Very well executed
Purely Joyful Movie!
I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Francene Odetta
It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Horst in Translation ([email protected])
"Comic Relief: Doctor Who - The Curse of Fatal Death" is a British 20-minute short film from 1999, so this one will soon have its 20th anniversary. The director is John Henderson and as it is Doctor Who, the writer is Steven Moffat. I read this actually consists of 4 episodes, which means each episode is extremely short, but to each their own. Early on, the Doctor is played by Mr. Bean Rowan Atkinson. But the longer it goes, the more actors show up to play this prestigious character, all of them probably bigger stars back then than today. This is also a big problem here. It really just feels like a line-up of stars eventually. The story is uninspired and generic, the sets look cheap and yet it is embarrassing how the actors try to deliver the pseudo-intellectual and pseudo-funny script in a way that feels so self-aware and over the top that I had to cringe basically from start to finish. Here and there the line delivery isn't bad, but as a whole, it felt truly embarrassing. Then again, I never understood the hype around Doctor Who and this short film made clear once again that this is probably the one cult show that is unbeatable when it comes to bad character writing in terms of female characters. Literally, the assistant only exists to make Who even more spectacular and get him even more attention. Zero shades. 4 stars out of 10 is still pretty generous. Don't watch.
Dr Moo
One-off spoof starring a new Ninth Doctor (Rowan Atkinson) and his companion Emma (Julia Sawahla) with whom he is having a romantic relationship. It sees the duo go head-to-head with the Master (Jonathan Pryce) in a battle of time paradoxes eventually leading up to a confrontation with the Daleks. Things soon go wrong and the Doctor is forced to regenerate into Richard E Grant, then Jim Broadbent, then Hugh Grant before getting killed once more irreversibly. Or not, behold the Thirteenth Doctor: Joanna Lumley! Since the Doctor and Emma had planned to wed but Emma doesn't swing that way things seem to be over for the romantic side of their relationship and they decide to go on as just friends, but then the Doctor takes a liking to the Master instead.So there you have the entire plot and in an alternate universe where the series wasn't revived this would have been the end of the show and would probably be the last ever episode, as is this is a brief exploration of an alternate timeline were the 8th Doctor didn't turn into the War Doctor but instead became a Blackadder lookalike. And it is canon: read The Gallifrey Chronicles and see for yourself.Each of the five Doctors has got a clearly defined character and all of the actors are clearly having tremendous fun with it. Steven Moffat's script is well paced managing to fit so much great stuff into just under twenty minutes yet never once feeling rushed. He pays a loving tribute to the show he'd be running 11 years later poking fun at its plot holes (I'll explain later) and budget issues (These corridors all look the same) as well as letting Pryce's Master have some deliciously camp lines to deliver (They're not breasts, they're Dalek Bumps, they're also extremely firm). Doctor Who has never been funnier.10/10
I grew up with Dr. Who, I enjoy the show, and I laughed my socks off during "The Curse of Fatal Death"The piece tries to amuse both long-time fans of the show, and casual viewers who only know it 'that cheesy British sci-fi show', so it has a fair bit of juggling to do. However, the the comedy draws from both ends of the spectrum and, I think, can provoke laughter from anyone who has a passing familiarity with the original.All of the actors (Atkinson, REG, Broadbent et al) manage to put their own mark on the character during their brief interlude as the Gallifreyan Timelord and seemed to have fun doing it. Pryce was clearly having far too much fun hamming it up as The Master. Pryce's comments about prepping for his role make watching the 'making-of' segment on the video worth the time, alone - and the rest of it is quite entertaining, too.
Granted, the humor can be a bit broad, but this isn't a subtle social satire, folks, it's a blatant parody and, as such, some silly things are going to happen. I've heard rumbling complaints from purists about CoFD being "disrespectful" or something and I think that mayhaps those fans are taking themselves too seriously. If you can't laugh at yourself, then it's probably too late for you...
Although not to be taken seriously, "Curse of the Fatal Death" is a labor of love. The script features a lot of fan-pleasing moments and references. Rowan Atkinson proves how good a Doctor he could've been by playing the character straight, and not primarily for laughs. On the opposite end of the spectrum is Jonathan Pryce, who is just as excellent as the Master, going waaaaaaaaay over the top. The best part of the sketch is the quick-change regenerations near the end where Richard E. Grant, Jim Broadbent, Hugh Grant, and Joanna Lumley all play the Doctor in less than five minutes. Richard Grant is hilarious as the sex-fiend Doctor who has a good laugh over the Master's Dalek "bumps". Hugh Grant surprised me with his portrayal.
The video release also contains a "Making Of" special which may even be more funny than the sketch itself. Jonathan Pryce is the highlight of this section, proving how completely bonkers he really is. His interpretations of the Master's various laughs are hilarious.