Double Whoopee

6.9| 0h19m| NR| en

Stan and Ollie wreak havoc at an upper class hotel in their jobs as footman (Hardy) and doorman (Laurel). They partially undress blonde bombshell Jean Harlow (in a brief appearance) and repeatedly escort a stuffy nobleman into an empty elevator shaft.


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ThiefHott Too much of everything
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
classicsoncall Whoever typed up the job recommendation for Laurel and Hardy (see above) probably didn't know them very well. The Boys rewrite the rule book on the doorman position of an upscale hotel, throwing the entire assemblage of guests and staff into an uproar. Recurring bits involve a visiting Prussian dignitary (Hans Joby) falling down an elevator shaft, and a frustrated cab driver (Charlie Hall) rounding the block every time Ollie inadvertently 'blews' his whistle. The treat for this viewer was catching Harlean Carpenter in a quick appearance, in a rather daring scene exposing her bare back when the gown she's wearing gets caught in a taxi door. In the credits she's listed as the 'swanky blonde', and that she is once you realize she's Jean Harlow. Among the myriad of eye pokes, foot stomps and requisite pratfalls, Laurel and Hardy once again wreak havoc where more refined hotel guests would fear to tread.
Robert J. Maxwell Silent. An employment agency sends Stan and Ollie to a fancy hotel, with a note of introduction: "We have reason to believe they may be competent." Of course, they're not.First off, they're mistaken for a visiting Prince and Prime Minister, and there are some diverting moments involving their signing the register, with Ollie shaking the ink out of the pen and the Prince falling into the grime at the bottom of the elevator shaft.The teen-aged Jean Harlow appears for a few minutes, and, man, she is gorgeous and sexy. Whew.There are some running gags involving a beat cop and a cab driver but there's nothing outrageously comic about them. It's a reasonably entertaining short, with Stan and Ollie doing their usual stuff.
JoeytheBrit This silent Laurel and Hardy short is chiefly memorable for being the one in which young Jean Harlow loses her dress after Stan traps its hem in the door of the cab from which she has just emerged. Other than that moment there isn't much of any note in this film. Stan and Ollie play temporary doormen, sent to work at a posh hotel, who are initially mistaken for a Prussian prince and his prime minister.The boys create the usual mayhem; Ollie, with the curiosity typical of a small child, blows his the whistle on his uniform to see what happens and is berated by the cabbie who turns up to find a non-existent fare. Later, Stan does the same thing which is the cue for a tit-for-tat battle between the cabbie and the boys. It's an entertaining enough film, but definitely not one of the boy's best.
MartinHafer For years there has been a half-truth among Hollywood lore that Howard Hughes "discovered" Jean Harlow when he cast her to star in HELL'S ANGELS. While this may have been her first big role, she'd already appeared in quite a few shorts for the Hal Roach Studios. This film, in fact, was the second Laurel and Hardy film in which she appeared (the other being LIBERTY). While her role is not huge, it's very clear that this is Jean--though her 1930s trademark looks are not present in DOUBLE WHOOPEE.Aside from Jean, it's pretty much an average to below average Laurel and Hardy film. I think most of this is because while funny, the chemistry isn't quite right here, though it's hard to exactly put my finger on it. It just didn't seem quite like a Laurel and Hardy film--and by 1929 the style and format of their shorts was pretty much established.The boys play employees that are sent by an agency to work at a nice New York hotel. At the same time, a rich European prince arrives and the folks at the hotel mistake Stan and Ollie for the prince and his Prime Minister. After finally discovering the mistake, they put the boys to work.There are two main "big gags" in this film. The first involves a contrived bit involving an incredibly unsafe elevator. Through no fault of Stan and Ollie, the Prince keeps falling down the elevator shaft. This bit was a bit over-used and also had me wondering if they really made elevators like this. If so, then I am surprised that most Americans weren't killed! The second is a series of bit like you'd see in other Laurel and Hardy films such as TIT FOR TAT and TWO TARS. A small argument escalates and Ollie and a tough guy (Charles Hall--in a very typical role for him) start destroying each other's clothes--and Stan joining in for good measure. This bit is reprised later inside the hotel with the other hotel employees and soon everyone is fighting and destroying each other's outfits. Both gags are reasonably funny to watch but also seem amazingly contrived if not impossible--making the humor just a bit forced. Still, it's not a bad film at all, though one that is best remembered for a small part played by a young and relatively inexperienced Jean Harlow.