Django Strikes Again

1987 "Forget Young Guns. Here comes the BIG GUN."
5.3| 1h36m| NR| en

Former gunfighter Django has become a monk and abandoned his violent former ways. His daughter is kidnapped by rogue Hungarian soldiers using slave labor to run a silver mine. Django casts off his habit and digs up his machine gun to practice a little liberation theology.


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ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Aspen Orson There is definitely an excellent idea hidden in the background of the film. Unfortunately, it's difficult to find it.
Lee Eisenberg Following the release of Sergio Corbucci's "Django" in 1966, there were a number of movies that had Django in the title but had nothing to do with the original movie. But now comes an authentic sequel, with Franco Nero reprising the role of the crime-fighting westerner. Set many years after the original, "Django 2: il grande ritorno" -- "Django Strikes Back" in English -- has the title character now living in a monastery. But when a rogue general (Christopher Connelly) arrives and starts making trouble, Django digs up his buried machine gun and takes charge. And he's ten times badder than in the first movie! Admittedly, there was a lot of silly stuff in the movie. For starters, many of the Mexicans have accents and lines that appear to be based on Speedy Gonzales. But in the grand scheme of things, this is a truly fun movie! And I get the feeling that they had fun making it. Quentin Tarantino is apparently planning another Django movie. I'll be eager to see that one.
lotsafun Django Strikes Again is a blast! It's a very fun and entertaining flick! Just don't go into this sequel expecting it to be a rehash of the original. It's been 20 years since the Old West era of the original Django film, but Django comes back and proves that he can still do things in his own unique, and highly violent, manner. Franco Nero returns as Django and it's great to see him back in the role. He's was cool in the original and even cooler in Strikes Again. Django has definitely gotten better with age! The machine gun is back too! Pop some corn, grab your favorite beverage, start up the DVD player, and have a blast with Django Strikes Again!
wh-3 Basicly comes off like any number of Franco Nero action films from the 1980's. He's got a machine gun so he must be playing Django, right? And a hearse this time instead of the coffin. Nero could just as well be playing "Keoma Strikes Back". Sergio Corbucci was not the greatest director but he knew how to set up some atmosphere. This "Ted Archer" directs like he graduated Filipino school of film quickies. Not worth the rental, watch the original instead.
William It strange that they make a offical sequel 15+ years later, but this time Franco Nero teams up with TOP LINE director Ted Archer in a so-so sequel. Intresting supporting cast like the late Christopher Connelly, Donald Plesance, and Andy Sidaris regular Obreigon. It's worth a look, and I noticed the film finally came out on video after 12 years. I had to get a copy from Japanese video just to see it. Recommended to Nero fans.