Dirty Wars

2013 "A secret army. A war without end. A journalist determined to uncover the truth."
7.4| 1h27m| NR| en

Investigative journalist, Jeremy Scahill is pulled into an unexpected journey as he chases down the hidden truth behind America's expanding covert wars, and examines how the US government has responded to international terrorist threats in ways that seem to go against the established laws of the land.


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Also starring Jeremy Scahill


Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
ThiefHott Too much of everything
WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
carbuff First the negatives. The narrator (Jeremy Scahill) has a really flat voice throughout the film--typical for documentaries, but I prefer some emotion and inflections--really no big deal. Second, as expected, the book was much, much more through with a lot more information. The film should be viewed as a complement to the book, not a substitute. Third, I personally do not find the "lead character" that the United States is attempting to assassinate by drone to be very sympathetic. Not for a second do I believe that he was a peace-loving Islamic cleric radicalized and turned into a terrorist by the evil U.S. Instead, I think that for unknown psycho-social reasons being a demagogue came easy to him. The positives of this documentary, however, far outweigh any negatives. It is really excellent and interesting, just like the book. Even for someone who has decent familiarity with some of the questionable things going on in U.S. foreign policy, there will certainly be many new facts here. No recent presidential administration comes off good. That any of this was going on under George Bush shouldn't surprise anyone, but Obama comes off much worse considering that he has escalated questionable policies and is a sophisticated, well-educated, constitutional law professor. How many Nobel Peace Prize Winners have Kill Lists? The precedents we are setting are worrying, and, in the long term, today's advanced weaponry is likely to become much more accessible and we may wind up reaping what we have sown.
Arnror_II Testimony after testimony, document after document, who now in the world still believes in this once great nation.Jeremy Scahill, Bill Maher, Michael Moore, and every American citizen who knows the truth about their government, should be ashamed of themselves. They have the power to lead their country in the next revolution, yet they sit on their asses making movies and comedy. Somebody, sometime is going to take down the powers that be in the US, and when that happens, I'm joining.This is obviously a movie that makes you feel something, or confirms the feelings you already have, towards this world terrorizing band of merchants
poe426 If not for uncensored news outlets like DEMOCRACY NOW! or LINK TV, most of us wouldn't know a thing about books (and documentaries) like DIRTY WARS. The documentary is genuinely suspenseful and often as painful as a "double tap." (For those who don't know, a "double tap" is when a drone is sent in to kill someone targeted by the U.$. government and a SECOND drone or missile attack is launched at the exact same spot minutes later to kill anyone who has arrived to aid the initial victim.) "America knows war," a U.$.-backed Somali warlord boasts: "They are masters of War." In Virginia and North Carolina, hundreds of millions of gallons of poison (including arsenic) have been accidentally dumped into rivers; the Tar Sands pipeline has been built without "official approval"; the Trans-Pacific Partnership (which has been likened to the disastrous North American Free Trade Agreement "on steroids") is being slipped in through the back door of the Blight House; RADCAST.org reminds us on a daily basis that radiation levels are dangerously high around this company- uh, country; attorney Mike Papantonio gives regular run-downs on the latest Medical malpractices going on worldwide (Tylenol causes liver damage, for instance); there are 8 Million pounds of contaminated beef being recalled (and one local grocery chain is having- get this- a "25% off meat sale"); there's formaldehyde in soft drinks (and all plastics, including packaging); there are new oil spills and fires in Louisiana (we see a string of oil tankers apparently burning in the middle of a clearly visible oil slick); pockets of frozen methane in the Arctic may begin to thaw, ere long, and bring about yet another Extinction Event; between 80,000 and 100,000 protesters turned up at a recent Moral Monday protest here and not one local news outlet mentioned it (not that I saw); millionaires and billionaires (many of whom dressed in drag) met in a closed-door meeting to belittle the poor in this Fascist Plutocracy; the top three causes of Death in this country are 1. Heart Disease 2. Cancer 3. Medical Malpractice (450, 000 cases a YEAR!); undercover footage showing Bubbas in Idaho torturing and- get this- sexually assaulting farm animals in slaughterhouses came to light and suddenly there's a ban on undercover exposes; and only people like Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez and Thom Hartmann and a handful of others free of corporate control bother to try to get the Truth out to us. Listen closely, people. Time's a'wastin'. Or maybe I'm just being para---
Chris Cleary I loved this documentary for the most part but felt the narrator was mellow-dramatic at times. i also found the approach of storytelling quite tedious and a little self-indulgent. I understand the narrator needed to tell the story in this way as he was the journalist who began the investigation over a decade ago, but I felt at times it lacked creativity. My biggest problem with this documentary was it's ending. The story just seemed to go nowhere; or 'fell off a cliff" as my documentary tutor would say. The journalist had copious amounts of video evidence to which he done nothing about other than put it in his film. Why did he not bring it to the Whitehouse and demand comment and put the Generals of JSOC under pressure?The line 'I realize now this story has no ending" for the fact the war on terror will always be in operation is a cop out on the producers part, it's a lazy way of saying I have worked so long on this film which has no ending but I want to get it out into the public domain. I feel in the end he was blinded by the excitement to release it rather than wait another 2 years to find a strong conclusion.Apart from the above it is still an excellent documentary which is thoroughly enjoyable and well deserves its nomination for the Oscars, however I do not think it will win for its storytelling element over its political message.