Dinocroc vs. Supergator

2010 "See The Awesome Battle Of The Beasts"
3.2| 1h20m| NR| en

On a lush tropical island, working under a secret government charter, Martin Drake has not only grown sprawling acres of giant vegetables, but inadvertently spawned two mammoth reptiles as well. Now they've broken free of their enclosures, and Drake has only one option: kill the creatures before word gets back to Washington and they close him down. When Drake's first team of well-armed mercenaries gets wiped out within hours of setting down in the jungle, he turns to one lone hunter, The Cajun, to go in single-handedly. But will The Cajun be cunning enough to find the creatures and destroy them before they turn the blue waters red with the blood of tourists. The only hope is to bring the monsters together and make them fight. When one emerges victorious, that will be the time to strike and kill the other. It's a risky plan, but ultimately the only one that may work. One of David Carradine's last movies.


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StunnaKrypto Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.
Lancoor A very feeble attempt at affirmatie action
Mehdi Hoffman There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Leofwine_draca Well, you know exactly what you're getting with that title, so it's no surprise that DINOCROC VS. SUPERGATOR is a real stinker of a film. You know the film has to be bad when even cult director Jim Wynorski is hiding underneath a pseudonym. This one was handled by the SyFy Channel as a clear spin on the surprisingly popular Asylum movies, but it's even worse than those, if that's even possible.The plot line is the usual stuff with government meddling in nature leading to the creation of not one but two super critters. Yes, they fight - eventually and in the most routine fashion - but until that stage we're mired in a mess of rubbishy actors and excruciating dialogue. David Carradine headlines the cast here but appears only in a minor role; for the most part it's blonde bimbo time, with nubile women running around in their bikinis and getting munched on bloodlessly. There's a wooden and ridiculously masculine hero called simply The Cajun, plenty of cheesy CGI effects, and an almost entire lack of blood and gore on display. Even B-movie fans will struggle with this one.
Woodyanders An unscrupulous biotech corporation run by the shady Jason Drake (a haggard David Carradine grumbling his way to a quick paycheck) create two gigantic reptiles in a secret island laboratory. Things go awry when the ravenous predatory beasts escape from the lab. It's up to earnest undercover government investigator Paul Beaumont (likable Corey Landis, who spends the bulk of the movie rocking a ghastly floral shirt), spunky Fish & Game officer Cassidy Swanson (fetching blonde Amy Rasimas Holt, who shows some tasty heaving cleavage since she doesn't bother to completely button up her shirt), and rugged redneck swamp hunter The Cajun (essayed with mucho macho aplomb by Rib Hillis) to stop the lethal lizards before it's too late. Veteran B-flick director Jim Wynorski, who also co-wrote the blithely inane script, relates the hysterically ridiculous premise at a brisk pace, treats said silly plot with gut-busting misguided seriousness, draws the colorful characters in amusing broad strokes, and delivers some absurd mild gore along with several sexy bikini-clad babes for the creatures to eat (the definite grisly highlight occurs when a buxom blonde bimbo gets bitten in half by the over-sized alligator). Moreover, Wynorski warrants extra props for having the admirable audacity to blatantly rip off the jeep chase from "Jurassic Park." The sincere acting by the game cast likewise deserves kudos, with 90's soft-core cinema starlet Delia Sheppard a particular stand-out as morally upright scientist Kimberly Taft. The laughably lousy won't-foul-you-for-a-second bargain basement CGI effects considerably enhance the rampant unintentional hilarity. The lively cheeseball score by Chuck Cirino, Al Kaplan, and Jon Kaplan does the rousing trick. Samuel Brownfield's slick cinematography gives the picture an attractive bright look. An absolutely kitschy riot.
djderka Thank god for Roger Corman. I know everyone thinks that SyFy has cheesy movies, but that is what SyFy does AND they give young directors a chance at directing a movie.Remember those cheesy fiction films from the 50's? Remember the gorilla with a diver's helmet? Yep. Or that crab creature running the world. SyFy comes from that tradition. And of course those classic B movies have aged quite well. I suspect in 50 yrs these movies will have the same panache. But they are two close in time to Jaws, ET, and other big budget epics that make them seem sub standard, which they are, but they are cheap fun. And you get to see new actors.And, they are ripe material for the next generation of MST 3K.In Dinocroc, the "cajun" man has real potential. Anybody know Timothy Oliphant? Remember Blair Witch 2, or Hit-man? He got his start there.Where else can they go to get a million dollar budget and direct something. That means, crew, actors, music track catering,editing...they are learning their craft. Some will rise to the top as they did in the old days of the Corman studio system where he gave young directors a shot at directing, like Scorsese and many others.Now you all know the plot of this movie. How can you loose with babes in bikinis, and tourist being eaten. That is the core of Corman. Now some directors with panache may add some style to a movie with oddball humor or original twists.For example, when the tourist got off the bus and the croc was coming, a quip would be: Daughter: "Dad, what do you think when the croc gets of whiff of those tourists, what will he think".Sheriff: "Dunno, maybe...lunch is ready?"Take Tremors, for example. A really good film with Kevon Bacon and Fred ward, it is a story of a huge worm that is eating people. Very original, clever, and imaginative and fun and in broad daylight.Bacon: "I got me a plan".So you have hot babes (being eaten), tourists (being eaten), army guys (being eaten) bus drivers (being eaten) sheriff (beging eaten), and people running around screaming in this movie. Stir. Repeat. Add sauce.Some reviewers wonder how sugar cane dust can kill these monsters. Well, have you ever seen a grain elevator explosion? Dust is more potent than C4.The gator/car chase was really ridiculous tho. It is true that gators can run up to 30mph. They seldom do. It takes to much energy to move that mass and they rather lounge around and catch unwary prey.Even the fastest animals do not chase anything for very long. So enjoy those SyFy movies for giving directors a break and providing some low cost entertainment. They have to keep the doors open until the next Battleship Galactica.We love you Roger.
pooosellp Glad this movie made such controversy in the ratings. This movie cracked me up all night, put me in such a good mood all day the next. It has everything you can expect from a Hollywood film, but fails your normal expectations and standards. I strongly advise those who go in to see this movie MUST see it with a light heart and a silliness that many people forget when watching movies. The off beat editing and over the top seriousness of the script and uncanny plot creates a comedic dynamic to the whole story. The CGI is awfully nostalgic in a way which reminds us of the days when movies aren't all about computer graphics. The difference in acting skill is fun to watch, as you get a real sense of how to differentiate good actors from bad ones. Overall, there are a lot of things to watch for in this movie, and you can be sure there'll never be a dull moment when you're not laughing about something. :D