Days of Darkness

3.8| 1h29m| R| en

When a comet strikes Earth and kicks up a cloud of toxic dust, hundreds of humans join the ranks of the living dead. But there's bad news for the survivors: The newly minted zombies are hell-bent on eradicating every last person from the planet. For the few human beings who remain, going head to head with the flesh-eating fiends is their only chance for long-term survival. Yet their battle will be dark and cold, with overwhelming odds.


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Also starring Travis Brorsen


Konterr Brilliant and touching
Holstra Boring, long, and too preachy.
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
GL84 Finding that a passing comet has showered the Earth with space particles that turn the living into ravenous zombies, a couple escape to a compound stronghold but soon find a greater danger at work in the area and must fight to survive.This one wasn't all that terrible an effort but was really hurt by several rather damaging flaws. The biggest issue with this one is the fact that there's just never any consistency within the film as it bounces around from plot-point to plot-point without any real effort to distinguish why that's happening. At first, it's the radioactive spores from the comet's passing that causes everything, then it's that they're being controlled by alien parasites, there's a segment about women being immune to their attacks as they only want to fertilize humanity to take over the planet but sometime later women are attacked without impunity and the whole fertilization plan is ignored altogether. This here really gives this one quite the scattershot and really disjointed storyline so this one tends to jump around to about four or five different plots to accomplish this. As well, the fact that the group spends so long listening to the toxic thoughts of the few individuals stuck with them that leaves this one with a glaring reason why they're still there at the compound, and overall such qualities are what hold this one down. There's quite a lot to really like here, as while it does go all over the place it has some good central ideas spread around here. The concept of the evolution they force upon the group gives this some solid core issues that serve quite well in building up the potential of the aliens invading the planet, and these here are given plenty of worthwhile elements here which make this quite fun at times. The way it goes about the revelation towards the body changes they enforce or the behavioral changes which are due to the invasion, and with the way this sets up the type of different tactics to hold them off creates a lot of fun here. The initial outbreak when they're on their date creates a strong opening here, the different battles with the different survivors who are trying to keep their upper hand or dealing with the zombies captured within the bunker or the first zombie encounter where the released creatures come pouring into the compound which requires plenty of solid battling trying to keep them from getting in and attacking the survivors. Likewise, the film really scores nicely here with a stand-out scene of the group attempting to clear the compound of zombies which contains plenty of gunfire blasting the creatures, attempting to stop them from getting inside once the gate gets opened and the creatures start ripping the people to pieces in a great scene which has enough action and gore to work nicely. As well, the other really good part to this one comes from the behavioral changes to zombies that are shown here that gives this one that series of strange changes here in the inability to pass on the zombiedom, not having a gunshot to the head to take them out and a series of different battle tactics that are engaging while being unique and somewhat clever. It's got some good parts, but is just too flawed to truly overcome them.Rated R: Graphic Language, Graphic Violence and Full Nudity.
moonmonday I made the mistake of watching this cinematic trainwreck when streamed it as one of their free movies. I will say right now that free is too high a price to pay for seeing this abomination. From beginning to end, it demonstrates utter ineptitude in every way.The only positives were the few decent performances by the actors whose characters were written so carelessly and given relatively small parts: Slasher, Simon, and Kylie were the only memorable ones in a remotely positive light, and all were handled so poorly as to be shockingly offensive. Simon in particular, as one of the few rather non-token, non-stereotypical gay characters, was completely botched.Of the rest of the cast and characters, only Lin stood out much, but most glaring of all was the fact that her character was literally forgotten about by the scriptwriters. Not that the script was a tightly-composed affair; character motivations and personalities shift like a summer breeze. Characters do things that are completely inconsistent with the way they were thirty seconds earlier, or do things that no person would ever do in any such situation. These moments make the weaknesses of the script so flagrant, showing that the scriptwriter needed to have something happen and forced it to, without any logical reason or progression to the event. What few characters actually get any modicum of development are by and large completely unsympathetic, and the others are nothing but ciphers, placeholders as insulting as 'the black guy' or 'the girl'.Worst of all are the two leads, who were not only poorly-written but also astoundingly badly-acted. Mimi inexplicably keeps taking her clothes off (yet showing nothing thanks to incongruously oddly-framed shots) and sitting in the floor whenever she gets flustered. The single actual nudity in the film is awkward and completely gratuitous, as well as hypocritical and actually nauseating, but the filmmakers clearly didn't intend it that way.In fact, the entire film can be described as hypocritical and nauseating, and probably not what the filmmakers intended. It accomplishes nothing, says nothing, and does nothing but offend. Everything in the film happens because the script says so, not because it makes any sense or is any kind of logical progression. Nothing is coherent about it, and although there are moments where it's clear the film is trying to make some sort of statement, no such statement is ever made in any way comprehensible to the audience.Unlike a well-written story of this genre, which would build the tension gradually until the last ten or twenty minutes of breakneck excitement ending the film, this builds no tension but functions on sheer exasperation of the audience. By the time the last twenty minutes finally arrive, they are nonchalantly paraded across the screen and leave no impression.Films don't have to have a huge budget to be good. Quality is determined by good acting, good direction, and good scripting. This film, however, was overwhelmingly badly-acted, hamfistedly-scripted, and hideously-directed. Many films of this type are offensive to minorities that they include for no real reason despite inability to write convincingly, but this film not only manages to botch its attempt to handle minorities in a sensitive way, it also manages to offend everyone else too.Anyone with pretty much any sensibilities to offend will be offended by this miserable excuse for a film. You have been warned. It's an hour and a half you will never be able to get back, and that is the most tragic thing of all about it.
HumanoidOfFlesh During their trip a young couple is attacked by flesh-eating zombies.A guy is bitten by a living corpse.The couple is rescued by Simon and rushed to an enclosed commune in an abandoned military facility,where they find themselves company with the most unlikely group of survivors.As it happens,a comet carrying a parasite had hit Earth while the couple was hiking,spreading a sickness across the planet."Days of Darkenss" is a low-budget rip-off of George A.Romero's "Day of the Dead" and Tobe Hooper's "Invaders from Mars",albeit with some interesting ideas buried under its surface for example the zombies are all growing an alien organism within them.The makeup effects and the scenes of flesh-eating mayhem are believable enough and the acting is surprisingly good.6 out of 10.Check out this decent indie horror.
stevde2 There was some weak acting in this movie but it was not that bad. The entire movie was practically character driven rather than relying on special effects, scientific mumbo-jumbo, or what not type of antics that detract from the acting performance of the group. Hence, irregularities in the group pertaining to chemistry and such get focused out of shape. Shining brightly however was Tom Eplin, a veteran grandmaster from daytime soaps, who was able to take his character's limited scope of personality into a 3-dimensional character. Just amazing! The weakest part IMO was the script itself. Can we say lame in the extreme? What the hell kind of story was this? Was this even supposed to be believable or was intended to be hogwash from the start? So, Chad just happened to drive back to his ranch, 200 some miles, and conveniently bought gas for his Hummer at umm where? If everyone is supposed to be dead this doesn't make sense. Oh, and where's the electric coming from? Power plants require people to run them. Maybe this group should've found civiliation? Hell, just run over those zombies if they get in the way.

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