
3.9| 1h56m| en

A scientific exploration in search of a new energy source unleashes a group of powerful demons who begin possessing human bodies and destroying civilization. Close friends Akira and Ryo wind up on different sides of this epic struggle. Akira’s inner strength allows him to maintain his identity and fight for good, but the weaker Ryo is completely overtaken by Satan himself.


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Inclubabu Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.
Thehibikiew Not even bad in a good way
Mabel Munoz Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
david-meredith-985-992904 If you admire the animated Devil Man, do yourself a favor,SKIP THIS ONE! I am a fairly tenacious Devil Man enthusiast. I have a few mangas, the TV- Series box, Devil Man OVA Collection and Amon: Devil Man Apocalypse. The animation runs rings around the live-action movie. I had high hopes for this. I had it set in my mind that the quality of this movie would be on par with the live-action treatment of Casshern but it most definitely was not. Here's where the movie fails: flat acting, stiff computer animation, bad make-up and a giant lag in the middle of the movie. Put it this way, I had the Swine Flu and that was allot more fun than Devil Man: Live Action. I hope Go Nagai (Devil Man's creator) finds those responsible for this abomination and urinates all over their mothers. The ONLY saving grace of this movie is that Devil Man model looks pretty cool.
poe426 DEVILMAN makes the leap from anime to live-action well enough, if you ask me. In fact, it's one of the better anime-based live-action features. The anime happens to be one of my favorites. (My own DEVILGOD, who'll be appearing in a future issue of my black and white comic CAPE FEAR COMICS, was inspired by none other than Go Nagai's DEVILMAN.) (CAPE FEAR COMICS can be found at, for those interested in seeing someone put his money where his mouth is.) Like the creatures in Clive Barker's NIGHTBREED, Go Nagai's DEVILMAN dwells just this side of the next world. It's a fascinating place to be, if you ask me.
dbborroughs Gô Naga's comic story comes to the big screen in a big mess of a live action film. If it were enough to survive on looks alone then this might have had a snowballs chance in hell, but as it stands now this is a movie thats tough viewing.Where do I start? The plot is whats best described as episodic. Telling the story of two friends who are become changed when a scientific experiment goes wrong and demon energy comes into our world. One becomes "Satan" the other becomes Devilman, a demon with a human heart.There are other demons on the loose, many hiding in human form and they go about killing and eating any human they find. The remaining humans fight back and a war between the demons and the humans ensues, which becomes a war between nations. As Devilman battles his friend and humans and demons battle each other it looks like its the end of the world.The simplicity with which I recounted the plot is misleading since the story makes no sense except on the simplest of levels. Things happen and are important until they are not. We learn of the creation of the demons in such a way that makes you think you've missed something. Who are these scientists? There is a newscaster giving news reports in English in the middle of a Japanese language film. We are given endless scenes of goofy soldiers in white suits and gas masks shooting people they think are demons. An old lover of Devilman's demon side shows up for no reason but to have a fight. Events take a global turn except only to suddenly end up back in Japan. Characters come and go and we have no idea who they are, even though they seem to be important. Nothing holds together.The two leads are awful. Apparently they are non-actors, having made their mark a J-Pop idols. They should stay in the music field. They stand and stare. They walk or run then stand and stare some more. Mostly they look stoned. I've never seen a movie where the leads looked so completely fried outside of Dennis Hopper's Last Movie, certainly I've never seen a movie where the leads were so fried that they couldn't at least phone in a performance. They have no personality. Worse the kid who becomes Devilman is quite ugly for an idol and one makes you wonder why he was chosen to star.The effects are from a bad video game or from some of those low budget animated series. The design is good but for the most part they never drop into the world of the film, they are forever outside of it. At times the fights between demons shows its manga/anime origins by using the frozen image that artists use to produce an effect of action on a limited animation budget. It doesn't work here and just produces laughs as the two demons in question suddenly become statues instead living objects. its a WTF moment. I won't go into the makeup effects which are even worse, as spiky bones act like comes of latex rubber.And yet there is some good things in it. There are some nice designs, Devilman, his demonic lover and Satan all look great, at least in theory.The designs were what attracted me to the movie in the first place, and had they not been as good as they are I would not have even bothered with the film. The reaction of the frighten crowds is quite good, even if there is no logic, other than the need to move the story, for most of what they do. And there are some genuinely creepy moments such as the last moments of people's consciousness showing up on the back of the demon that ate them, or the weird eyes of the father of a little boy who doesn't know his dad has been taken over. These moments are sad because you get the sense of just how good this movie really could have been.I can't really recommend this movie. It's one of those annoying films that could have worked but doesn't so sinks to the bottom of the pile. They actually got some things right, but the fact that the leads, the story and to a lesser extent the effects don't work destroy this films hopes. (Though if you study film visuals, then you might want to look, if you can see it for free) A sad major misfire.
J1nSan This movie was honestly pitiful. I'm a fan of the Devilman series and this movie was one of the most horrible portrayals of such a memorable and amazing series. The cast consists of a lot of teen pop idols and they couldn't act even if their life depended on it. The "stance" the main character goes into when he's between his human and devil form is just horrific to watch. And he even walks around in the freakin stance! The fight choreagraphy is just plain horrid as well. When Akira is fighting Syrene that was absolutely pitiful. I was kind of disappointed also in the fact that a lot of the movie was CG. It gave the movie a game feeling most of the time. Another thing was the fact that they modified the story a bit. And that was one of the biggest reasons that made this movie so bad. You're better off watching the trailer if you want to get a glimpse of the good stuff. I was so hyped when I saw the trailer but once I saw the movie, the trailer was even better. If you want to see a great rendition of the series watch the OVA.