
5.4| 1h8m| PG| en

Della Chappell is a very wealthy and incredibly reclusive woman. When a big company wants to develop some land that Della owns, the town sends out Barney Stafford to talk to her. She invites Barney over to negotiate the proposal. Barney soon takes a liking to Della's equally reclusive daughter Jenny Chappell. After spending some time with Jenny, he realizes that Della has a dark secret, one that keeps them from the outside world.


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WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Michelle Ridley The movie is wonderful and true, an act of love in all its contradictions and complexity