Doctor Who: Deep Breath

2014 "New Doctor - New Beginning."
7.8| 1h16m| en

The newly-regenerated Doctor arrives in Victorian London, and Clara Oswald struggles to embrace the man he has become. All the while, they reunite with the Paternoster Gang to investigate a series of combustions that have been occurring all around the city.


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AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
NineTenElevenTwelve Peter Capaldi certainly starts his era on a high note with "Deep Breath"! While the new Doctor's personality hasn't been fully defined yet, he's still a joy to watch and is a wonderfully sharp change from Matt Smith's kinder and more welcoming Doctor. Capaldi brings a vibe of unpredictability to the role that shrouds this new Doctor in a veil of mystery. How far will he go? Where does he cross the line? I don't know and I can't wait to see how his role develops!Jenna Coleman absolutely shines in this episode as Clara Oswald. In fact, this episode is as much Clara's as it is the Doctor's. Clara's reactions to the new Doctor and the situations she finds herself in feel very believable. Her conflicted feelings about the Doctor's change bring an emotional punch to the episode and she really starts to come into her own as one of the best companions the show could ask for. As with Capaldi's Doctor, I can't wait to see how Jenna's Clara continues to develop!I've always loved the Paternoster Gang and it was a delight to see them make a reappearance for Capaldi's debut episode. All of them get a fitting amount of screen time as well as flat out awesome moments of action and dialogue.The main villains of the episode, not to give anything away, are intimidating and very interesting. They also act as a very nice reference to a previous episode (and I won't say any more than that).Overall, "Deep Breath" is just a great start for the Twelfth Doctor's era with nice emotional moments, welcome development for its characters, and several interesting surprises.
hoytyhoyty Well that's it, Moffat needs to be sacked and the BBC producers need a stern talking-to. Yet again they've managed to create a video-clip for some really boring, overbaked orchestral music, with no plot.I had some small hope - a smidgin - that the new series might show some kind of up-turn in the writing. My big, liquid eyes were upturned in big, liquid hope.But no, sadly, the Moffat we-MUST-make-dr-who-crap boot squad dashed my hopes, kicking me a big one right in the middle of my cute, puppy face.No plot, nothing particularly interesting, more of the same constructs we've seen before... Oh, and endless DWELLING on LGBT stuff! Sure, its quite reasonable to have a few LGBT characters, its 2014 and we are supposed to reflect reality not some 1950's fantasy. But this isn't a soap-opera, it's a sci-fi series. Well, it's supposed to be anyway...Every time Moffat rips my heart out like this - and his predecessor the deeply, amazingly un-talented RTD - I say I won't keep watching. But for some reason, I just cling to this notion that it will become good.What actually happens is you get a handful of good episodes. No, sorry, that's an exaggeration. You get maybe two, if you are lucky, per season. And these are enough to make me pretend the series shouldn't be canned.Poor Peter Capaldi.Oh and one more thing: no, the scots accent is NOT acceptable. I love Peter's native accent, especially in the 'Thick Of It'. But Doctor Who is ENG-LISH, and MALE.DEAL. WITH. IT.If you change something enough, it stops being that thing - John Nathan Turner and his idiot predecessor discovered that in the 80s when they drove the series into the ground.Then again, it's a soap-opera now. Somebody DID change it.It's certainly not Doctor Who.
Alexander Lebedeff It's insulting when a TV show episode tells me how I should think about its characters by using weak, expository dialog. It's even worse when a plot isn't really a plot, rather a "vehicle" that makes some sponsored points but few impressions.This episode starts with an excellent setting/premise: a Victorian steam-punk mystery starring Vastra et al. and a new Doctor, plus throws a Tyrannosaur into the heart of London! You've got a smashing episode, right?Nah, sorry. Basically, all this episode does is repeatedly stuff certain concepts down one's brain through limp dialog, while failing to deliver on the plot side. The best I could describe it is "fun, I guess."Vastra/Jenny, with their proved character potential, are all but wasted in this episode. Moffat, instead of writing Vastra some of the cool investigative intricacies of Sherlock, just throws her a "game is afoot" line (duh, got it), some moralistic posturing at Clara, with tons of tweenishly awkward interpretations of an interspecies lesbian relationship which verge on adolescent slashfic. Look, we get it already.Straxx? As always, a great job at comic relief. It's just that in this episode, there's nothing really heavy to get comically "relieved" from. Clara, with her whole "OMG, the Doctor's old!" thing, is one of the most slighted characters in this episode. Do we really think that Clara loved the 11th Doctor because he was "young and hot?" All of the sudden a faithful Who companion is turned into a person who thinks mainly with her hormones (her subconscious full of young men having sex, per Straxx's exam), and requires a knock on the head from 3+ characters to "finally" hug an "old" man. If he were, say, made of rotting green bacon, then this whole subplot would've made sense. But no, the new doctor's just an older-looking guy. It's not like he's asking her on a date, after all. What're the writers so insecure about?The villain in this episode could have been so much cooler. I mean, multiply steam-punk by millions of years... a sci-fi writer's dream! At least, he could have been relevant and/or made logical sense. But no, robots who only know you're not a robot if you breathe, and will hack at you with swords until you decide to hold your breath. And if they can make a blimp out of skins, how come El Honcho's missing half his face?Capaldi? Yeah, he's good. I appreciated the occasional tributes he did to previous doctors, but most importantly, by taking the crappy script he got this time and making it OK, he's gonna carry the role well. In all, an entertaining episode, though with insulting writing aimed at the LCD. I hope they don't saddle Capaldi with having to save every episode.
Rob_Taylor I had high hopes for this new incarnation of the Doctor, but after a very few minutes of viewing, I realised those hopes are likely to be dashed in this coming series.Capaldi makes a very nice Doctor. It's nice that an older actor has been assigned the role again. I always thought Chris Ecclestone was a good choice to reboot the series and Capaldi has a similar gravitas that, frankly, neither Tennant and certainly Matt Smith lacked.That said, Capaldi is utterly wasted here. The scriptwriting is uniformly terrible and calls for yet more of the clownish buffoonery that sadly has become so prevalent in the last two Doctors' tenancies.I'd hoped for more. I'd hoped for a more serious Doctor. I realise it is early days for the new Doctor, but on the strength (or lack thereof) of this first episode, I expect things to descend into inanity and endless scenes of "Look at me! Aren't I clever!"It's a shame, really. A new Doctor is the ideal time to steer the show in new directions. Instead it seems to be intent on sailing over the same old territory again. I note the next episode is to feature Daleks, for goodness sake! Have they no imagination anymore? In short, the episode was too long, too foolish and too muddleheaded to be more than a casual diversion. In other words, exactly the same as the last couple of series, which is to say, frivolous nonsense that you will forget (thankfully) minutes after it is over.SUMMARY: Weak start to the new Doctor. They are badly in need of a new direction and new writers.