This is How Movies Should Be Made
Please don't spend money on this.
It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.
Keeley Coleman
The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
I want to warn you that there is a very bittersweet quality to this comment. Also, this comment will be much more meaningful to you after you have seen the movie.Although it is tragically sad to say, that movie bears a resemblance to my life that is so striking that it is truly scary. The rest of you will never know how accurately that movie depicts how persons who have been in situations like that act and react in their later lives.This could not have been a work of fiction; it had to be based on personal experience.My testament to the how good the movie was is shown by the fact that, although it was one of the best movies I've ever seen, watching my life portrayed on the silver screen was such a searingly painful experience that I will never be able to see it again.But I endorse it heartily to all others as a chance to peer into the soul of another human being to the extent that you probably never experienced before or will ever again. I know that for a fact, because that's my soul you will be observing.
Rosemary (zelda1964)
I saw Dominick and Eugene,and the movie gave me an understanding of Brotherly love and Devotion.In the movie, we find Eugene becoming the kind heart who saves his Brother. He feels torn between the Brother and individuality. What unfolds in the movie is the similarity between their father, and Mikey & little Joey's dad. In reality,many victims are just like mikey,afraid to speak about what happens.I thought Hulce(Dominick) had a great line with "If I were God,I wouldn't let that Happen to my Boy". To me, it is a metaphorical reference to what we are taught about Jesus and God in the Bible.We see Hulce crying about Christ dying, and he does not understand the meaning of Sacrifice.
DOMINICK AND EUGENE (1988) ***1/2 Ray Liotta, Tom Hulce, Jamie Lee Curtis, Todd Graff, Bill Cobb, David Strathairn. One little gem of a sleeper that was ironically released the same year as "Rain Man" with some parallel storylines: the troubling and realistic portrayal of twin brothers, one mentally challenged (Hulce believeably perfect as a man/child) and the other a brilliant medical student (Liotta in arguably his finest performance) whose love for one another is only challenged by the undying bond of guilt and responsibility. Beautifully told with a wonderful score by Trevor Jones and some heart wrenching moments by the film's end. Possibly the best told story of sibling love among brothers. Directed with a steady hand by Robert M. Young and produced by actor Mike Farrell (best known as BJ Hunnicut on TV's "M.A.S.H.")
This is one rare films I can watch over & over again & cry every time. It's so intensely touching Tom Hulce gives such a moving performance. His character Nicky is pure, gentle, innocent & Hulce plays it beautifully. It's such a gem of a film & the sad part is when I tell people it's in my top ten. They have never heard of it. It's like everything else though. If it isn't trendy not a lot of people know or even consider watching it. This movie is a tradition for my mom & I whenever we watch it we always have a box of Kleenex near by. Jamie Lee Curtis gives a really good performance as Ray Liotta's girlfriend in the film.