This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Excellent, a Must See
The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
One thing you can say about "Don Peyote" is that it's interesting. The story is fairly dark, there are a lot of "tripped out" sequences -- unfortunately, the directing doesn't rise to the challenge, so you don't really feel immersed in the weirdness but rather like an unwelcome and unwilling spectator of it. The scenes, for example, where he's taken to an underground lair of homeless people or when he finds his fiancé having a sex party at their apartment, are supposed to feel like Fellini but they feel more like Andy Warhol on his worst day (and that is something terrible to behold). It's as if the director invited a bunch of his friends, told them to bring the sexiest date they possibly could and to wear an odd costume, and just shot the results. Weirdly, Anne Hathaway shows up halfway through this film in which almost every other actor is obviously non-union. Supposedly Topher Grace is in it too but I didn't spot him; perhaps he wore sunglasses or some fake hair to make his appearance here less embarrassing and noticeable. And yeah, when Topher Grace is embarrassed to be in your movie, you have a problem.I did make it to the end of the movie, because I wanted to see if anything interesting would happen: it doesn't. If you think about it, the plot is the same as the Hangover: guy's about to be married, goes on a wild drug experience wit his friends. But this guy Dan Fogler -- who's billed 7th despite the fact that his mug is in a close-up in nearly every shot of the entire film -- actually makes Zach whatshisname or Jack Black or any of those people look like Peter Sellers. He's not a horrible actor, but he can't sustain an entire film, and he's not very funny. Leave this one alone if you can. Unless one of your friends is in the movie, then it might be worth watching if you can spot them in the middle of this madness.
I read all the other user reviews and was afraid this might be a weird rehashing of fear and loathing or something. Not at all.This film is about exactly what it portraits in the film, no metaphors about coming of age or anything. This film is about a man who begins to see through the illusion of society, and loses his grip of what is both real and important. Our protagonist does ayahuasca during a bout of hallucinations, and ends up in a mental hospital. after escaping he does it again with a homeless couple and relinquishes his grasp on society. This is the first review I wrote, I signed up just to review this movie. If you have never partaken of ayahuasca or dmt, it may be very hard to relate to the main character, and this is how these other reviews struggle to find meaning g or lessons in the movie. Take it at face value: this is a story about how those who see through the veil of society are often rejected and cast aside as mentally ill or unstable, all for not following the school, work, buy, die mentality of our times. Extremely well executed bravo.
I feel like I was not in the right state of mind to really enjoy this movie. Then again, the three kids in the back of the theater where in the right state of mind, I could smell if from the front row, but even they left before the movie was over.The movie was real psychedelic in that 1960's sort of way, but rather than an acid trip the filmmakers get high on the chronic. A different experience that I feel makes the movie suffer.High on weed, the movie is more strange than funny. Too strange to really justify me sitting in that theater for 90mins. The jokes I more just got than found funny.The movie's value is increased by what I'm guessing is the filmmakers many friends making cameos. Topher Grace,and especially, Josh Duhamel who plays a wondering hobo were fantastic. Other stars made cameos but not as impressive. I went in wanting to enjoy this and I wish I did but I can't.
Peter Black
I guess since I am the first person to put a review up for this movie, I shouldn't dump all over it. I honestly do not know what to think of this film.This is not the type of movie most people like, but that does not mean it can not be good.On a whole, it came off much like a trip, drug or psychosis based, very unstable and peculiar; the fourth wall was broken. It is at times a comedy, a tragedy, a documentary; the focus shifts numerous times as does the cinematic style and tone and story.It was narrated in parts and in some of the most confusing sequences, you are left to your own mind. I spend a lot of time analyzing things. This movie still doesn't make total sense to me and I'm not sure if it is because I am missing something or reading too far into it. I think it might be clearer in a few days, but I wanted to leave a positive review now to perhaps convince a few people to check the movie out if they get a chance.The film starts with an idea: The 100th Monkey phenomenon, which states that after a certain number of people learn or partake of an idea, a critical mass is reached and that idea is pushed out into all of that species, instantly, and becomes universal. Everyone knows that thing once a certain number of people know it.Warren (Dan Fogler), unemployed artist, pot head, has crazy dreams. That is the only remarkable thing about him until a day comes when a crazy homeless man confronts him on the street. From that day on, Warren descends into himself, insanity and a confusion of mind and body, spurned on by drugs along with Doomsday and conspiracy theories.Searching for a purpose, he starts interviewing people on topics of the 2012 apocalypse, nwo, cia, illuminati, lizard people and every possible conspiracy theory--BUT, that drive and initial plan are lost and soon Warren loses control of himself, falling deeper into the trip and chaos of his mind.What is real? What is actually happening? Are we seeing what Warren sees or is it the actual truth? Did he lose himself because he was touched by some random weirdo; was he always teetering on the line of sanity.---"Don Peyote" was written and directed by Dan Fogler. If I had more time this week I would find a copy of his first movie "Hysterical Psycho" just to get a sense of what his style is like.One thing is for sure, this movie is important to him and whenever a person cares about something, us humans owe it them to give it a chance and show it due respect.That said, I honestly don't know how to feel about the film.1. IMDb's actor rating system is screwed up. Looking at the page of 'Don Peyote' you think the main actors are Anne Hathaway and Jay Baruchel. They make appearances, but they are not the stars.2. This is Dan Fogler's movie and since I find him hilarious, I did not feel slighted checking this movie out.I had a couple of feelings and theories regarding the story, but I am not sure whether they should be said; or if they constitute spoilers.There are people out there, we all know them. The one guy who thinks the world is going to be over by the years end. The girl who thinks mercury in fish is poisoning everyone; the couple who hordes food; the pot-head friend who always talks about the illuminati.We live in a world where people have little purpose outside of themselves and there are so many shaded 'threats', dangers lurking behind buildings and in the empty places of cut down woods.As people, do we feel the need to speak of these things, to convince people of what we believe, make sure enough know to trigger the '100th Monkey Phenomenon' and help this world? "Don Peyote" was a descent, the visualization of a man going crazy, seen from his perspective. It was a crazy movie. It was supposed to be crazy and I liked it. But I like surreal and weird and new stuff. I have never seen a movie quite like Don Peyote.If you decide to see this movie...see it. Actually watch it, rather than compare it to other movies you like the entire duration.