
1980 "Revenge is sweet... and deadly."
4| 1h27m| R| en

A woman is gang-raped in a horse's stable, and even though the rapists are caught and imprisoned, she is harassed many moons later by ghastly visions of her tormentors, while her husband philanders and every little thing frightens her out of her wits.


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NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
dworldeater Demented is one of many nasty, sleazy rape and revenge themed horror movies that were churned out in regularity in the late 70's/early 80's. However, this is one that deserves to be forgotten about, which is surprising that Shout! Factory recently released this on blu ray. The storytelling and overall direction of the film is inept with very little character development or story. The acting is even worst, with the best acting from 70's porn actor Harold Reems, seriously. Sallee Elyse who plays his wife is a very attractive woman with enormous breasts and zero acting ability. Add to the fact that her voice is screachy and a stupid plot, this film truly is an endurance test for the audience to get to from beginning to end. The psychological aspects of the film are way out of our leading lady's ability to convey, or to emote at all in fact. Now our main character's fate is horrible, she gets gang raped and when she gets released from the mental hospital her husband ignores her and plays with his girl on the side and gets terrorized by neighbor hood boys that break into her house at night, thus driving her insane to kill everybody. Who would treat a rape victim that way? Demented is a sadistic, misogysist film that is so dumb and poorly executed it falls completely limp. A good example of a movie like this that works and is done well is I Spit On Your Grave(Yes, the original, but even the uninspired remake is much better than this!). Demented is a total piece of cinematic crap and is not recommended to anyone.
Indiana Tyson As the many other reviews have stated...this is a bad movie....really bad. However, it's become a personal cult classic favourite and stands proud in my B Grade VHS horror movie collection. I used to take this movie (and still do) to friends houses to play jokes on them. I would tell them that I rented an awesome movie thats so intensely moving and brilliant that you just have to see it....after 5 minutes of play time....the reactions from my agonised friends would put me on the floor in a state of orgasmic laughter. There's some classic dialogue in this film...."I don't like bad food...especially meat IT STINKS....I don't like anything smelly" and...."Were you raped last week, last moth, last year...WERE YOU EVER RAPED". Also some hilariously bad camera work...perhaps best noted during the dinner scene (by the that Kate Bush playing Linda's sister Annie ? - I seriously doubt it...but the similarity is scary !). Sallee Elyses voice is shockingly high pitched and annoying and Bruce Gilchrist should have stayed in the porn industry !!!!.....Watch only for a joke cos its so bad that its hilarious.
alicespiral A home movie masquerading as a video film and one which gives bad movies a bad name. I had this given so I didn't waste any money on renting it.I only made it to the end because I was curious to how much worse it could get. The rapists weren't the same one who were the neighbourhood youths so it was not even as if the woman got her revenge on the right people. The acting was no more than you could expect if you brought in people from the street,stuck cue cards in front of them and took it from there. Why do they make these kind of movies which copy ideas from others and copy them badly? This one doesn't even make it as comedy. The storyline is the most hackneyed in the world of horror with not one original line.A woman is gang raped,the rapists are in jail-though after the rape you never saw them again-the husband is having an affair,the wife is having nightmares.Nothing that doesn't happen in real life. The lines are pathetic: "please don't don't do this oh don't PLEASE...." Screams that are totally unconvincing,as if she's just seen a mouse.
gsm1usn Have always enjoyed this film - even though it may well have its flaws. Has there ever been an actress that exuded the raw sex appeal (with the possible exception of Dyanne Thorne) of Sallee Elyse? Unbelievable lady, just fantastic. A shame she only appeared in one other film. Not nearly as well-known as "I Spit on Your Grave", but a definite equal, in my opinion. Most hate this movie but I've spent many years trying to find it for sale. The few that are out there are in horrible condition or bootlegs. Was fortunate enough to locate a copy on eBay recently, although still not a factory original. Anyone else out there enjoy it as well?