Devil Seed

4.1| 1h33m| en

Alexandra is a lively college student returning to live with her roommates Jessica and Breanne after the summer holidays. After a night of drinking, Alex agrees to a psychic reading to learn about her future with her boyfriend, Brian, but during the reading a dramatic turn of events causes SOMETHING to go drastically wrong. When Alex awakes the next day, she cant remember the events of the night before. She begins to hear creepy noises, hallucinate, black out and receive unidentifiable scratch marks all over her body. Afraid shes going crazy, she seeks help from her friends but Jessica, Breanne and Brian are incapable of comprehending the scope of the darkness descending UPON her. Instead, Alex receives help from a school professor and his father who have dealt with the supernatural before. But as Alexs condition worsens, it becomes apparent that it may already be too late to stop the entity from using Alexs body as a gateway into our world.


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Holstra Boring, long, and too preachy.
Joanna Mccarty Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
Leoni Haney Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Rich Wright "The Devil In Me" (Not Devil Seed, more on that later) is a cliché ridden, hilarious mess, and the only way I can come to terms with it is by compiling one of my infamous lists. So, here goes...1. Why is the victim of these atrocities always 'The new girl in town?'2. Why is the only one doing nude scenes the bimbo with the boob job with a bit part? 3. Why would you break into a psychics for a 60 dollar reading after a heavy night out drinking? 4. Why is it the initial SHOCK when you hear a noise turns out to be nothing, but it always followed by the REAL SCARE?5. Why bother possessing someone you're raping so she'll give birth to THE ANTICHRIST?6. Why is it so convenient that the school councellor's father turns out to be A BLOOMIN' EXORCIST?!7. Why can a demonic spirit in flight be stopped by A SHOWER CURTAIN?!8. Why is this marketed as a horror when it should be a comedy? (18 you say?! BWHAHAHAHAHAHA etc)9. Why bother changing the name of the film in the UK? (Might have been better if they'd changed the director, writer, actors, caterers...) 10. Why, in this genre, do the credits ALWAYS begin with an appalling loud cacophony of noise by a metal band you've never heard of?I'm sure there are more, many more, but I'm off now to take some paracetamol and have a lie down. I've just got time for perhaps the most important question of them all: 11. Why was this ever made?! 4/10
leannehassard I will put up with a lot to watch a horror.... it's hard to find a really good one and I understand, accept and even like that you have to watch a lot of B's, C's and D's to find one that might rate higher.This one rates way, way lower. If the main actor wheeze-breathed any more I think I would have to rip my ears off. She has 3 expressions - blank, concerned/worried/scared (they're all the same), and devil face.The only redeeming feature about this film was the supporting actor, the brunette friend. The rest of the cast acted like they were in a school play and they'd had about 3 days to rehearse. There were no real scares, no jolts, and certainly nothing unexpected. My friend and I were anticipating the dialogue and most of the time we got it right.... there are no new premises here! I really would rather have re-watched nearly any other movie than see this for the first time..... Give this one a big ol' miss.
john-gregorio43 The problem that I find with titles like this one are that they have a lot to live up too. You will never find a movie as raw and horrifying as the original Exorcist in the 70's. People are trying to make movies that are like it with the same acting and story, and it is too iconic to be retold. The movie itself was OK. I gave it a 6 because on its own the movie was good, acting was OK, however it does in fact seem like a tacky run off of the Exorcist. It has the same battle between the demon and priest, as well as the "walking backwards" thing. Not a bad movie to see with your girlfriend if you are looking for a good scare. Not the greatest either.
Erin Griffith After having watched hundreds of horror movies over the years, my initial assumption of this movie was proved wrong. I completely fell in love with Alex, played by Michelle Argyris. The other two roommates (one blonde, one brunette) are absolute eye candy also. The acting is actually top notch and what this film may have lacked with a huge budget or spectacular special effects, it more than made up for in performance. All of the characters were solid, believable and even likable. There were several points in this movie that caught me off guard and had me wishing that I wasn't watching it alone. I will watch this piece again for all of the qualities mentioned above and also because Alex is SO hot!