Deadbeat at Dawn

1988 "He quit the gangs. They killed his girl. He became..."
6.5| 1h21m| NR| en

Goose leaves the gang life behind after pleas from his girlfriend. But it isn't long before he's pulled back into the world of violence.


Producted By

Asmodeus Productions


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Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Keira Brennan The movie is made so realistic it has a lot of that WoW feeling at the right moments and never tooo over the top. the suspense is done so well and the emotion is felt. Very well put together with the music and all.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Glen Coburn Gritty, Gory, Awesome. Jim Van Bebber showcases some exceptional raw talent in this frenetic, visually unique no-budget action film. He deserved instant recognition and an opportunity to develop his skills with larger budget films. He should have made ten more features. Unfortunately, the film industry rarely recognizes the significance of micro-budget films. This movie has a hundred times the production value that would be expected from a film of its ilk.Van Bebber had the table next to mine at Cinema Wasteland in October 2010. His behavior was so off-putting that I didn't even bother to speak to him for fear I would be yelled at. If I had previously seen "Deadbeat at Dawn," I would've been a huge fan and I would have been excited to meet him and talk with him.I am aware of his reputation and most people attribute his inability to establish himself as a force in the independent film industry to his bad boy antics. But there are plenty of nut-cases making movies. Quentin Tarantino is an excellent filmmaker but is also known to be eccentric and a bit of a boozer. He should use his connections and butt-loads of money to give Van Bebber a chance to make a movie with a budget.
ChiefGoreMongral It's me again shooting out another quickie for you guys and gals to check out. This time it is from the genre known as "Cult Cinema". The movie is Deadbeat at Dawn and is an independent film by and starring Jim Van Bebber that plays out in some ways like a poor mans "The Warriors" with a few other action movie elements thrown in.First let me say that I have to give them kudos for doing some of the stuff they did in this film. Obviously filmed on a shoestring budget they pull off some rather impressive action and gore sequences. Overall I was impressed with this part of the film.The story itself is pretty simple Goose (Jim Van Bebber) who is the leader of a gang called The Ravens ops to leave the group as he is deeply in love with his girlfriend who wants him to leave his life of fighting behind. Shortly after another gangs leader seeking revenge on him has his girlfriend killed.From there Goose really begins to lose it as he moves back in with his junkie father, leaves him then drinks himself to a near death before he is gave an offer to rejoin The Ravens and do a heist for them. It just so happens that the 2 rival gangs have now joined sides and the leader of the other gang The Spiders, still wants Goose dead. Goose also wants him dead which leads into a grand finally full of kung fu, decapitations and ninja stars to the cranium.The film is a great accomplishment for independent film making and even though the acting in parts is not that great it still delivers a tight package. My only complaint there is a long break in the action between the time of his girlfriends death to the big heist which leaves you with a lot of meandering and talking which is not what this film excels in. If you can look past that and keep your expectations low you will find quite a few things to enjoy about this film.7/10: Worth a look for fans of action films, independent films and the ever desperate gore hounds as though there is gore scenes there is not a large amount. It may not deliver in every area but it will entertain you for 90 minutes.Synapse release of this film on DVD seems to be a descent transfer though I have heard the director is not pleased at some of the colors and lighting that the transfer may have slightly altered. Regardless this is probably the best it has ever looked. If you can find it (which it is getting harder to obtain) I would recommend a look. A strong rental title to say the least.
lucky_dice_mgt I am shocked to see that only 1 other person has written a review on this film. There's no doubt that the lead actor is the true star of this film and the movie has a nice overall raw feel to it { reminding me a bit like Street Trash was with its rawness} I certainly would be curious to see this directors other films if he has any and I also found the guy that played Bonecrusher to be highly enjoyable. This film seems to be quite rare but thankfully I got it many many years ago and kept it in my collection.For anyone thats a fan of violent street gang bloody films,I would recommend they see this one.I think the guy that played Bonecrusher was also in Street Trash.H e might have played the lead role in that film as the bum that wears the hat .
chanvat This film is pretty good in its own right with a budget of probably less than $10,000. Jim Van Bebber should be commended for his work on this film, or should I say his 100% effort on this film, starring in it, writing it, directing it, stunts, makeup, and so forth. However, I would not consider the acting in this film great. Though the most rewarding scene for me was the concluding 10+ min fight sequence. Some of the stunts that were pulled off in that sequence looked much more dangerous than what you see in the multi-million dollar films, and Van Bebber probably did most if not all of them. 9 for the action, 3 for the acting gives you a 6/10 overall.

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