Deepsea Challenge 3D

6.8| 1h30m| PG| en

Described as being a film about determination, danger and the ocean’s greatest depths, James Cameron's "Deepsea Challenge 3D" tells the story of Cameron’s journey to fulfill his boyhood dream of becoming an explorer. The movie offers a unique insight into Cameron's world as he makes that dream reality – and makes history – by becoming the first person to travel solo to the deepest point on the planet.


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National Geographic


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Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
rickykylez "Deepsea Challenge Review" In this epic documentary, James Cameron takes to the sea in the name of science. James Cameron is known for his work in hit movies such as Avatar, Titanic, and Terminator. In this documentary James Cameron has pulled together an elite group of engineers that share one common goal to reach the deepest part of the ocean, the Mariana trench in a submarine.The documentary "Deepsea Challenge" shows the challenges James Cameron and his team of engineers had to endure while trying to build a submarine way ahead of its time. They had to consider pressure, lack of light and many other challenges while building the submersible. Deepsea challenge focuses on the ocean and how tectonic plates have completely altered the face of the earth. The Mariana Trench, the trench they visit in the documentary was formed by subduction, which occurs when one tectonic plate goes under another. I liked how safety was always their first priority. They did multiple test dives at different depths so that if there was any problems with the submarine they could fix it before the actual dive. I also enjoyed how they named the animals they saw in the test dives such as the angler-fish. It was also nice that they explained how the Mariana trench was formed.I learned from this documentary that with enough time and enough determination that you can do things that the average person can not. If your life goal is to reach the bottom of the ocean then you can. I believe that other people will also learned the same thing from this documentary. I believe that adults that are interested in ocean exploration or any type of exploration will find this documentary enjoyable. I would not recommend this documentary to younger children because they tend to have a shorter attention span and this movie has its fair share of long and boring moments. Ricky Kyle is a student at Porterville High School. Ricky's hobbies include knitting, picking wild flowers, and last but definitely not least Lacrosse. Ricky's long term goal is to resurrect his goldfish named Sparky, who he lost at the age of 6.
sh-92894 "Deepsea Challenge" will have you skipping to the theaterBy Sabrina Hernandez, A.K.A. "The Small Town Critic""The Deepsea Challenge" is a documentary on a director. If you like science then I recommend this movie. In my opinion this movie was slow and kind of boring. A director named James Cameron, had a dream of going to the deepest part of the ocean. If you don't know who James Cameron is he is a movie director and he directed big Hollywood movies like "Titanic", "Abyss", "Avatar" and "Terminator". He loved the ocean more than he loved directing movies. "Deep-sea Challenge" follows James Cameron and his quest to reach the bottom of the Mariana Trench, which is the deepest part of the ocean and the deepest location on Earth, wants to see what its about and explore whats under there. James Cameron wanted to do scientific data on the Mariana Trench. He didn't want to just touch the bottom of the ocean and float back up because he knows that possible, he wanted to do more than that, he wanted to make history. In the documentary, James Cameron went to the bottom of the ocean to study the ocean trenches. This documentary was made to show you that anything is possible. This movie helped educate the viewers because now they know how things are formed. he showed the audience how he and his crew built that mini submarine and how he went 36,070 feet under water, down to explore the Mariana Trench What I did like about this movie is all the cool things James Cameron did under water and how they built that mini submarine and how when his friend lost his life, he didn't stop and give up, he still went with his plan and made it even better. That's how you know James Cameron is strong and will never give up. my favorite part of this movie when it showed how he directed his movies. What I didn't like is when he would start complaining that the mini submarine is going to work.The lessons I learned from this movie is that nothing is impossible and never give up on what you want to do and never give up on your dreams. I believed others learned this lesson as well because James Cameron never stopped and kept going. Another lesson i have learned from this film is just because you have on career or job doesn't mean you can't do something on the side like James Cameron, he is a director but he does ocean exploring on the side and i believe other noticed that lesson as well. When I saw this film, I knew I wasn't going to be as interested in this movie because I'm not a big fan of science. But i knew people who are big fans and loved science would like this movie because of all of the cool science experiments James Cameron does. I would not recommend this to people who aren't big fans of science because then would have wasted their money when they could have watched another movie they liked instead. The MPAA rating of this movie is PG. My final word on this film would be good but something i wouldn't watch again.
