Really Surprised!
Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin
The movie really just wants to entertain people.
I agree on many points with those who didn't like this film : the storyline isn't really exceptional ; it looks more like a cheap soap opera from South America than a "real" film to be watched at a movie theater ; the acting isn't the best around. However, this film is primarily interesting for Maya Buskila's fans. Maya Buskila is an Israeli pop singer with a beautiful and powerful voice. Some will say she isn't the classiest or the brightest of Israel pop stars, but no one can say that she doesn't sing beautifully. You can hear many excerpts from her two albums during the film, from "HaLev" and "Itkha" to "Haya li makom"... The best part of the film is thus the concert in the Roman Theater of Beit Shean - I bought the DVD only to get that part of the film, when Maya sings "Rak al tagid" and "yamim shel ahava" ! PS: It is better to see the film in Hebrew with English subtitles
This movie was supposed to be a romantic story, yet it comes more as a comedy as the acting skills performed by Maya Buskila is so low the directory might have alternatively casted a Klingon Targ.Maya growls when she does not get what she wants (which is much like her singing) and Nir Levi performance is just as awful. No wonder this saga went on "Reretz Nehederet" as a parody. The movie is a parody by itself. Thumbs down all the way unless you want to laugh at how bad it is.By the time I casted my vote for this movie, only one person voted the highest score. Maya, I know it was you...
What the hell was I thinking going to a movie like this? I had all the warning signs...I can't think of anything that went right in this movie - acting, directing, soundtrack, story, editing, photography, you just name it.To spare you and me the time, I'll just summarize all of the above in one word: GARBAGE!!!!! I started to feel sorry for these would-be actors, because I thought after a movie like this they would never get a job acting, but on second thought: half of them weren't actors to begin with, and the other half will probably find work in soap operas and other inferior TV genres.In conclusion - don't waste your money on this "thing".
this movie doesn't deserve to be called a movie. it doesn't deserve a grade at all and certainly doesn't deserve your time or anyone's: the story is stupid, cliché, unrealistic, abrupt. the script is AWFUL. the actors CAN'T act. the video quality and colors are bad, the shots and frames aren't structured or composed in any way - visually looks worse than a television drama. the editing is a joke - they don't know when to cut and where to. the soundtrack is BAD (a pop song loops in background for 5 minutes while the characters have a "heart to heart" conversation). if all this isn't enough the movie is sexist, the characters are stupid and yet the script isn't "smart" enough to criticize them.ZERO out of 10, watch for torture.