Dear God No!

2011 "When the blood begins to flow.... who will be left to scream."
3.8| 1h25m| R| en

A gang of outlaw bikers pull a home invasion on a disgraced Anthropologist hiding a secret locked in his cabin basement.


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Big World Pictures


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Also starring Olivia LaCroix

Also starring Shane Morton


Diagonaldi Very well executed
SincereFinest disgusting, overrated, pointless
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Adam Peters (25%) A movie that on the one hand is a fair and honest homage to bad biker movies with their dire story telling, terrible writing, and woeful production values that in a parameter of sleazy trash cinema works as an actual throw-back, but on the other hand you cannot help but think that Quentin Tarrantino has a fair amount to answer for. It's clear this in its own way wants to be a bad film taken from within the boundaries of a low budget sleaze picture from the early to mid 70's, but is that achievement in itself worthy of actual merit? I'm not entirely sure. There are times when this does feel like the genuine article, but again is that worthy of merit? I'm somewhat split on this one. Yes, this is a really bad movie, and yes that was the whole point, but that doesn't mean this is 100% not worth a look for the cult fans out there. For those with zero interest in the old, hugely flawed films need not apply.
BA_Harrison It was fun for a while, but now I'm getting rather tired of the fad for 'grindhouse' movies, which see directors deliberately striving to replicate the flagrant content and gritty style of 70s and 80s exploitation films. They may boast memorable titles and cool retro poster art, but they rarely prove to be any cop, their grungy affectations and knowing outrageousness being poor substitutes for real talent.The latest effort to proudly fly the 'grindhouse' flag is 'Dear God No!', a violent biker flick from writer/director James Bickert, who is so intent on achieving his desired aesthetic and meeting his quota of bad taste and debauchery (thereby ensuring marketability) that he seems to forget about trying to make a decent film.The most disagreeable aspects of the film are not the sex and violence—after all, those who willingly watch this type of film expect, nay DEMAND such excess—but rather the acting, script and direction. Performances range from the bad to the diabolical, the plot is all over the place, and Bickert's visuals display little in the way of originality (unless lingering on a stripper for so long that it actually becomes boring counts).My rating: a generous 4.5 out of 10 just for the OTT splatter and rampant sleaze—file somewhere between equally disappointing 'grindhouse' efforts 'Run! Bitch Run! and Nude Nuns With Big Guns.
Sorpse I'm sure if you sat down with a group of buddies who all have bad taste and like nasty things then you would definitely laugh out loud at this movie and come away with some good one liners but any one with any taste would think your facked up for even knowing this movie exists. This week must be the week of sh!+ movies cuz heres another stinker. This movie has huge potential is out weighed by the garbage cinematography, garbage acting, and the worst practical effects I've ever seen. I understand that they made this movie crappy on purpose but that just seems to be an excuse for having no talent. Everyone involved in this movie has no talent and this movie wreaks of it. Anytime something bloody happens you can clearly see a hose spraying blood or someone grabs their neck and blood sprays from behind their back. They pretend to do a burnout on a nun and it just looks stupid because they cant even act like they are doing in it. It looks like a bunch of buddies got together and made a movie they thought would be funny and then decided hey maybe other people would like this. Even when they are drinking something we are suppose to think is a dirty tampon it doesn't even gross me out because they cant even act like they are drinking tampon juice. One area that this movie does succeed on however is the dialogue. There are plenty of hilarious one liners, they are just coming out of the wrong people who cant do them justice, tiss a shame. Also the ideas they had for how to push the limits of sleaze are great in theory but don't have the skill to pull them off effectively. I personally love the movies that this movie tries to be but it fails and the only scene that is effective is the rapist orgy where i got so sick of the screaming women that i turned this garbage off. Lets put a little more effort in next time boys and maybe hire some people with talent.
jmchimino001 DEAR GOD NO is a very fun film, Get a buzz on, Get some friends together and have a blast with this one!!! Shot on real film!!! Real Effects!!! and Real Breasts!!!!! This film has it all and its the closest you will get to ''REAL'' Grindhouse, This film has that trashy 70's biker sleazy feel! You can tell James Bickert put his all in this film and it shows, Not sure why there is so much negative hype about this film, I would love to see these people who put it down try to do better! One of the best films i have watched in a long time forget about all these wanna be Grindhouse type films that really try to hard to be something they are not, This film is the real deal, This is low budget fun that works on many levels,Don't expect Hollywood but expect one hell of a ride!!!DRUGS! GORE! GUN SHOTS! and BIGFOOT what more can you ask for!! Cheers to all who made this film!! Cant wait for the next!