Down Terrace

2010 "You're only as good as the people you know."
6.4| 1h33m| en

After serving jail time for a mysterious crime, Bill and Karl get out of jail and become preoccupied with figuring out who turned them in to the police. On top of that, the "family business" is on the rocks, and the motley crew of criminals who operate out of Down Terrace aren't feeling terribly trusting of one another. It might look like an ordinary house, but at Down Terrace, the walls are closing in..


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Baby Cow Productions


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HottWwjdIam There is just so much movie here. For some it may be too much. But in the same secretly sarcastic way most telemarketers say the phrase, the title of this one is particularly apt.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
mraculeated The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
baradanikto On repeated viewings, this film becomes more enjoyable as a very,very,very dark comedy.Initially as a crime/drama it has an endearing and shocking effect, but I can't help feeling that Ben Wheatley's intention for this was to be a dark comedy.It's raw, disturbing, but the outrageous psychosis in this film now has me laughing all the way through.The acting, claustrophobic camera work and the music are excellent.Deserves a 9/10.
stephen-ford-189-295600 Excellent. Well crafted. Brilliant direction. Nice people becoming sinister but you still like them.It is about a father and son released for a crime which is not made clear in the film. They return to their livelihood but are still concerned about the people close to them who incriminated them for the crime. I felt a definite sympathy for the two protagonists, especially the hippy father, changed by time and market forces, but the tale unravels a shock horror which is similar to 'Arsenic and Old Lace' with Cary Grant, without the laughs.This is not a blockbuster, thank heavens, but an artistic exploration of souls. I will buy it as a quintessential damn good film.The tale will live with you forever, as good stories do.
sirako It's a movie you will enjoy only if you enjoy being cheated.The music is awful, and it's the only thing I thought it was well executed. The actors are good, but the characters are not worthy. It's never rally developed and it look like a collage of ideas from everywhere with a not really good result. The movie feels cheap instead of home made (I adore cheap films when you don't think about the budget while you are watching) but also, it feels like the people involved never had the courage to accept it wasn't material for a full length movie, maybe a short might have worked well.Dark comedy never really comes, not at all, since it's not very well justified (not in a poetic, non-sense way), it is just bad written, not absurd, or evil, or with a commentary in human nature, it just repeats what dark humor geniuses have done, without understanding why humor has to be black, but also humor (like Swift, or Marquis de Sade's writing) it felt so superficial that the only funny thing around this movie, is people saying "if you don't think is funny, it's because you are dumb".This movie is, in my opinion, a waste; of good ideas, of good actors and a waste of the viewers experience, and I feel guilty cause I've spent some time writing about it.Just watch it if you LOVED Kill List, the whole thing, even the lazy ending.
justincward I really enjoyed the microbudget Down Terrace - it's the story of a Brighton (English seaside town) gangster family in the style of The Sopranos, where suburban gang soldiers can expect no mercy from anyone, even in the middle of a bowl of muesli. In the end they're all in various degrees of psychosis - the logical conclusion being that the characters have to kill or be killed. And kill they do, getting through miles of polythene sheeting in the process.The plot, such as it is, is that the family who run the crime ring (which we never really learn about) suspect that they've got an informer, and over two weeks the operation falls apart bigtime as the paranoia escalates.It's carried on in a Mike Leigh impro style, and some of the acting and dialogue might have done with a bit more direction and editing, but that must be a consequence of the small budget. The unfamiliar cast get right under the skins of their characters - I used to know exactly the sort of hippy drug dealer that would have turned into Bill, the folk-and-blues singing father who thinks he's Chinese philosopher (Art of War) Sun Tzu.Down Terrace is surely best watched on a small screen. On the big screen the claustrophobia of the small terraced house would be overpowering, and in order to tolerate this tale of family dysfunction, wholesale murder and psychosis you need to be able to detect the black, black humour running through it.There are some great touches throughout, if you watch it without trying to make too much sense of the plot; it's the sort of film that inspires you to make your own low budget thriler, and that can't be bad.