Dog Lay Afternoon

4.7| 1h15m| en

A young girl witnesses her mother having sex with the family dog. When her father finds out, he burns the dog alive. She is so traumatized by these incidents that she later turns into a nymphomaniac. She moves to an island and lives there with her own dog, having sex with various guests who visit her.


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Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
lazarillo Despite a bestiality theme and the presence of Ilona "Ciciolona" Staller, this is actually a surprisingly boring movie. The opening is a doozy though. A young girl is playing outside her family's island villa when she hears strange noises. She looks in the window to see her mother going at it with the family pooch! This jaw-dropping scene is patently ridiculous (and obviously simulated--dogs don't usually favor the missionary position). Also, aside from turning on very perverted men, there is no real reason for a woman to WANT to have relations with a dog. It's not like they're great lovers (they're not very well-endowed, they're in a big hurry, and they slobber a lot). Anyway, the father walks in on this beastly congress and is apparently not happy about being cuckolded by Fido, so he ties the dog up and sets the villa on fire! It would be hard for the movie to top this, but it really doesn't even try. Instead, it cuts to some years later when a group of jaded bourgeois types come to the island. There is A LOT of talking and the pace becomes positively glacial (if it wasn't in Italian with no subtitles, I'd swear it had turned into a French film at this point). The now-grown girl (the very pretty Leanora Fani) is still lurking around, however, strangely with the same dog (who seems no worse for the wear). One of the male guests becomes infatuated with this feral girl after she steals his camera (and after he later walks in on his wife giving her a bath). I won't give away the rest, but expect some lesbianism and a threesome (or a foursome if you count the dog)."Cicilona" water-skies topless and dances naked at a party at one point, but I can imagine any fans of her hardcore porn work who see this thinking she is in some kind of perverted "dog movie" are going to be VERY disappointed at this slow,arty effort. I actually watched this movie more for Leanora Fani, who is prettier and far more talented than Staller, but it's not her best film either. It kind of reminded me of "L'Uomo, La Donna, y La Bestia" in its combination of art and outrage, but while that film isn't boring for one second, this film is often nothing but.
trashgang A couple is arriving at an island. The man immediately get fascinated by a girl wandering around on the island with her dog. Suddenly when he comes home his wife had brought the girl inside gaving her food and a rest place. Due the fascination by the man for the stray girl he found her naked in her bed, he start making love with her being watched by his wife. When the man is off taking pictures again, his wife makes love to the girl. When the man arrives home again he found them together naked and is asked to get involved. All this makes it a real sleaze movie. As we learn from the first moment in the movie the girl watches her mum having sex with...that dog. The dog has his appearances in the movie and when the girls get a spasm she tells to the couple what she has seen. The end of the movie is rather typical. Due the fact that there is this (fake) dog copulation this movie was never released worldwide. Only Italy (were it was made) released it on rental VHS. Of course this movie will never have his official release due the dogscene and the weird relation. There aren't many words in this movie and that's okay 'cause you will only find the movie in Italian, no subs. If you find this one, 'cause it's a hard to find OOP due the cover and title try watching it. The funny thing is that James Last made the music for this one, Last was a very famous composer in the 70's and toured worldwide. Guess he never knew what he was composing I guess. You will look twice when your neighbours dog is barking.
dbborroughs In these "enlightened times" I'm hard pressed to know if one should admit to having seen this movie, but considering that its actually a pretty good erotic sleaze film, I'll happily say I saw it.The plot is told mostly in flashback. It begins with a young girl seeing her mom have (simulated) sex with a dog. Dad comes home drags mom and the girl away and then sets fire to the house with the dog inside. The film then jumps forward as we watch a man waiting for something. The story then flashes back as we see the man and his wife arrive at an island full of party people. Periodically the man and woman catch sight of a young woman with a dog. The woman looks like a younger version of the woman at the start. I'll leave it for adventurous film goers to unravel what happens next, though I will say while its often sexy it all ends badly.Despite this film being in Italian, a language I don't speak, I rather enjoyed this movie. Sure its sleazy but at the same time it seems to be a well done drama with an "off-beat" edge. I had no problems following the plot. I liked that after the opening you were very much of balance wondering what sort of madness was going to show up. Granted its a cheap trick but it did help to keep things properly tense.Obviously this is NOT for all tastes. I think most people will have shut it off during the opening credits. If you can get past them and don't mind sleazy sexy drama I think you'll enjoy this, on some level, if you're open to it......Just don't look for an English version of this film. I can't imagine anyone being bold enough to attempt to release this in either England or the US, its opening is just a bit too much for most people.
theNomad What can you say about this,,,its about the most sleazy film ever made,1st off don't forget its all simulated so don't be going all save the animals on it,,still I very much doubt it'll be coming to a videostore near you soon,the only directors who come close to this in the pure exploitation stakes are Renato Polselli and Andrea Bianchi.The film starts in pure trashy 70's Italian sleaze top gear,with a woman being watched by her daughter having (I must say again thank heavens its simulated) sex with a rottweiler,she gets interrupted by her husband who ties the dog up and sets fire to the house with the dog inside,this all before the titles have finished,,move forward a bit in time,,,,and a set of mid life crises hit swingers move near said area and end up in a relationship with the daughter who's now a little bit older,,,from then on the sleaze really kicks in,,i don't wanna totally give away spoilers so I'll leave it at that,it all ends bloody which you can always be sure the Italian gaillo films will,fans of euro sleaze will i'm sure be happy with this film which I gave a 9-10 for sleaze content and a pretty fair 5 for the film itself,,,happy hunting folks