Deadly Intent

2016 "Don't let him into your head"
3.7| 1h22m| NR| en

After the tragic death of her husband, a soldier posted to Afghanistan, Bryony tries to build a new life for herself and her young son, James. Struggling with her own grief she fails to notice that James has become secretive and withdrawn, spending hours alone playing out death scenes with his toys. When things start to go missing and furniture is smashed Bryony blames James but when she confronts him she finds herself facing a reality more terrifying than any nightmare. As her world crashes around her Bryony realises that unless she can find a way to reconnect with her son she and James will be separated for ever.


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Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Clarissa Mora The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Michael Ledo Dad dead. Mom a basket case. Boy is withdrawn. Furniture moves. Dishes break as well as other low budget effects. Plot drags along with a "twist" that is expected. Film was tiresome. Lara Lemon only thing worth watching.Guide: F-word, sex. No nudity.
Holly Wood I'm a big fan of indie films and horror and I love when they come together well. "Deadly Intent" is a slow burn ghost story about a young boy named James who lost his father to war, only to have visions of him (and worse) begin to occur.There is always a wonder of what is out there after death. Everyone wants to see their family members and friends who have passed again, but at what price? Just because it looks like your father (or loved one), does not mean they are what they seem. "Deadly Intent" sets the stage of the movie, you get to know the family as the center of it, you get to feel their grief. The movie is as much about the relationship of the the mother, Bryony and James, as it is about the ghost aspect.The movie is beautifully shot and cleanly edited. I recommend giving it a look.
artistgp Deadly Intent is a nice suspense story. Things go bump in the night as you hope they will (or hope they won't depending) and the family angle keeps you engaged throughout the film. I enjoyed the visual style of the film and the hard work the filmmakers put into it. The music helped set the tone early on and I always love when we're fed story hints as it goes along.Independent films always have some kind of limitation or another, but the director did a nice job crafting a rounded film. I look forward to seeing what they come up with next. It's a good film to check out this Halloween season so grab some popcorn and curl up on the couch. Lights being off is optional. ;)
jackmeat My quick rating - 2,6/10. I am on a roll today. Another boring movie, this time with a ghost of a father killed during wartime coming back to reclaim his son. Stuff falls off shelves, toys move around, things go missing....seems like what happens in everyones house, really. This big huge ordeal (read the IMDb plot, makes it sound like it is) is just there. Since the ghost is evil, I guess the entity is a better word. But in the end, this is just dumb. Bonus point for the scene where the mother tries to use a makeshift ouija board out of a household glass and the words yes and no written on paper. They should've used cgi for that to make this movie more ridiculous. The bad part is, I bet the film makers actually were trying to be serious about this film. I am serious when I say, don't waste your time unless you are related to someone involved in it.