SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
People are voting emotionally.
it is the rare 'crazy' movie that actually has something to say.
It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.
Dead Genesis is a powerful cinematic experience from gifted director Reese Eveneshen that raises disturbing questions for our time. At heart, this film is a beautifully observed study of the soul draining stress of prolonged combat with an unwavering enemy in a never ending war. Eveneshen's brilliant script is a subtle metaphor for the current geopolitical crisis and the effect such perennial conflict has upon a society at risk of becoming what it fears. Emily Alatalo, Lionel Boodlal, Colin Paradine, Erin Stuart, and Tom Parkinson lead a talented cast, giving deeply moving performances as members of a paramilitary group fighting to preserve their own humanity while participating in exhausting battles that challenge their existential beliefs. The cinematography is strikingly creative and unique, creating an environment of fear and dread while projecting an unsettling surrealistic atmosphere. The imagery is at times truly haunting. As superficially a horror film dealing with a fresh take on a zombie apocalypse that has devastated America, this film has its share of violence and gore. However, the bloody action never obscures the underlying creative message regarding the nature of humanity's struggle to fight evil without actually becoming evil itself.
Morgan Blayde (authormorganblayde)
first i wish they camera work was not so shaky, it made it really hard to watch it. some of the actors did a good job, but others should not even be in from of a camera at all, the dialogue felt unnatural, together with the bad acting made it really hard to keep watching but the story looked okay to i kept watching and did like some of it. if a second one is made and i hope it is ( i like zombie movies) please work a little more on the dialogue, don't dumb it done so much, don't bring back the bad actors who over acted, please don't shake the camera so much it would have been so much better if even that was done, and i don't think zombies make sounds of pain when they get hit, that really got on my nerves. some of the actors did a very good job for a low budget movie, better then most movies out there, the flow of the movie was also good.
This is one hell of a zombie movie. It's been along time since any zombie flick that I've seen has managed to capture the spirit of those classic Romero movies. It's got the social commentary angle going for it and that traditional zombie spirit as well. Dead Genesis also manages to have one of the most graphic and gory openings to a zombie film that I've ever seen. Many have the grand epic openings, this is much more personal and disturbing. It's a simple story (almost like the flip side of Diary of the Dead) where an attractive documentary filmmaker is making a film about the War on Dead. The War on Dead of course is a metaphor for the recent War on Terror. This filmmaker heads out into the woods and spends some time with a group of zombie hunters called the dead heads. Now this is where the movie slows down a bit. But I like it, it takes a much more psychological view on the zombie apocalypse then other zombie movies do. And based on the ratings here, I don't think many people seem to "get" the movie. She follows these zombie hunters along for a few days and starts to see that maybe everything isn't what it seems. These hunters (who state numerous times that they're trying to protect humanity) are far worse than the flesh eating ghouls who wander around seeking food. It's a brisk and interesting hour and a half, good bits of dialogue between characters, and plenty of blood and guts through out. There are a few things that don't quite work. This is definitely and low to no budget horror film. A few of the actors don't exactly hit the mark. It's also obvious that there wasn't much money to work with as some of the locations are pretty bland in parts. But it does have a lot of heart and that's where it counts. I read an interview with the director who said that he was directly influenced by Romero. This is clearly evident while watching the movie. It manages to echo the original Dead trilogy in a way that I haven't seen other low budget zombie films do. This one remembers that it's the characters and story that counts, not the zombies.If you can find a way to check it out, I highly recommend that you do.
I was so looking forward to this. I had been following its production, reading the blogs and visiting the movie's Facebook page. I really wanted it to be good. Most of it seemed to have been shot in the same clearing by the side of the road no matter where in the woods it was supposed to have been. The bartender's voice was ADR'ed - badly. The lips were in sync but no attempt was made to duplicate the acoustic space the other actors were in. I am all for zombie whores but why did they have clothes on? If you are going to use a zombie as a sex machine, cut its arms and legs off and put its head in a box don't just chain it up. The head shots were CG blood spatter and it was obvious.I give the zombie makeup a B+ rating. Most of the close up zombies were really well done.Above all else, it was boring. They don't have a FinalCut filter for bad acting.