Dr. Caligari

1989 "the MAD doctor is in."
6| 1h20m| R| en

Mrs. Van Houten has shown signs of losing touch with reality, and her husband discusses possible treatment with Dr. Caligari, who says Mrs. Van Houten has a disease of the libido.


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Incannerax What a waste of my time!!!
Palaest recommended
Joanna Mccarty Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
Cody One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
SexyHorrorsDotCom Steven Sayadian co-wrote this film and two others with Jerry Stahl, who was the subject of a Ben Stiller film called Permanent Midnight. The other two films are the X-rated gems entitled "Cafe Flesh" and "Night Dreams." The latter is considered one of the great adult films ever made and for good reason...it's truly amazing! If you liked Caligari you should really check out Night Dreams: yes it is XXX but the style is all surreal and dark with a fair dose of bizarre comedy. Also part of the soundtrack is from Wall of Voodoo! (Their version of Ring of Fire is in one very sexy sequence). Cafe Flesh is less surreal but I highly recommend it for the science fictional-porn plot alone. www.SexyHorrors.com
Walter Five This is simply one of the strangest films ever made. Directed by Stephen Sayadian, the man that gave you the Sci-Fi Porn Thriller, "Cafe Flesh", "Dr. Caligari" is one of the 80's cult films that is *so* strange, *so* bizarre, that it defies ordinary description. More Mondo than "Forbidden Zone", more inexplicable than "Eraserhead", more indescribable than "Invocation of my Demon Brother", it's a psychotic psychodrama romp semi-sequel to "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari"; it seems Dr. Caligari's grand-daughter has opened her own asylum for the sexually maladjusted, and is experimenting on her patients. Words cannot do this film justice. It's a shame it's out of print. It's totally brilliant!!!
marymorrissey It's a shame that Steven Sayadian's career as a writer directornever took off. He might have been recognized as a comicsuccessor to David Lynch, or something. And, who knows, maybewe haven't heard the last of him.This movie is so inventive, so smart, so bold and beautiful. Surethere are some details that I never really could get behind("chinchilla chinchilla!") but Dr. Caligari offers so much more thanmany more critically acclaimed and successful stuff out there. As amatter of fact, for my money Dr. Caligari (1989) *easily* surpassesthe original Cabinet of Dr. Caligari in all aspects of cinematicgreatness.It's not possible to praise Fox Harris and John Durbin enough,their performances rank among the best I've ever seen on film. I once wrote SS a fan letter asking if I could audition for his nextfilm and he was really sweet he phoned me. But sadly, the nextfilm never happened. I've heard he's a pretty hot number, too!
Fuzzy-26 This is definitely one of the strangest alt-indie-freak films I have seen. The characters are almost caricatures, but their actions are choreographed with their lines as they pose around each other.Madeline Reynard is electrifying as Dr. Caligari, a descendant of the infamous Caligari. She is working on an insidious plot to transfer personality traits between patients in a mental hospital by swapping brain fluids. Her plans go awry when some staff members catch on and she uses a cannibalistic masochist (Shivver Boy) in her experiments.I definitely recommend this movie for your collection, if not to scare your "normal" friends but for the giant latex tongue.