Dead Set

7.6| 2h21m| en

During a fictional series of Big Brother, a zombie outbreak occurs, but the house-mates are unaware of the impending doom outside of the Big Brother House.


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Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Teddie Blake The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Jemima It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Randall-Flagg01 What a great zombie movie (actually a 5 part series). Pros: gorecharacters you care aboutgreat overall ideatensiongood jump scaresCons: fast zombies, but hey, they work herethe Patrick character is way over the top. I get that's what they were going for but I would have shot the bastard.
begob Two unhappy young lovers are separated by a zombie apocalypse, and to reunite they must find strengths they never knew they had. Will they, won't they?Cynical satire layered over a crystal clear story, with great rhythm in the writing and editing. This comes in 3 episodes (alternative format 5) but apart from the recaps at the start can be watched as an unbroken whole like a full length feature of 140 mins. Too long, you say? Nah - they get it right.It's a mix of Dawn Of The Dead, using the satire of the original and the energy of the remake, with the matured version of UK Big Brother, using Endomol's privileges to get the most into the production. Davina gives a performance that will define her forever.The plotting and pace is good. Characterization good too - although the tone of the extreme characters is sometimes annoying rather than grotesque. I'm thinking of the conflicts between the tranny and the northern bloke, and the scene where the producer slices up the corpse. But the lovers are well played and ... lovable. Acting never awkward.Overall: My favourite zombiedom after Dawn Of The Dead 2003.
MrGKB Given the stunning success of "The Walking Dead" over the past several years, someone's really missing a trick not getting a quality Region 1 release into the pipeline. Yes, I've learned there's an all-regions edition out there, but I don't believe it's been distributed widely, and in any case it certainly hasn't been promoted very well. "Dead Set" is a fine, fine little apocalyptic adventure centered on the travails of a reality-TV cast and crew beset by ravenous zombie hordes ala "28 Days Later." Yep, we've got "zoombies" here, but strangely enough, despite being a purist who distinctly favors Romero-style shamblers, I didn't have a problem with that. The acting is solid, especially lead Jaime "Made in Dagenham" Winstone and primary antagonist Andy "Kick-Ass 2" Nyman, the plot and pacing quite good (ignore the ADHD namby-pambies who whine that the set-up is too long), and the production values of a piece, especially for what is essentially low- budget TV. Any zombie fan worthy of the name should enjoy this one, and, yes, I'd love to see a follow-up of some kind. Recommended.
Good-Will This preposterous piece of rubbish full of cardboard cutout characters should be banished to the bin which served as a toilet in the series.I'm a big Brooker fan but this series left me wondering what on earth compelled him to write such trite, glib characters and then try and shoehorn them into a zombie plot.Maybe it was his way of practising for "Black Mirror", which was far superior to this tripe.There's no excuse for all of the characters in the film doing what they do and the way that they do it, and my suspension of disbelief ran out when nobody ever mentioned the word "Zombie" or ever mentioned having seen a zombie film.As for "multi-layered social criticism" then an episode of Top Cat has more of that than this mish-mash of pseudo intellectual claptrap.My friend who recommended this to me will be severely punished when we next meet.Cheers, Will