Dragon Crusaders

2011 "Holy Warriors Must Battle an Army of Demons"
2.7| 1h30m| R| en

In this sword-and-sorcery extravaganza, a group of marauding Knights Templar suffers a curse that transforms them into monsters, driving them to square off against an evil dragon obsessed with annihilating the entire world.


Producted By

The Asylum


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StunnaKrypto Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
SincereFinest disgusting, overrated, pointless
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
ebiros2 First look of this film reminded me of Reign of Fire, then I saw that it's made by Asylum. It's surprising that Asylum the same company that made Two Headed Shark Attack, made such a dark movie. But I like Asylum's picture in general, so I decided to watch.There's nothing wrong with the movie except that it's boring. There's no central figure in this whole story that binds things together. Character of Neem was super annoying.At least in other Asylum's pictures there're the giant lizards and fishes that keeps the story going. Not so bad of execution, but the characters just sucked in this movie.
Scootdoggy Dogg Dragon Crusaders can suck my D1CK!!!!Worst movie ever rather watch George Lopez do his stand up routine.the guys were very cute!!The Pirates were a bunch of dipsh1ts that the director picked up at a truck stop. This was the biggest waste of time and life. Burn this movie and then take a huge bloody sh1t on it. The maybe is watch it again. What was the point of this movie ? Did we really need another movie about dragons and crusaders? You can spend better time watching grass grow or even just watching a dark screen. Screw This Horrible Movie Just Don't! Do it. The special effects locked like an elementary school class got together and tried to make this movie . You should get payed to watch this.
info-11159 Asylum films have come back to the Uk with their new instalment of dragon fantasy - Dragon crusaders!!! Filmed in North wales , UK.... we see the return of local actors, Simon Lloyd Roberts and horse master and Actor, Dylan Jones.The story line was solid for the most part.... CGI again , low budget but with character.The horse scenes , I think, made the movie.... as well as the Snowdonia landscape!! All, in all , an enjoyable movie for all the family. Hope to see more of this talent from Wales.Well done all involved!!!Remember, i hear it took 2 weeks to shoot! Well done!
Boloxxxi A bunch of Knights Templar on the run after breaking with their king come across a village being attacked by pirates. After some argument about whether or not they should intervene or be on their merry way before the kings men catch up to them they decide to help out. Later they learn that one of the villagers, a young woman, is being held captive aboard the pirate ship. They commandeer a boat and go out to get her not realizing she has cursed the ship with an amateurish attempt at magic. Anyone who has spilled blood and boards the ship is cursed to become a gargoyle. It never occurred to this not-too-astute novice witch that those who have spilled blood and board the ship might do so on her behalf. And so unwittingly she cursed her rescuers, the Knights Templar, who must now odyssey for a cure.Well now, lets see.....what did I like about this movie? On the up side I thought the dragons looked okay. As well, there was a not-bad-looking agile swordswoman about 4 feet tall who likes to strike a pose after she kills. On the down side, the movie seems budget-challenged; one gets the impression that the dragons and effects siphoned off most of their funds leaving little left over for a better wardrobe for the Knights Templar (their Knight Templar outfits looked like something handed out by a homeless shelter) and a tighter script (especially better lines for the Knight Templar who liked to crack wise; he was so not funny).Listen, these are working people on a budget who are making an effort to entertain and make a living. I appreciate that. But certainly a little better script and directing could have given their limited resources more mileage since we all know that tons of money cannot save a bad script, and that, conversely, limited funds can go a long way with a good one. Hmmm, so lets see: 1 star for effort + 1 star for the dragons + 1 star for the sword-wielding short chick + 1 star for the movie in general. That's my rational folks. 4 stars. Love, Boloxxxi.