Django Defies Sartana

5| 1h28m| en

Django comes to town to discover that his brother Steve, accused of robbing a bank, has been lynched. Django believes the real culprit is Sartana and challenges him to a duel. Just in time he discovers that the author of the crime is an important local figure and Django and Sartana join forces to punish him.


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Ameriatch One of the best films i have seen
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
FightingWesterner While Django is away, the town bank is cleaned out and the bank president killed. Django's brother is lynched by an angry mob, who believe he and Sartana responsible, sending Django on a mission of vengeance...against Sartana!This has a few effective moments, like when Django discovers his brother's corpse and his first encounter with Sartana. Most of the time though, it's just plain slow, with forgettable title performances by Tony Kendall and George Ardisson. Things pick up in the final third of the movie, though not nearly enough for a recommendation.If you ask me, Django doesn't get nearly enough revenge here. He should have made like Clint Eastwood in Hang 'Em High and High Plains Drifter, by violently killing the lynch mob and burning the whole crummy town to the ground!
Wizard-8 If you are familiar with the spaghetti western genre, you have probably correctly guessed that "Django Defies Sartana" was a cash-in, naming its protagonists after the heroes of past popular spaghetti westerns. Actually, the Sartana character in this movie does have some resemblance to the original Sartana character, though the Django character does not (no machine gun, among other things.) But I didn't care if the movie was a rip-off or not, I just wanted it to be entertaining. The movie does get to a slow start, with the plot not starting until a quarter of the running time has passed. But when the plot kicks in, the movie does manage to keep some interest in the viewer, with some action and various plot twists. I'm not saying this is a GREAT spaghetti western, but fans of the genre will probably find it decent enough. And it's the closest we'll ever get to uniting Django and Sartana in the same film!
lorenellroy The title of this movie is somewhat misleading, for while the eponymous duo do briefly clash ,for they most part they work together against their mutual enemies ,the bad guys.Django (Tony Kendall) has a brother ,Steve ,who is employed by a frontier bank and has a reputation as a womaniser.He is set up on a false charge of bank robbery ,caught while entertaining a lady of the night and summarily hung without trial despite the best endeavours of the local Sheriff to save him from the lynch mob.His alleged partner in the crime was Sartana-who is equally guiltless of the deed .Django descends on the town but turns away without wreaking vengeance and sets out after Sartana .After a brief but intense fist fight they are made aware of the truth .The criminal was the banker himself(Jose Torres) ,and to compound his villainy he took his own niece captive as a hostage should the need arise .Django and Sartana combine forces to exact revenge and rescue the girl There are some touches of the well nigh obligatory sadism associated with the Spaghetti Western but for the most part this a traditional Western well enough executed without being outstanding .
junk-monkey First up I'm no great connoisseur of Spaghetti westerns, preferring instead the unintentional hilarity and weirdness of Italian Science Fiction and Horror movies but, from time to time, I settle back to wallow in the operatic lunacy that a good spaghetti western has to offer.This is not a good Spaghetti western. A good spaghetti western is weird, hard, brutal and at the same time stylishly, overblown and decadent - in a word 'operatic'. This is not an operatic movie. It is choppy and incoherent. All the ingredients are there but so badly mixed, and slopped about with little regard to any continuity (never a strong point in Italian cinema to start with) it is hard to understand what is going on at times. How for instance did the two Mexican(ish) guys fighting with knives in the final sequence get from the top of the building to the grassy ground outside? And it was only after the movie had finished that I realised that our bad girl was supposed to have been trampled by the horses in the stables. I had no idea what was going on. She just falls over and screams and thrashes about for no apparent reason - watch out for good girl's "acting" when she sees the body. It is a classic piece of "hold the side of your head and scream" direction. I suspect they glued headphones onto her under all that hair and played crap music at her to get her to hold her head like that.Most of the screen time seems to consist of shots of utmost pointlessness that are pale copies of people like Sergio Leone. When Leone held a shot forever you watched it. It was important. It heightened the action. Increased the tension. whatever the situation, it did it's job. It was significant. In this movie it is easy to get the impression that the sustained shots are there merely to pad out the movie to an acceptable length.