An abridged parody of the Dragon Ball Z Movie "Lord Slug" Dragonball Z Abridged Parody follows the adventures of Goku, Gohan, Krillin, Piccolo, Vegeta and the rest of the Z Warriors as they gather Dragonballs and fight the evil froces of Freeza Cell and Majin Buu. With the comedic writings of Lanipator, Takahata101, and Kaiserneko this may not be the DBZ you remember but TFS hopes you enjoy it all the same. How high can the Krillin Owned Count get? Who will be the next to go Super Saiyan? Can Vegeta's ego get any bigger? Find out NOW on DBZ Abridged!
Nick Landis , Ben Creighton , Lawrence Simpson , Scott Frerichs , Corinne Sudberg , Anthony Sardinha , Curtis Arnott , Christopher Robin Miller , Peter Robbins
Team Four Star