Dr. Moreau's House of Pain

2004 "Some legends are reborn... And some never die!"
3.9| 1h12m| en

In a big mansion, a scientist has been experimenting with humans and animals, mixing their DNA together.


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Full Moon Entertainment


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Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Michael_Elliott Dr. Moreau's House of Pain (2004) * (out of 4) Eric Carson (John Patrick Jordan) goes looking for his brother who has gone missing after visiting Dr. Moreau (Jacob Witkin). Pretty soon he sees the horrible creations caused by the doctor as well as getting lucky with the sexy panther woman (Lorielle New).DR. MOREAU'S HOUSE OF PAIN is pretty much what you'd expect out of a low-budget movie from Charles Band. If you're familiar with Band's work then you should know what to expect here. You've basically got a very low-budget movie that is "borrowing" from countless other films. Obviously this one here is a take-off on the H.W. Wells but one shouldn't be expecting anything like previous versions of the story.The film's small budget seems to have had most of the money spent on the actual look of the film. It's quite colorful and I must admit that it looked rather good. The biggest problem with the film is its overall tone, which is just bad and not all that entertaining. Even worse are some of the special effects and the creatures just aren't all that believable. Even worse is that you really just don't care about the lead character, his brother or any of his problems.I will say that the one saving grace was the performance by New. Obviously she's a very beautiful woman and her nude scenes are a welcome but I thought she was also good in the role.
alex_l_johnston What would even compel some of you to think that this movie deserves A star let alone 10?!?!??! Did you actually watch this movie?!?!?!?! The "MANIMALS (a scrape for an idea in my opinion)" want to reproduce with the girl and take over the world?!?!?!?! The kids were dumb enough to go into the mansion when of course they were blatantly told not to?!?! Even the person who got mutilated on a table only for the table to be completely void of blood and guts not even two full frames later!?!?!? PLEASE, this movie sucks so badly I had to be reminded that I actually watched it. The MANIMALS?!?!?!? MANIMALS!?!?! YOU WERE "MOVED" BY THIS?!?!? Please tell me that is a joke, the only reason I cried is because I had no choice in turning it off and burning this movie in a fireplace immediately. DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE!!! You'd have more enjoyment playing with a brick.
lala-81 This film really moved me. I mean REALLY moved me. Like move to Nebraska and start a pig farm moved me. I don't know how to describe this cinematic majesty without degrading its purity. It is a magical experience. Thrills, chills, laughs,and more will all ensue after the opening scene. It has all the makings of a fabulous film including violence, nudity, and animals. What more could you want- NOTHING thats what. You must see this. I cant believe one would entertain the idea of not adding this quality American film to the home theater collection. Truly this is a film for everyone of all ages. See it see it see it. see it see it see it. See it see it. see it see it see it. See it now!
José Luis Rivera Mendoza (jluis1984) Director Charles Band has walked a long way on the hard road of independent horror film-making. He has given us as many good movies as he has done awful ones, but the only thing sure in his work is that he is completely dedicated to the genre he loves.With that said I must start saying that I was not expecting much of this movie, not only because of Band's uneven record, the main problem Full Moon has had in the last years has been the unbelievably low budget they use. I was expecting something really awful considering that the movie was loosely based in the really SFX-demanding novel "Island of Dr. Moreau" by H.G. Wells. I was really wrong.Set around the 30s (the exact date is never given), the plot follows Eric Carson (John Patrick Jordan), a low profile boxer who is looking for his missing brother. In his quest he is joined by his brother's lover Judith(Jessica Lancaster) and their friend Mary Anne (Debra Mayer), who is a reporter always searching for the next exclusive. While following a clue in a bar, they get involved with a stripper named Alliana (Loriele New) who lures them to an abandoned Asylum. They will find Dr. Moreau (Jacob Witkin) and his collection of the creatures he calls "Manimals".The most amazing feature of the film is the way it handled the budget to make the film REALLY look like it's set in the 30s. Band outdid himself this time as he really cared about things like scenery, music and props. He even recreated the look of film noir. The lighting and editing of the film is superb. I dare to say that it is among the best movies Band has directed, technically speaking.The Make-Up for the Manimals and the overall SFX are a bit bad, but the story makes up for it; the script is surprisingly good and the characters are quite developed which is a good change from typical B-Movies.The acting is above average, and while John Patrick Jordan struggles at times, the rest of the cast makes a good job, particularly Peter D. Badalamenti II as rebel Manimal Gallagher. Lorielle New as the sexy Alliene has good scenes, and shows plenty of nudity, for those interested.Overall it was a good movie that was hurt hard by its lack of budget, nevertheless Charles Band proves that when he wants it, he still can make a good movie once or twice. 7/10. Nice Surprise indeed.

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