Dinosaur Planet

2003 "Real. Big. Stories."
7.7| 3h14m| en

A four-episode animated series charting the adventures of four dinosaurs - each on a different continent in the prehistoric world: a lone female Velociraptor in Asia; a young male Daspletosaurus in North America; a South American female Saltasaurus; and a young adult Pyroraptor in Europe. Narrated by Christian Slater and hosted by paleontologist Scott Sampson.


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UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
turboguppy I think this series is actually very well done. Complaints about "Dinosaurs doing stupid and unbelievable things" fly right past me... I mean, who hasn't seen PEOPLE do some pretty stupid and unbelievable things??? When Das, for example, runs into his mother, knocking her prey right out of her mouth, well, it's a mistake. We've all made mistakes. You have to keep in mind that this is a STORY, and thus must have tension, sympathy, and other elements that a straight documentary might not provide. While I really loved Walking With Dinosaurs, I believe Dinosaur planet further rounds out the education and fascination with Dinosaurs. I give it an 8 because it's not the best show I've ever seen, and is definitely not on par with Walking With Dinosaurs, but I highly recommend it to anyone who simply loves Dinosaurs! If you are picky about 'scientific errors,' please keep in mind that all we know about dinosaur behavior is guesswork, even the best guesses are probably off quite a bit. Suspend your disbelief for just a bit, and enjoy the story! If you find inaccuracies, great! That just means you were paying attention. Go ahead and point them out. Read up on them, see if you are right. It's all part of the learning process, and I for one, am more interested in learning than complaining and nitpicking.
raptor_67 Dinosaur Planet is another attempt of creating a great documentary about dinosaurs. This one is worth checking out, but by no means is up to par with Walking With Dinosaurs. The Good: Dinosaur Planet has some attractive visuals and even greater CGI models. Most of the dinosaurs look very accurate and beautifully rendered. The soundtrack is also good as well as the HD sound effects. The idea of portraying a story is a very good concept and is something new different, and fresh.The Bad: Dinosaur Planet suffers from noticeable flaws which stop it form being as great as documentaries like Walking With Dinosaurs. First off the pacing can be slow at times and 45 minutes is too long to spend on one dinosaurs story. Another problem is that the dinosaurs often do very stupid and unbelievable things. There are a few scientific inaccuracies and other minor quirks that are noticeable throughout some of the scenes as well. It also isn't as action-packed as you'd hope.Alpha's Egg: 7.9/10 Little Das's Hunt: 7.8/10 Pod's Travels: 8.2/10Whitetips's Journey: 7.9/10Overall: 8.0/10
dbborroughs Four stories of varying quality concerning four dinosaurs and their struggles to survive.Because its a Discovery Channel Production, the place where the landmark series Walking with Dinosaurs played in the US and because Discovery played up the similarities one will have to make a comparison. In my eyes Walking With Dinosaurs is the clear winner, thats not to say that Dinosaur Planet is bad, its not, its just much too long for what it is.Where Walking was a semi documentary (but mostly a best guess) on how dinosaurs lived. Here we have hour long stories about the fights for survival of four different animals. We follow them as they try to survive in the various locations they live in with each animal getting name in the narration. Its a dinosaur version of Wild Kingdom. The problem is that each story goes on for an hour. Thats all fine and all but there isn't enough story to hold the attention for an hour for each of the characters, especially since the eat and be eaten theme gets a bit too over played.I liked it at first, and probably would have enjoyed it more in small bits instead of the four hour marathon I saw it in.Worth a shot on cable, especially if you love dinosaurs. Not sure about a rental and certainly see it before you buy it.
EugeneandSasha Most people say this is a lot worse than Walking With Dinosaurs. Although Walking With Dinosaurs is more accurate to how dinosaurs actually were, Dinosaur Planet is much more entertaining. Their are some nice visuals in Dinosaur Planet and a lot of action and intense violent scenes. I'd recommend this to anyone who has the slightest interest in dinosaurs. Some people complain that they saw dinosaurs walking on grass. First of all, the "grass" was probably a type of grass-like plant that evolved earlier. Second of all even if it were grass that doesn't ruin the film and only real Dino nerds would care about that too much. Overall this is one of the best dinosaur documentaries ever made.9.8/10