The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Keira Brennan
The movie is made so realistic it has a lot of that WoW feeling at the right moments and never tooo over the top. the suspense is done so well and the emotion is felt. Very well put together with the music and all.
One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Watching "Doc Hollywood", I was happily reminded of "Local Hero". Not that they're sharing the same plot, but both feature a young main character sent-to/stranded in a baffling small town, and bot have comparable levels of warmth in each story. Here, it's Michael J. Fox sentenced to community service in a one- pig hamlet. And that folksy fascism slowly becomes endearing quirk as he starts to get attached. These situations bring out the comedic side of this romcom, but it's the scenes he shares with (the utterly winsome) Julie Warner that really suck you in. Their (hesitantly budding) relationship is mature, develops organically, and I have nothing negative to say about it. Or the movie overall, for that matter. It's charming, sweet, and beautifully populated by the right character actors. This is my kinda romance.7/10
Michael J. Fox plays a hotshot surgeon on his way to Beverly Hills when he takes a detour that leads to him wrecking his car in a small Southern town. A judge sentences him to community service as the town's doctor. This leads to many fish-out-of-water situations between the easily-frustrated Fox and the local rubes, as well as his becoming enamored with ambulance driver Julie Warner.Nice comedy helped by a likable cast. Arguably Fox's best movie post-Back to the Future sequels. This movie gave us the first and only look at what God gave lovely Julie Warner to work with. Also gave us one-hit wonder Chesney Hawkes' only hit, the appropriately-titled "The One and Only." It's formulaic and predictable but undeniably charming and pleasant.
I've never been a fan of Romantic Comedies but this is in another league altogether. The plot, characters, quirky humour and of course Michael J.Fox set it apart from other films of a similar type. Fox plays arrogant, money obsessed ER doctor Ben Stone, who finds himself stranded in a small rural town after he accidentally crashes into the local Judge's fence. He is sentenced to 36 hours community service at the local practice and it isn't long before he meets sexy ambulance driver Vialula (Lou) played by Julie Warner, and gradually he starts to realise that love, friends, and community spirit are more important than the material things in life. It's an highly enjoyable feel-good film that's sweet and humorous without been sugary or over the top. The plot is nice and simple and basically depends on Fox's charisma and likability to hold it together, which he's more than capable of doing, and he's surrounded by a great bunch of co-stars for support.Warner in particular is great and makes a great love interest for him. She's sexy and feisty, and they both make their characters' interaction and gradual relationship believable. And the scene where they dance to Patsy Cline's Crazy is touching. It's an heart-warming and funny film.
Doc Hollywood is a film purpose built to allow Michael J Fox to be likable (if a little smug) in quirky surroundings, it also has some bizarre inexplicable nudity that is odd in what would otherwise be a PG 13 family flick.Fox is Ben Stone, a young hotshot surgeon waylaid momentarily in the sleepy small town of Grady ("Squash capital of the South!") on the way to LA to apply for a more cushy yet higher paid job as a plastic surgeon… he also plans to learn to surf.But alas for Stone a fence related automobile accident lands him in trouble, 32 hours of community service as the local doctor's replacement trouble.Now Stone is temporarily locum-ing for a cantankerous long time local doc who is laid up, and while the local townsfolk lay out the red carpet the staff of the hospital do not. The matron is particularly unsociable and by the book, and the ambulance driver Lou – who never gets a job for the duration of the film – is matter of fact once she realises that Stone is merely temping.Now it should be mentioned that Lou (Julie Warner) is a lady, she is also responsible for the inexplicable nudity earlier on. She twigs pretty quickly that Stone sees her as 'something to do' while he is in town and spurns his every smarmy advance. A bet with a local only serves to increase Stone's wooing two-fold.Meanwhile another local vacuous Paris-like gold digger played by Bridget Fonda is openly willing to do anything in order to get out of town and sees Stone as a well presented, four foot 6 ticket out of town.What follows is the typical quirky fare that seem to populate these films while the formerly arrogant and single-minded lead character learns where he truly belongs. He is given a pig in lieu of payment for his services, has various amusing adventures and encounters with patients and locals including Woody Harrelson as a rival suitor for Lou's affections… and all the while the local pageant and highlight of the year is a comin'.This is entirely formulaic fare, but dammit Michael J Fox was just so damn likable at this time of his career that it is hard to… well… not like him in this. And because he is the guy on the poster and there are enough cute moments (and unexpected nudity) along the way it makes Doc Hollywood difficult to hate.Even with all that said this was a 5.5 until the final minute or so, in a scene set in LA someone asks "Is that a star?" and Woody Harrelson's character replies offscreen "No, that's Ted Danson". For some reason that cracked me up so much that I was still chuckling half way through the credits.If getting the ending right is half the battle in a film that 5 second exchange nailed it for me, and pushed Doc Hollywood up to a "Worthwhile" 6. And if I'm wrong then it's just a harmless and likable unambitious flick with a bit of tit, and that's not bad either.Final Rating – 6 / 10. Not much to recommend, but nothing much to put you off watching it either.