Dragon Day

2013 "The hack is the attack."
3.9| 1h36m| PG| en

When Duke Evans, out of work NSA analyst, is evicted from his home he moves his family to his grandfather's old cabin. However here they are also threatened when a hellish cyber-attack is unleashed on the US rendering anything with a computer chip useless. He must now keep his family alive, fight off would be thieves and a newly corrupted government and ultimately make the hardest decision of his life- to survive. Written by Patterson, Matt (V)


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IslandGuru Who payed the critics
Harockerce What a beautiful movie!
TeenzTen An action-packed slog
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
seanmurrayi Oh man, any 'Simpsons' fans here remember that Y2K Halloween short where even a MILK CARTON goes wonky because "it contains a computer chip," just like everything else? This movie just about stretches the same goofy generalizations as the basis for its own premise while neglecting the fact that it works best as a JOKE and complete FARCE. They expect to be taken seriously here.This film's chief assertion is that EVERYTHING containing a computer chip is "Made in China", and the Chinese have pretty much been preparing to one day destroy America through these chips ever since Richard Nixon's visit to the country in the early 1970's.Even the Samsung Galaxy smartphone that was manufactured in South Korea, which I'm currently typing up this review on, contains nonexistent Chinese components that both the filmmakers and conspiracy theorists lapping all this up want to believe could one day cripple America. "Plausible, intriguing premise," my butt!If anybody truly believes in this movie's nonsense, rest assured that the biggest portion of US debt is created by national defense spending (which, thankfully, is not outsourced to China) and using the production output from those sectors to continue fighting pointless wars in desert. China has no reason to get involved in our debt when they can just sit back and wait for the US military industrial complex to collapse and eat itself.And don't even get me started on the goddamn wristbands...I haven't had so much fun ripping into a film's sincerest efforts to be taken seriously with so many logically unsound premises since I first watched 'Johnny Mnemonic'. This movie really is THAT idiotic.
Eradan I really wanted to like this movie because I'm sympathetic to some of it's basic ideas such as prepping, fiscal conservatism, and national sovereignty. Unfortunately, "Dragon Day" is a poorly constructed mish-mash of themes that just don't fit together. I regret the $4 I spent to rent it from Amazon and I have no interest in seeing any further efforts from writer/director, Jeffrey Travis.DD starts with America being completely crippled by a Chinese cyber-attack that destroys every electronic device that employs Made In China microchips. As a result of the Road Warrior-type chaos that follows, the main characters spend much of the movie slowly dying from lack of food and water as well as being menaced by various thugs. At the same time, the script has China take over the country in a coup and enforce their control using some kind of ultra high-tech wristbands, which can't be removed and instantly kill the wearer if they break even the most trivial rule. Supposedly, the Chinese do all of this to get back the trillions of dollars we (stupidly) borrowed from them and they (stupidly) loaned to us. How destroying the economy and infrastructure of the US would enable Beijing to get it's money back is not explained. There is no evidence in the script that Travis ever considered the absurdity of this premise.Although either of these themes could be interesting if done well, they simply do not belong in the same movie. There's a reason Dystopian and Post-Apocalyptic fiction are two different genres. Not that it's impossible to blend them (see "12 Monkeys") but doing so takes far better writing and directing than this sad effort has to offer.There is yet another weird incongruity in this movie: Despite being openly hostile to Beijing because of it's potential threat to US sovereignty, DD is very sympathetic to Mexico. All of the Mexican characters are portrayed as virtually Christ-like. The main one is essentially a mestizo version of the "Magic Negro" trope found in so many Hollywood movies. This nonsense is a bizarre contradiction to the movie's theme of American nationalism. I have never met a Patriot who was happy about Mexico's ongoing, slow-motion occupation of the West Coast and the Southwest. Of course, there are any number of white liberals who love the idea (because Mexican culture is sooo supportive of feminism, gay rights, and transexuality, lol?) but these are the same self-hating, logic-impaired basket cases who always side against Trad-Cons, no matter what the issue. Does Travis actually think these people have the slightest sympathy for prepping, fiscal conservatism, or national sovereignty? If so, he should read all the reviews and posts here accusing him of "racism" because he doesn't support preemptive surrender to China.
Seba After seeing some bad reviews I was expecting a boring movie, but it was totally the opposite. If you are not the type of person that need to see the million dollar effects and the top paid actors to enjoy a movie, you will not regret watching this one. The possible fact of the USA not able to paid their debt and the massive cyber-attack that follows make a very interesting idea. It has a good plot, nice filming and it's great how they manage to make a movie on this complicate subject with a really low budget ($200.000). I would like to see the same movie, same idea, same director, same writer but with a Hollywood budget!
Jim Parks If there was only a way to give zero stars, I would have.The Blu-Ray DVD arrived yesterday, and my son and I sat down to watch it last night. We'd been anticipating this movie, because the concept behind it (Chinese cyberattack against the US) seemed very interesting, and the trailer was cool(ish).Horrible acting, abysmal, wandering script, and nonsensical technical explanations of the attack. We ended up having fun anyway, because we just switched from "let's watch this cool new movie" mode to "let's make fun of this piece of XXXX movie" mode. As something to poke fun at, it has some value. Otherwise, I would have just turned it off.