Dinosaur Island

2014 "Their world is closer than you think."
3.7| 1h30m| PG| en

The adventure begins when Lucas, a 13 year old boy, embarks on the vacation of a lifetime. When disaster strikes, Lucas finds himself stranded in a strange land littered with ghost ships and prehistoric creatures. While searching for other signs of life, Lucas hears a radio broadcast in the distance and is drawn into the jungle where he encounters a beautiful young girl who claims to have come from the 1950s. Together they set out on a quest to get home all the while uncovering secrets that will forever change the future.


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Also starring Kate Rasmussen


SincereFinest disgusting, overrated, pointless
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Cissy Évelyne It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Voyou Nobodysbusiness Cons first: There's actually only one, and that's the acting being rather weak, although not as bad or cringe-worthy as reviewers had me believe. That takes out 1 point off my note, but certainly doesn't make Dinosaur Island yet another "worst film ever." In fact, I found the kid heroes quite adorable, which is a rarity for me, cinema-wise.Now for the good bits: The story-telling goes old fashion children adventure, following a duo of spirited smart kids with a positive attitude. It works on kid movie logic, as it should, so as to concentrate on laughs, thrills, and mostly on delivering a sense of wonder and mystery. There's the mandatory adorable animal pet, which is truly adorable; and extremely smart, way too much if you watch it in a cynical mood, but that would be your problem.My favourite bit is the fauna & flora couple. It's diverse, colourful, and a real joy to watch, apart for a pair of creepy-crawly critters that are efficiently yucky. The expected T-Rex is there, updated to its current scientific status, and I have to say that it looks surprisingly scary with its flashy red and blue feathers. Then the writer went crazy with the plants. Some of them look like they were extracted from Lovecraft's mind. Fortunately, the bright colours dampen the horror. They might still be scary enough for children, but they end up mostly bizarre and mysterious.Let's mention that all this vivid life is watched under a blue sky. Hollywood it ain't, hence the makers felt no need to hide CGI imperfections in 90 minutes of darkness. Quite the opposite. CGI are the way to go for lower budgets. They'll never look as good as animatronics, but the latter are much more demanding. Dinosaur Island's end credits read like a family project. Several families in fact. They proudly show their baby in full daylight, and I'm glad they do.Dinosaur Island is Jules Verne done right. I watched it with eyes wide open and a permanent smile. I found all the ingredients that make children dream of adventure and paradise islands: prehistoric beasts (instead of mosquitoes), fantastic tree houses, not so dangerous tribes, crystal caves (who wouldn't love to discover some, like in Mexican Naica ?) and, above all, the mixing of gorgeous scenery and modern wrecks. This marriage shall be the glue and the trademark of this nice piece of entertainment.
Diogo Santos As regt said the only reviews you see that have a number bigger than 2 are basically users that participated in the making of this movie and then made an account specifically for this movie, which brings this movie even to a greater shame than it was already. I'm not even gonna bother to detail the whole thing, the movies is simply just bad, plot-wise, visually a literal piece of human waste, the characters are boring and the acting is just plain bad, special effects are as lamer than a 80's movie. Don't believe me? Well just check the reviews...all you see from the idiots who created their accounts are 8's and 10's and yet the rating is a solid 3,8 and it keeps going down.My advice, don't even illegally download this movie, you'll just waste bandwidth.
Prismark10 Journey To Dinosaur Island is an unpretentious kids film with colourful and feathered dinosaurs but a clunky script and under par acting.Its entertaining and undemanding if watched with an audience of kids as an Australian boy named Lucas who finds himself marooned in a mysterious island with very colourful dinosaurs and finds a girl called Kate who has been on the island seemingly since the 1950s. They try to find a means to escape the island.This production values are OK, the Australian setting makes the film more novel and at least it has an interesting beginning as Lucas goes one up on his school teacher at class.The CGI makes this look more like a B picture the special effects are still better than the low grade output from the SyFy channel but you do wonder if visual effects colourist was on acid at the time.
mitchelljlaunder I liked this movie very much, it came to my island on this compote i am typing on near pleas for give my spells i am on slang with the real Dino saris this movie is very realistic, if the fact me and my fronds ride on the backs of the floppy saws this is a very fun past time The active Inge is very good as well, 11/10 i liked the memes It was a really good film like sunset overdrive chichi am playing right now with Amy friend and his little brother who wants to play FIFO its kinda weird i mean i do like FIFO but this is just getting a little annoying but i digress this movie is very good and i liked the Cabo actors it is nice they are getting a job instead of sniffing fuel not being politically correct sorry oops my bad oops my fend is now updating assassins creed unity and it is currently at 90% which is exiting i guess but i kinda wish we played Ufa you know what i mean Nichol laundry can we pals play FIFO review over sorry I liked the move very much