Dr. Rage

2005 "Unspeakable Human Suffering and Torture... All in the name of Medical Research."
2.6| 1h28m| en

After enrolling in an experimental study on Rage Impulse Disorder at the Straun Foundation, Michael Dare discovers that the research is not what it seems. After learning that the Foundation's head, Dr. Timothy Straun has his own agenda for them, Dare and head resident Dr. Susan Verger team up to stop him. Straun's shocking family secret and twisted plan are then revealed in a stunning finale.


Producted By

Providence Productions


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Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Solidrariol Am I Missing Something?
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
nicoleatskool My friend and I love laughing at horror movies. So, seeing this movie at Blockbuster, we thought this was going to be a laugh fest. It wasn't. It was so bad, most of the movie we stared at each other with our mouths in perfect Os, unable to believe this movie had actually been made.First of all, this movie claims to be based on a true story. No. Not a true story at all. A two headed monster living in the basement, a man who pulls his face off, an injection that makes your sweat radioactive... Yeah, none of this stuff ever happened. Maybe there was a place called the Straun House, but there are also Elm Streets all over the country, and I haven't seen Freddy Krueger once.And what's possibly the worst part about this movie is the cover of the DVD. I'm really tempted to contact the company and complain about false advertising. The cover shows a house in the background, and a hand with a bloody blade in the foreground. First of all, that house isn't in the movie at all. The Straun House is a run down building in a city... not a house at all. And not one point in the movie does anyone wield a weapon remotely like that.The only good part about this movie is the bum fights. The deformed monster in the basement with two heads that I mentioned earlier has been watching a show called "Bum Fights" on television his entire life. You get to see a couple clips that showed bums fighting for a dollar. There were a lot of homeless people in this movie. It made the movie a little less painful to watch.I gave it a 1 out of 10 because 1 is the lowest IMDb goes. This movie deserves a - 329749734798987124667. I would give it a - 329749734798987124666, but the bum fights made it one point better.
Chris Mackey (guestar57) STRAUN HOUSE Starring: Denice Duff, Andrew Divoff, Karen Black and John Kassir. "So, You think you're ANGRY now !,Wait till THE DOCTOR sees YOU !"We wish they had used one of the original titles, Dr. Rage or The Last Patient, The public would have loved this 'Reanimator-esque' Mad Doctor romp. Denice Duff is gorgeous and has some wonderful scenes. Andrew Divoff seems over the top, Until you are privy to whole plot. Karen Black as a lawyer, No really ! John Kassir is a rubber face henchman, Brings new meaning to the word "Lackey". Theasylum has a good scare here and seems to let it breath with gusto. The beginning and the middle set up a fantastic finale with multiple gore effects
wrlang I think that the cover said it was based on a true story, but I didn't see it. This is a C or D level horror film with little going for it. An angry man is sentenced to work with a mad doctor to control his rage. The doctor enhances the rage to extract the rage through the sweat glands ala the funky Gatorade commercial colored sweat. The only thing that saved this film from being a total washout was the relatively good acting by the experienced cast. I wonder why they took this job? It couldn't have paid very well. Only two good things about this movie, the sex scene between Duff and Polk and the last 8 minutes with some surprise special effects. Dialog was crummy, camera work was crummy. Scenery was crummy. They even had a setup for a sequel.
HEFILM The film is being sold in the U.S. as a Haunted House movie, even the menu designs show a house with burning windows and people with straight razors. Well none of that is in this movie! Shot in 2002 finally seeing a video shelf in 2006! Written originally like 20 years before that this is a film that escaped, briefly, not released. Was the only way to sell it to sell it as something it wasn't to this degree!?! Given the "quality" of the film, perhaps would be a cynical answer and the answer the producers must have decided was their only option to get the film off the shelf. But this is really shameful.The film almost entirely takes place in rather poorly decorated warehouse interiors trying to be some sort of hospital. Lots and lots of talk, the medical machinery when it's shown is very shoddy indeed. Brief nudity sort of in one love scene with Denise Duff should be mentioned as one of the few reasons anyone may not be totally angry to waste time and money watching this. She plays with her glasses a lot, that's as much character development as she explores.However, there is a mutant sort of two headed retard character/monster that is pretty well done and during the final 5 minutes there is a lively sequence involving him. The rest of the film is a dull cheap waste of time.Whole thing is shot on HD, and thought it doesn't scream video, it doesn't look especially good either, some of the lighting is really bad but it's in focus, just lacks any style or sense of claustrophobia or building tension. Talk talk talk. Cheap, cheap, cheap. A long wait for very very little result I'd think for all involved and for all those who have to watch it.

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