
6.5| 2h0m| R| en

Disgrace is the story of a South African professor of English who loses everything: his reputation, his job, his peace of mind, his good looks, his dreams of artistic success, and finally even his ability to protect his cherished daughter. After having an affair with a student, he moves to the Eastern Cape, where he gets caught up in a mess of post-apartheid politics.


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Incannerax What a waste of my time!!!
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Jemima It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
851222 Greetings from Lithuania."Disgrace" (2008) is a mesmerizing motion picture, almost flawless. Shamefully, i saw this movie just in the beginning of 2014, and even bigger shame, it is so underrated back in 2008. I truly, strongly believe, that "Disgrace" on of the best pictures of 2008. It was snubbed then, but a true movie goers will find out how good it is no matter when - true art finds it's way. The acting by a great John Malkovich is one of his very best in his great career. The story is superb, the storyline evolves so smoothly, so realistic and on the same time so difficult to comprehend that you will be fully absorbed in it. It's like reading a good book, you can simply put it a way until you will finish it. What a movie, what a story.Overall, a true 10/10 for "Disgrace", of of the best movies of the year, do your self a favor an watch this overlooked gem, it's a truly masterfully storytelling, acting an overall superb movie experience.
MarieGabrielle John Malkovich portrays an esteemed Capetown professor who lives somewhat in his own ivory tower, has an affair with a young student and finds his idyllic life in academia and ego-gratification shattered.He decides somewhat on a whim to visit his daughter Lucy, who runs a farm on the South African coast. She cares for several dogs and has a native worker who helps her on the farm. It is a small cohesive village and she is on the outside looking in, a veritable intruder, in more ways than one.The story develops and foreshadows the violence which is beset upon Lucy and her father by a local disturbed boy who rapes her, along with a gang of two other young men. Her father sustains burns, but does not see what actually happens to Lucy in the other room, although the audience can infer she is being raped repeatedly. Malkovich at first approaches her gingerly, thinking she is damaged and distraught needing to move away from the farm and her assailants. However, the opposite proves to be true. In a rather dismal scene, Lucy tells her father she must remain, that rapes like this have occurred before, and she is owing this to the people of the land, that she must remain to take on a sort of punishment.There are psychological nuances here. People inducing sadomasochism, or enduring it for their real or presumed character flaws. It makes for a compelling story, and I'd imagine the novel by J.M. Coetzee is a great read. The film at times does not translate this subtlety, and we are left feeling annoyed with Lucy and her victimized state.Malkovich is good here, as usual, with an affected but acceptable accent, a restrained but marked need for sexuality in his later years. He has an affair with a local veterinarian where he brings some of Lucy's unfortunate dogs to be etherized. The scene where Malkovich plays music for a dog, the dog responds to him, wanting his love, and he brings it to the vet to be destroyed is sad and stark. "Put it out of its misery", he tells her...and we almost imagine he is speaking of his own life instead of the dogs.Overall a worthy film, although the book is probably much clearer in intent and I am now intrigued to read the authors works regarding animals and the fragility of life. Recommended. 8/10. **Addendum: Have finished the novel and it is a must read
secondtake Disgrace (2008)Wow, what a troubled movie, and troubling. At the very very bottom, I think it's about accepting things that are horrible because you have to, but also about accepting things that you don't understand, also because you have to. That's a hard thing to do, and the lead character, a literature professor played by John Malkovich, is the kind of man who analyzes and understands with great nuance almost everything. But things go wrong, and he is trying to help his grown lesbian daughter, who in her submissiveness all around, even to him, lets him fail through no fault of her own. The world of South Africa, where whites are bound to gradually lose their place, their land, their well being in a shift back to the original black inhabitants, is not easy to grasp, and the movie, based on J.M. Coetzee's novel, tries. Noble, frustrating, at times unconvincing, "Disgrace" is redeemed (as a movie) by the professor's seeming higher sense of values. We cling to his feelings for justice and for his daughter even as we find him personally despicable. "Disgrace" is also redeemed (as a concept) by the very strong currents of the book, dealing with what might be the most problematic issue of our times--how to get along, how to coexist and when not to, how to understand and accept and sometimes refuse to accept. Great stuff, good movie.
Hitchcoc After viewing the first five minutes, it dawned on me that I had read this book a few years ago. It is a little hard to identify with the central figure, played by the quirky Malkovich. He makes decisions without a moments thought for their consequences. It would seem that he has little if any regard for anyone. So when he disgraces himself with his totally unprofessional behavior, he finds himself in the South African countryside, in the middle of racial tension following the end of apartheid. What is happening is an uneasy meeting of the two cultures as David (played by Malkovich) moves in with his daughter and stumbles around in his arrogant stupor, causing her no end of pain. She has her own issues. She is ultimately gang raped by some of the local blacks but refuses to rock the boat. She has no place to go and finds herself disenfranchised. Malkovich is a coward when it comes down to it or he is just plain stupid or so shortsighted. Anyway, Coetzee tells a great tale with a chance for reclamation all around. it's a purification through suffering. The cultures need time to settle in and it won't be easy.