Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.
This below average monster movie is about as original as a forger's art gallery. Freely copying from many, other, better films, the only reason I can think that someone would enjoy this is if they haven't seen any of the other films which it references, sorry, I mean steals from. INDIANA JONES, the first two in the ALIEN series, JURASSIC PARK, and PREDATOR are the inspirations here, with the film owing most to PREDATOR.I had no problems with the cast in this film. Mark Dacascos (SABOTAGE) looks the part of an action hero although he is pretty bland and emotionless and not much of an actor, but then neither are Schwarzenegger or Van Damme and their films do well. Jurgen Prochnow (IN THE MOUTH OF MADNESS) serves his role as respected-actor-turning-to-role-in-awful-film, just like Michael Caine did before him in ON DEADLY GROUND. Prochnow is a stereotypical ruthless scientist and he chews the scenery with aplomb. The rest of the cast are interchangeable, the female lead does absolutely nothing except carry around lots of baggage and help Dacascos occasionally, and everyone else is just cannon fodder.The special effects of the monster range from being quite good (some CGI shots are used, and these are the most effective) to the poor man in a monster suit, where ALIEN is the most obvious influence. There are lots of explosions and a few fight scenes in the film too, including a hilariously unrealistic back projection of a helicopter crash which is at a totally different scale to the actors in front of it. You'll never see any effect quite so bad as this.I would have enjoyed this film more if it hadn't been such a rip off, like when the alien turns invisible as it runs through the trees. The end sequences, where Dacascos strips off and makes traps for the alien in the jungle, and then jumps off a waterfall, and also hides in mud to avoid detection, are directly ripped from PREDATOR, a much better monster on the loose film, and comparisons are pointless as this is nowhere near as good. Still, if you're a fan of cheesy movies then I guess you could do worse, but the outright rip-offs on view here just left a nasty taste in my mouth.
Well, since I watched this movie for the third time, I must like this rubbish, no? Damn right I do! This is one pretty bad PREDATOR rip-off. Actually, this movie borrows so many elements from so many other movies, you can't even bother beginning to count them. Jürgen Prochnow looks like he's on cocaine or something, over-acting every line he speaks intensely. He looks pretty insane as the mad scientist with no conscience or morality. Mark Dacascos plays a doctor (haha!) who suddenly turns into Rambo (hoho!) or (more appropriate) into Major Alan"Dutch"Schaeffer (hihi!). The special effects are hilarious (that helicopter crash!!!) and the monster-suit is cool (with red & green colors). Of course it looks extremely rubbery. Plus: that annoying native kid gets killed! Way to go scriptwriter! So yes, this is rubbish, but of the enjoyable kind!
I thought the first half of this movie was bad - there's a monster that's created by combining an ancient skeleton with the DNA of beetles, or maybe it's a space alien? Both explanations are given. A mad scientist (Jurgen Prochnow) has created this thing as a military weapon (oh yeah, the old completely uncontrollable monster as a weapon gag). A CIA agent and a local doctor / scientist / jungle guide / warrior guy try to stop them. There's just one plot hole after another. At one point the multi-tasking guy and the CIA agent are locked up in a drainage pipe, but escape simply by going to the next exit. They put a guy in a cage to act as bait for the monster, but there are people running around all over the place. Why would they assume the monster would go after the guy in the cage? And on and on.
But the second half of this movie is just a really cheap Predator rip off, scene-by-scene. You get two people laying motionless on a beach, and a monster's-eye view of them - he can't see them because, well, he's 99% blind I guess. The Predator couldn't see Schwarzenegger because he was covered in mud which masked his infra-red signature, but these folks aren't covered in mud. Apparently the creature saw Predator and realized that he shouldn't be able to see them. Then there's the scene where the Indian takes off his shirt and rubs something across his chest, preparing to do battle. And the scene where a big piece of tree trunk is hoisted into the air for a trap. Just for variety, they throw in a scene where a helicopter crashes behind our "good" characters and rolls towards them as they run away, very reminiscent of Aliens. Except the scene in this movie is comically bad. I don't see how anyone could watch it without laughing out loud at that special effect. There's also a drawn out death scene that drags everything to a complete halt just when it had finally started moving.Anyway, this movie has nothing to recommend it. Prochnow's evil scientist character is really the only one that's developed to any degree, and of course, he's the one we're not supposed to like.
By chance one one my friend had rented this movie! Other wise I would've went back to the video store to demand a refund! The producers just can't be serious! This movie is the WORST movie ever made! Nothing in this movie is original! Except the worst special effect ever portrayed in the history of cinema! Even If you have never seen a special effect in your life, by watching the said scene you definitely will know that it's not real! Therefore if a cocked eye dog could see the special effect how come it didn't get cut in the film? It's as if the producers won a prized to make a film and they gave'em a day to shoot it!!Stay away from this movie, Ugh! The first part of the movie is Alien (xept it's in a lab!) and the other one is Predator! I was expecting to see Jurassic Park in there too! I give this thing a -3/10 would've been worst if I had rented it!I pity the fool!