Dracula Reborn

2015 "Every bloodline has an end."
1.8| 1h42m| en

Horror about three journalists who travel from Vancouver to Transylvania to uncover the true story of Dracula. As they visit the area's historical sites and libraries to decipher the various clues behind the famed vampire's existence, the trio's determination to get their article may end up costing them their lives.


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Shoreline Entertainment


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Also starring Chloé Dumas

Also starring Yannis Baraban


Ehirerapp Waste of time
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Ogosmith Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Detroitblue This movie is a kill fest and if that is all you want to see well then have at it sports fans! The vampire truly loves to kill and is having fun doing it. He acts silly before the kill and ravishes his prey. This is the problem, because once you have seen the first three kills you might as well skip to the end because all the rest are the same. Not one player ever has a plan to survive or any hope to kill a vampire. It is all about just getting bit in the neck and sucked dry without ever seeing it coming or putting up any resistance. The lead female star looked like real live vampire and could stand to put one a few pounds. I don't know how she got the part unless she was the directors girl friend. The only other thing is that the vampire didn't seem to have any of the usual vulnerabilities, not even sun light and this was disappointing because the characters never seem to have a snowball in hell of not being killed.
averagejoreview Its a given that a "good film" is a subjective and most definitely a relative opinion. I gave this movie a chance, and it is a very disappointing film indeed, for me! Very slow, horrible acting, and a very dry script. If you're into a bad film that misses the mark on so many levels, this is the film for you. I can appreciate the work that was put into making this movie, but the director appeared to have slept through their responsibility on this one. There isn't any "getting the point of the film", it's just "Dracula". I'd have to be a family member and/or friend of the staff and/or actor(s) to give this movie any form of positive review. Afterall, I'm just your average jo. Consider yourself "REVIEWED".
japonaliya Sure, there are a ton of awful schlock movies esp. the low budget films from the 50's through 70's. The kind you see on Creature Features etc. But at least they were campy, or unintentionally funny....Unless this is a high school student film masquerading as a professional movie, this has to be on all accounts the worst horror, or at least vampire movie ever made....it is not campy nor funny..actually, it isn't anything I could even explain!The editing (esp. the first few scenes were jarring, the acting was laughable. If there was a plot, it made no sense.The vampire looked and acted like he watched Nosferatu too many times.Spoilers....Did just Dracula's hood protect him from daylight as he was in daylight in many scenes?How did he get from the US to Paris or anywhere the journalists were so fast..and WHY? The journalists go to Paris, then Romania to interview Dracula and his "cult" Hmmm the whole world (on the news broadcasts) knows Dracula is responsible for scores of deaths but no one tries to stop him? The journalists go to find Dracula, but don't bring ANY protection? No stakes, garlic,crosses, holy water...NOTHING.And of course for the most part they find them selves alone in dark places so they are picked off one by one.. From now on i will always check reviews before renting a DVD. Even if it only cost at the kiosk $1.50. I have been robbed!!!
Johngrntn Finally! I asked the universe for another vampire movie (besides Dracula: Dead and Loving It) that I could watch from start to finish without thinking "Wow, this is just another cheesy B-horror flick," since the romantic masterpiece, Twilight, and the universe answered me with a film to re-define the genre.From the beginning I understood what was going on in the story, who the characters were, and why I should be concerned for their well-being. The director lead me on a journey with all 7 of the main characters. And just when I thought I knew what would happen next, a vampire killed someone.What's more, I couldn't believe the cinematography. I didn't realize it, but the more a vampire bites someone in a scene, the more provocative that scene by comparison becomes. It's like every gurgling rip of flesh unpeels another layer of that vampire's tragic love affair with violence and his unabashed blood-lust with death that keeps him tethered to this reality as he lives out his sentence of immortality. And what blood... I think they actually killed somebody to make some of those shots.Here I thought I was rented Dracula: Untold, a movie by a similar title with an even similar DVD cover. But what a pleasant surprise to pop in the disc and discover something that Hollywood wouldn't want us to see; a film without those big-name actors; a movie I could feel alright blowing a buck sixty on a red-box to see.10 stars.