kebbel and Aaron Paul and hear them talk about the film. I look forward to seeing these promising filmmakers next projects because I will one day be able to say that I saw a screening of their first film and got a chance to meet them and be at their Q&A.