kr-68921 Have you ever thought about traveling down to the deepest part of the ocean, well if you do this is a great science documentary called "Deepsea Challenge". This movie is really interesting you get to see how they go down to the ocean and go into the deepest parts of the ocean. James Cameron is the director, producer, and main character in this movie. James also directed" Titanic"," Abyss",' Avatar", "Terminator". If you loved those movies then you will love this movie.This story provides many details on how to break a Deepsea challenge. James Cameron wants to go to the deepest part of the ocean called the Mariana Trench but the deepest part of the trench is called Challenger Deep, only one person has ever been down their, but James doesn't only just want to go down their but he wants to explore it.James studies test dives for going under the sea and see if the submarine could take it or if they would have to work on it some more in order for it to be okay going down to the Mariana trench. That helped endure the views by seeing what could happen and watch out for what he discovers. This documentary helps educate the viewer in understanding science by that you can't just dice to the bottom of the deepest part of the ocean its a big process, because he went to 9 different places to see if his submarine was ready to go. Also a convergent boundary is when two or more tectonic plates or fragments of the lithosphere move toward one another and collide The thing that i liked is that after his friend passed away he still perused his dream and kept his memory alive. My favorite part of this documentary was when they kind of showed how the Titanic was made I wanted to see how the movie was made and it showed when the water came into the upper class of the boat and started washing people away I have been wanting to see how they made those parts.The lessons that i learned from this documentary is that its a process in order to build a submarine and go to the nine places he had to go to test out the submarine so he could get ready to go the deepest part of the ocean. What i think that the others will learn from this story is that its a process to make a submarine and it takes time and money to peruse a dream like James Cameron did.This movie is PG, a rating which might run off some of the older crowd, but it might mainly be for scientist because of what it talks about. So i would definitely not recommend this to a chef or a baker. This documentary was a good and interesting I would not watch it again but it was good after all.
yuehans The first thing that stands out about Deepsea Challenge 3D is that a lot of effort has gone into documenting the missions in a cinematic way. There are cameras everywhere: mounted on smaller submarines to show you the bigger ones; built into the walls; carried by divers; etc. All this is fluidly strung together to recount a fascinating story, and supported by a dramatic soundtrack.The documentary doesn't only show you the Challenger Deep mission, but everything that has led up to it, and this includes tons of film-worthy material. We are given a track record of Cameron's almost romantic relationship with the deep, and this includes some deep sea exploration missions he has conducted using submersible robots, taking us into the monumental wrecks of the Titanic and the German battleship Bismarck.A lot of attention is given to the design of the Deepsea Challenger itself, and the engineering exploits that were carried out during its construction and testing. Creating this one-of-a-kind "metal coffin" is an adventure in itself, especially considering that the conditions down there are in many ways more difficult to deal with than outer space.Cameron's narration of his expedition log bears an uncanny resemblance to Jake Sully talking about Pandora, and while there are no straight-out action scenes, Deepsea Challenge 3D feels like a science fiction movie in the way it draws you in - but this time, you know that everything you see is completely real, even the crazy stuff. Some scenes are very tense and will have your jaw hanging in disbelief, such as the dramatic submersion from deck-mounted cranes in sketchy weather, or the extent of multiple systems failure during one of the manned test dives.In the end, Cameron says he hopes this project will also inspire children to live up to their dreams, and indeed this film is likely to mesmerize most kids who see it. It sure made me feel like a kid, and it's very inspiring to witness the adventures of real life explorers.