The young high school student Jessi has a date and is dressing up for it. But not in the disco, she goes to the nearby forest on the outskirts. A short time later she is dead. First, a carbon arrow hits her in the thigh, then a knife stab in the heart. When a jogger found the body the next day, it showed, among other things, bite marks and a twig in its mouth. The Saarland police investigative team around the chief inspectors Leo Hölzer and Adam Schürk is faced with a riddle, because the branch in the mouth indicates an old hunter's custom. Is it a ritual crime?
Vladimir Burlakov , Daniel Sträßer , Ines Marie Westernströer , Anna Böttcher , Kai Wiesinger , Katharina Spiering , Torsten Michaelis , Noémie Kocher , Vladimir Korneev , Caroline Hartig
ARD/Degeto Film