Deported Women of the SS Special Section

1976 "Each Day Is A Living Hell For These Helpless Captives!"
4.4| 1h38m| en

Young women in Nazi-occupied countries are packed onto a train and shipped off to a prison camp, where the sadistic commandant uses them as rewards for his lesbian guards and perverted and deviate troops.


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Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Leofwine_draca DEPORTED WOMEN is one of those unholy trash flicks that seem to go out of their way to be as poor taste as possible. This one takes the hackneyed women-in-prison film and adds in an unpleasant Nazi vibe by making the setting a German prison. Inevitably, there's a sadistic prison camp commander who goes out of his way to abuse the various inmates, who seem to spend all of their time in lesbian encounters as well as having sex with the male guards. There's also some homosexuality here too, leaving no stone unturned as this movie plumbs the depths.As with the flimsiest of these productions, there isn't much storyline, so there are endless scenes of sex and nudity to pad out the running time. These quickly become boring and are the least erotic thing in the world. None of the actresses are particularly attractive and the acting is awful too. The only kind of story arises at the climax, where there's an inevitable prison break as well as a deeply unpleasant fate for the overacting camp commander, played by genre regular John Steiner. This involves a female prisoner using a cork-and-razor blade combination in a way that will bring tears to the eyes of any male viewer in an utterly excruciating moment of pain.So, sleaze all the way here, with all kinds of sexual shenanigans and unpleasantness going on such as hair shaving – although it's far from the nastiest that the genre has to offer. There are some mundane cat fights and the aforementioned jailbreak but these are handled in a mundane way. Director Rino Di Silvestro was also responsible for the trashy NAKED WEREWOLF WOMAN.
Falconeer After seeing countless 'Nazisploitation' movies, I lost hope that anything from this genre could actually qualify as "good cinema." But "Deported Women of the SS" has all the trappings of a good film; competent, sometimes beautiful cinematography, haunting and romantic orchestral score, and characters that are developed enough that you can actually care about their fate. Not to mention very authentic looking military/SS uniforms, and hairstyles correct to the 1940's. Best of all, we have John Steiner, as SS Captain Herr Erner. what a great, sinister villain he makes here. He played a similar role in Tinto Brass' "Salon Kitty," and I cannot imagine anyone looking more believable in those gorgeous black SS uniforms. In "Deported Women" we learn that Herr Erner had a passionate affair with an attractive young woman,and is reunited with her years later, when she arrives at the concentration a prisoner. His obsession for her grows to the point that it could be his downfall.For WWII enthusiasts, this is a must-see film. As far as the exploitation elements go, this movie doesn't go overboard. You get a lesbian rape scene, that winds up not being very enjoyable, as we are made to care about the victim. This is so rare with this genre of film. The actors are attractive and the high production values prevent this from looking seedy. This is certainly the best film of it's genre. I also recommend another nazisploitation film called "Nazi Love Camp," as it has good production values, and a good story. Try to find a good copy.
Scott LeBrun "Deported Women of the SS Special Section" sure provides plenty of sordid details for those who adore the grim, gritty, and nasty side of B cinema. The thing is, it's going to require a fair bit of patience on their part, as this movie is *very* slowly paced.The story deals with a variety of Jewish women taken prisoner during WWII and taken to a Nazi prison where they're subjected to the expected tortures. There's not much more story than that, except for the longing that ultra creepy camp commandant Herr Erner (John Steiner) expresses for leading lady Tania Nobel (Lina Polito).There's some melodrama to get through, in between the exploitative moments, accompanied by plaintive music by the talented Stelvio Cipriani. But don't worry, voyeurs, you'll be more than happy with the constant parade of bare female flesh. In loving close-up, no less. We even get to witness as women are repeatedly (and slowly) shaved down below. Of course, there are shower scenes, and lesbian love making scenes. (There's even one male homosexual encounter.) And in addition to all of the female nudity, there's a brief glimpse of the male anatomy as well.The acting is commendably straight faced. Polito is lovely but rather aloof. Erna Schurer co-stars as Kapo Helga; Solvi Stubing has a great role as a guard. The gorgeous Stefania D'Amario (of Fulci's "Zombie") plays Angela, and Rik Battaglia plays Dr. Schubert. The standout in the cast is clearly Steiner, offering a deliciously depraved performance. This is one kinky guy.If you just can't get enough of this genre, this movie should prove to be satisfactory. Certainly the Italians were particularly adept masters at this kind of exploitation.Seven out of 10.
Dr. Gore *SPOILER ALERT* SPOILER ALERT*"Deported Women of the S.S. Special Section" is about the daily ins and outs of life in a Nazi women's prison. The women get to the camp and are given the usual medical tests to make sure they're healthy enough for torture. There is a long shaving sequence in which pubic hair goes under the razor. That was hilarious. It was all for health reasons of course. The commander of the camp becomes infatuated with one of the prisoners. He wants her to love him. He goes through various romantic wooing ideas, (humiliation, solitary confinement), until she decides to leave a present in her vagina for him in the climax.This was an OK piece of Naziploitation. Nothing was too outrageous. There is not enough of anything to really recommend seeing it. There was a decent amount of nudity and the pubic hair shaving scene was appropriately sleazy. There was also a pretty nice lesbian scene as well. But overall you would expect a Nazi death camp flick to be a little more brutal. This was fairly, (for Naziploitation), tame.Oh, one last thing. There is a scene where the prison commander and his loyal man servant have a brief homosexual encounter. This was the last thing I was expecting to see in my Women's prison flick. Needless to say, a big turn off.